Blog Silence, World Travel, Stitches, and a House on the Market

FINALLY…I hope to be back to blogging with some sense of regularity.

Where have I been…that’s a good question. Perhaps more appropriately is where have I NOT been.

Here’s a quick recap:

1. We were finally able to bring home our son Joshua from Ghana, West Africa a few weeks ago.

Stories upon stories there (including how we were substantially concerned we would be arrested in Africa) and some of which may eventually make their way to the blog. As you would expect, it has been quite an adjustment bringing in a little guy who doesn’t speak much English in the midst of his “terrible two’s.” God has been gracious, but we would still love your prayers in this area.

2. I also literally went “under the knife” – a couple of times, actually.

For a while now, I have had a mole on my chest that I had been watching. A few weeks ago, I finally saw the dermatologist and he decided to actually “shave off” 3 of them for testing. Pretty big shocker when you are only concerned about one… 1 was fine but 2 of them were “moderate to severely abnormal” and were worthy of “excision.” This meant another trip back to see the doc and two surgical procedures, which have ended in 2 weeks of stitches and a 3 and 4 inch scar, respectively. The biopsies have turned out clear, but, again, it will be something I have to watch in the future. Thanks to those of you who knew and prayed, and I would encourage any of you reading this who have anything on your skin that you think looks odd to get it looked at soon. Melanoma is not anything to play around with and is actually more prevalent and serious than I knew. You can google for trouble signs to look for.

3. In our “free time” (as if there were any), in light of Joshua’s arrival, we have made the decision that we will be moving from one house to another (just one county over – not leaving Louisville or our church) to have access to some wonderful public schools there.

This decision has been in the making for a long time, but Joshie’s joining the family has sped up the timeline. Some blog fodder here too I’m sure as there are plenty of principles to apply for church planting and ministry, but again, time…I must find a way to multiply you! ;)

In the meantime, I have thoroughly enjoyed my first round of our coaching network (more on that in the days to come–some thoughts on how to expand and make it more accessible to more of you). I look forward to continuing that ministry and expanding it soon.

I also have begun to write for Boundless Magazine, a wonderful ministry of Focus on the Family and hope to link to/repost those articles here as they become available.

In the meantime, I’d love to hear if you have any particular ministry, leadership or church planting questions that I might be able to answer.

Perhaps the best way to get them to me would be through Twitter. Just follow and message me @dustinneeley and we can connect. Who knows, they may become an entry.

Thanks again for your patience. We hope to get the wheels turning again soon.

- Dustin

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IPHONE FOLKS : IPhone 5 Video Leaked. Gotta See!

This video speaks for itself. ;)

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VIDEO: How Coaching Helps

Coaching for the Rest of Us, our coaching ministry, loves to help others become more deeply rooted in the Gospel and go further faster in ministry.

For more information on how our coaching works, check out our sister blog here.

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VIDEO: Eric Rosenberry on “Planting Young”

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VIDEO: Why Church Planting Residencies Help

“In Case You Missed It…” Some Great Content I Read and Want to Share

I’ve tried this in the past, but have never been able to sustain it.

Now that I’ve got some help with the blog, I hope we can continue to serve in this area a little more regularly and effectively.

Here’s our first batch of four:

1. Why Can’t God just forgive Us? -Keller

2. 7 Tips for Communicating Well – Catalyst Space

3. Five Secrets Pastors Refuse to Tell – Thom Rainer

4. That Idol You Love Doesn’t Love You Back – Resurgence, Justin Buzzard

BLOG: My daughter dialed 911

A few years ago, my family and I took an overnight trip to Cincinatti.

The first few hours at the motel were great.

And then the police arrived.

Not what you expect for a family trip with the kiddoes.

You can imagine my surprise as I received an unexpected knock at the door and peeked through the peephole to see two State Troopers peering back at me.

I had no idea why they were there so – just like in the movies – I asked them “Is there a problem officers?”

They informed me that someone had dialed 911 from my room and they had come to check it out.

Uh…no they didn’t? I’ve been right here the whole time.” I thought to myself.

No one had even been on the phone…but…oh wait…my daughter had been PLAYING with the phone and apparently HAD dialed 911.

Go figure.

Thankfully, I was able to explain what had apparently happened to the very kind and understanding officers with large weapons. And I learned a couple of lessons that day that can help all of us today.

1. Don’t let your 2 year old punch numbers when playing with the phone. (Uh…yeah. Lesson learned.)

2. There are certain other things we should never “play around with” in life and ministry.

  • Boundaries with members of the opposite sex.
  • Financial controls within the church.
  • Our personal finances.
  • Our marriage.
  • Our purity.
  • Our health.
  • Our souls.

The risk is simply too great and there is too much on the line.

Are you “playing around” today with anything you shouldn’t?

If so, for the glory of God and the good of your family, church and own self, cut it out.

*Our new Coaching for the Rest of Us Network goes deep and asks the hard questions of life and ministry. To learn more about our ministry coaching, click HERE.

VIDEO: David Platt on the Nations and the American Dream

BLOG: The Office We Didn’t Rent

Over the past fifteen years, I have made a lot of decisions in ministry.

  • Some have been good. Others, not so much.
  • Some I still celebrate. Others, I still grieve.

But there are some decisions that I’m glad I didn’t make.

Like most church plants, our church began in the portable phase.

Set up. Tear down. Get kicked out of your rented high school.

Yeah, been there. Done that.

During this season, we also rented an office space. I have lots of fond memories of the work we did and the prayers we prayed there that come rushing back each time I drive by it. Oddly enough, I also spend a fair amount of time thinking about the office we didn’t rent as well.

  • The one we looked at that came with the crazy landlord and equally crazy rent.
  • And all the amenities that we didn’t really need.
  • The one that would have likely been a financial black hole and disaster.
  • The one we almost rented because it made us feel more hip and successful.

The one we almost rented.

In ministry, sometimes we can make a “good” or “neutral” decision for a bad reason. We can make rationalizations that seem reasonable but ultimately can’t whitewash the darker truth. Mistakes in the making.

  • What decisions are in your path today? This week? This season?
  • What criteria are you using to ensure you make the right choices?
  • How high are the stakes if you “get it wrong?”
  • Who is helping you make them?

Many plants succeed and fail based on the choices that are made. Choose wisely.

Want some help making more Gospel-centered, practical wisdom based choices? Our new “Coaching for the Rest of Us” Coaching Network can help. If you’d like to become more rooted in the Gospel and go faster further in ministry, click HERE and let’s talk.

Mark Driscoll on Humility and Notoriety