Inspiring people to practice kindness and pass it on to others


Lesson Plans & Pilot Program

Learn about our new pilot program to effectively teach kindness in schools.



Favorite Posts From RAK Week®

These are some of our favorite stories and tweets from this year's RAK Week.


1 Easy Way to Brighten the Morning Commute (how our staff spent the morning) #RAKWeek [LINK]
- @RAKFoundation

Our kids are psyched for Tuesday's #RAKWeek Challenge: Invite a new friend to play at recess! #scchat #schoolcounselor @RAKFoundation
- carlicounsels

@TheEllenShow We held signs of inspiration in the rain it was a success [LINK]
- makethesoosmile

#RAKWeek really makes a positive impact on all those around you. Glad I was a recipient of the kindness but more glad to be a contributor!
- will_hallock

Random Acts of Kindness Week: Leave a gift card or $5 attached to a kind note in a book at the library for a stranger to find #RAKWeek
- oaklifestyle


I'm the advisor of the RAK Club at our Elementary School in California. Our kind kids have performed countless random acts of kindness this week, but today was my favorite. They made valentines for kids at CHOC hospital. It was such a joy to deliver those valentines after school!!!

My work mates and I cooked food today for the local youth shelter. 25 kids ate very well tonight and likely for the next few days. It was a great day to share the love!

Took 2 dozen cupcakes to the retirement village where I used to visit my great-grandmother. My 5 year old had a blast knocking on doors & handing out Valentine cupcakes!

My first grader students(The kind kids club) have been performing RAK all month. They have made book markers to hide in the school library, they wrote and read stories to share with the preschool and kindergarten classes. They also made them each a "love bug" They are even hosting a school wide food drive! Amazing kids!


Cypress Hall Kindness Week Kickoff! #rakweek #reslife - [LINK]

Random Acts of Kindness Weeks starts tomorrow. What will you do? #rak #rakweek #randomactsofkindness #randomacts #kindness - [LINK]

#RandomActOfKindness #BeKind @theellenshow - [LINK]

News from Around the Web

New York Times - A Random Gift of Coffee Makes My Day - [LINK]

SF Gate - It's RAK Week. Be Kind to Others. - [LINK]

Examiner - [LINK]

Little Blue Boo - RAK (A Digital Short) - [LINK]

Babble - Ashley Hacksaw - [LINK]

The Vancouver Sun - [LINK]

The University of New Mexico - [LINK]

Wheels For Wishes - "Be Kind During The 13th Annual Random Acts Of Kindness Week"

Teaching With Soul - "Honk If You Love Someone"

At the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation, we believe people should practice kindness every day, but during RAK Week, we hope you will go above and beyond to make others feel special. If you're going out to eat, pay for someone else's meal or give the server a big tip! If you are light on money, think about volunteering your time at a local charity (and during RAK Week, make a commitment to volunteer more than once). If you don't live near family or close friends, make an extra effort to reach out to them with a phone call or hand-written letter instead of a text or email. If you live near an animal shelter you can donate food, blankets, towels or old (clean) t-shirts. When you do kindness, let us know about it. Doing so will inspire others to go out and act! Send us a message at, tweet your story with the hashtag #rakweek or post on our Facebook wall.

Download Free RAK Week® Bookmarks!

Brighten someones day with a random act of kindness: Download and print copies of our new bookmarks, write something kind on the back and then leave them somewhere for another person to later discover.

Bookmarks_red Bookmarks_green Bookmarks_teal

Our 2013 Extreme Kindness Challenge Winner!

Watch the inspirational video about Hannah Brencher's organization, More Love Letters. Congratulations to Hannah for winning our 2013 Extreme Kindness Challenge.

RAK on the Street


Random Acts of Kindness staff and volunteers took to the street to hold signs and share the message of kindness.

RAK Week® Cards


PDF Download Links

Card Exterior (shown above)
Card Exterior (balloons on white)
Card Interior (Winnie the Pooh Quote)
Card Interior (Emerson Quote)
Card Interior (Chinese Proverb)
Card Interior (Longfellow Quote)

To use these cards, download the exterior and interior of your choice and print them back-to-back, cut out using the provided guides, fold, write a kind message and send!