Jessica Misener


A Guide to the Alleged Illuminati References in Kanye West and Jay-Z's "No Church in the Wild"

Posted by jessicamisener on August 10, 2011 at 9:30 AM

Photo: Kanye West and Jay-Z allegedly doing the handshake of the Freemasons (Complex Magazine)

NB: It should be obvious, but the point of this article is to unpack and decode some of the references in this song that conspiracy theorists (a group I'm in no way a part of) are saying refer to the Illuminati. I am in no way endorsing this, or saying I believe that Kanye West and Jay-Z are Illuminati members, nor that I believe in the Illuminati. This isn't, like, evidence I'm presenting. This is a (lightly) academic study of this song.

The rich and famous are perpetually accused of being members of the Illuminati, a nebulous secret society with roots in the Enlightenment that's rumored to control all kinds of international activities. Recent alleged members, who are usually maligned on kooky watchdog websites, include Lady Gaga and Britney Spears.

Jay-Z, in particular, has had a prolific amount of Illuminati allegations thrown against him (here and here, for starters), which he's denied. Kanye West has also been the target of Illuminati rumors, which he's similarly denied, tweeting, for example: "I've got question about "the illuminati" ... what is it exactly ??? ... and why do people think pop stars have a membership???!!! LOL,"

And now that the pair have officially collaborated for an LP, Watch the Throne, conspiracy theorists' suspicions that both men have Illuminati stakes are bound to reach fever pitch. For starters, the album itself boasts cover art and liner notes strewn with pyramids, stars and other Illuminati-associated imagery, and has already served up a heaping dose of hypotheses.

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The album's first track, "No Church in the Wild," which features Odd Future's Frank Ocean as well as The- Dream, is probably the weightiest fodder for secret-symbol combers. Musically, it's a dark, tribal battle cry that's arguably the record's standout.

Pondering morality, death, classism and theodicy, the song rejects what seems to be the traditional Abrahamic religions and then brings in some tantalizing mentions of wisdom and deification. It's more of a statement against church qua organized religion than an overt paean to alleged Illuminism, but still, for two musicians who have both been accused of Iluminati ties in the past, this track won't go ignored. Let's examine why.

Sandwiched in among the usual rap-trope braggadocio about drugs, cars and girls, the hook to the song will undoubtedly net the most scrutiny from Illuminati watchers:

Human being to the mob

What's a mob to a king? What's a king to a God?

What's a God to a non-believer who don't believe in anything?

Will he make it out alive, alright, alright, no church in the wild

In this hierarchy, a human is subject to a larger mob of people; a mob is theoretically subject to a king's higher authority; the king is theoretically subject to God. But to the non-believer (Illuminati member?), all of these power structures are nil.

According to the most widely spread narrative, the (Bavarian) Iluminati was founded in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt, a German professor and trained Jesuit. The group was an outgrowth of the Knights Templar, a medieval society believed to have worshiped Lucifer, although they claimed the group was a Christian one long enough to merely delay a papal smackdown. Conspiracy sniffers maintain that the group is still active and has infiltrated most outposts of international banking, politics and other circles of power.

WIth theorists positing that Illuminati members quietly control the global economy, the relationship between Illuminati and "kings" (political power) is a tenuous one. Given that Illuminati members' alleged goal is to become divine, the members can ergo become all of these power structures: a network of people who not only control everything a god would oversee, but who are the "gods" themselves. It's a level playing field for those in the "wild," those who have left the safety of traditional religion's confounds and branched into this new way of being.

Is Pius pious cause God loves pious?

Socrates asked whose bias do y'all seek?

All for Plato, screech

I’m out here balling, I know y'all hear my sneaks

I would bet money that this is the first time a rapper has cited Plato's Euthyphro. In this famous dialogue from the annals of Greek literature, Socrates and Euthyphro contemplate the nature of piety. Jay-Z's lyric here references the famous chicken-before-the-egg-type "Euthyphro Dilemma": "Are pious things loved by the gods because they are pious, or, are things pious because they are loved by the gods?"

This "dilemma," i.e. the notion of objective "goodness," has had numerous consequences on the development of religion and philosophy (the rise of divine command theory, naturalism and the idea of independent moral standards, for example, as attempts to reconcile it), and has consistently posed to philosophers one of the hurdles in developing a comprehensive moral system. Socrates was famous for asking questions instead of answering them, and of testifying to his own ignorance. By citing one of the more famous thorns traditional religion has contended with, the protagonist of the song further distances himself from the trappings of orthodox society.

NB: There have been a bunch of horrendous popes named Pius, so it's not clear to whom Jay-Z refers.

Jesus was a carpenter, Yeezy laid beats

Hova flow the Holy Ghost, get the hell up out your seats, preach

Jay-Z famously goes by Hov, short for Jehovah, a Hebrew term for God.  If you're on the hunt for deification imagery, here you go.

Your love is my scripture

Let me into your encryption

Equation of encryption as holy text suggests the enigmatic symbolism of the Illuminati, and how, for members, mystery itself is the very thing being revered.

Tears on the mausoleum floor

Blood stains the Colosseum doors

Lies on the lips of priests

Thanksgiving disguised as a feast

Jay-Z here brings up theodicy, the problem of reconciling the existence of God with the visceral evils and suffering in the world. In the song, kings' deaths are met with tears; gladiators' deaths are mere entertainment. Thanksgiving is a "celebration" of the genocide of the American Indian.

Interestingly, the freemason temple in D.C., close to the White House, is modeled after the famous Mausoleum of Halicarnassus. Some also say George Washington's mausoleum in Mt. Vernon was constructed with Illuminati symbolism in mind.

We formed a new religion

No sins as long as there’s permission

And deception is the only felony

So never fuck nobody without telling me

The alleged goal of the Illuminati is to create a New World Order, a one-world government completely controlled by its members. It'd be embarrassingly blatant if Kanye here refers to the works of the Illuminati, and while he does thrive on transparency, these lines could also be read as some type of secular humanism. West champions a sort of "open relationship" approach to morality.

At its core, then, this track promotes some kind of existential rejection of God, in tandem with curious references that will inevitably be read alongside Jay-Z and Kanye's rumored involvement in the Illuminati.

Does that mean Kanye and Jay-Z are outing themselves as Illuminati members? I think only the most fervent of watchdogs who are jonesing to make their case would come to that conclusion. But regardless of what you believe about the existence of secret societies, the crypto-religious pastiche of  "No Church in the Wild" will, at the very least, be one more weapon in the conspiracy theorists' arsenal.

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Reply a lifted pixel
04:17 PM on August 10, 2011 
This article only convinced me to listen to a genre of music I normally don't give the time of day it deserves. I never realized some of these artists do release something with some meaning to it.
Reply rocfan
12:36 AM on August 15, 2011 
Nice break down. I knew he was talkin bout pope pious n philosophy but I wud not have figured the euthyphro reference unless I read this blog
Reply Salomon
12:27 PM on September 15, 2011 
Very well written. It was great to hear someone else's thoughts on this
Reply Tyler
08:36 PM on September 19, 2011 
Reply PeterK
01:44 AM on January 11, 2012 
So, the person with a face smeared with the menstrual blood of a Doberman as depicted in the accompanying booklet is not related to creating an Animal Alter? These two are so creative, they can manifest rituals in exacting specificity by mere chance! All that comes to mind is...Future Clowns. I really fear the effects of their stupidity.
Reply Jameel
01:57 AM on January 27, 2012 
Nice article, the socrates part still confuses me even when its broken down. I cant say for sure these guys are worshipping the devil but they seem to know something check me out on my site ever now and then i challenge similiar issues
Reply isiah
04:40 PM on March 26, 2012 
SO if i don't believe in illiminoty do i continue to listen to his songs?
Reply daobu
05:33 AM on May 16, 2012 
I think that illuminati is 4 real..........jay z, rihanna, kanye west and co........hell awaits!!! yet u triumph here on earth.ur doom is near.
Reply revjones
10:42 AM on May 29, 2012 
this is truly should check out a couple artist remake of that song..utube poloh co church is wild
Reply freemason
03:09 PM on May 30, 2012 
As a Freemason, I can tell you that that is not a handshake of a Mason. It's just a lazy handshake in that picture. Also, we can barely decide what to eat when we meet, much less organize a global conspiracy.
Reply Amanda
09:14 AM on May 31, 2012 
freemason says...
As a Freemason, I can tell you that that is not a handshake of a Mason. It's just a lazy handshake in that picture. Also, we can barely decide what to eat when we meet, much less organize a global conspiracy.

"Also, we can barely decide what to eat when we meet, much less organize a global conspiracy."
Rofl, isn't that the truth? My father is in masons, I've seen how they shake eachothers hands, and it's definitely not like that (even in public they abide by code).

People need to start realizing that while Masons has it's secrets, they're not tied to satan worshiping or the Illuminati. Members of the Illuminati can be mason and vise versa, but not the same thing.
Reply tritos
02:25 PM on July 05, 2012 
idiot or what?
Reply Zek
02:01 AM on October 05, 2012 
Interesting breakdown. I have seen others. Check us out at
Reply THC Buddist
03:11 AM on November 24, 2012 

What Buddha been saying, we all got god/good in us, just gotta find key to unlock, key=THC, clean THC, edibles, vaporizers, no smoke, smoke holds you down, Rocafellas gots the cleanest THC!

Elites at home enjoying THC while outlawing it so the majority their slave on the grind stressing about bills.


Truth shall set u free!

Earthlings could be more advanced if majority able to enjoy THC vs the greedy minority power hungry & scared of competition.

Like lots of religions, only one person is God, abusing their power, Buddha cool, hooking everybody up!

Reply THC Buddist
12:19 PM on November 24, 2012 

What Buddha been saying, we all got god/good in us, just gotta find key to unlock, key=THC, clean THC, edibles, vaporizers, no smoke, smoke holds you down, Rocafellas gots the cleanest THC!

Elites at home enjoying THC while outlawing it so the majority their slave on the grind stressing about bills.


Truth shall set u free!

Earthlings could be more advanced if majority able to enjoy THC vs the greedy minority power hungry & scared of competition.

Like lots of religions, only one person is God, abusing their power, Buddha cool, hooking everybody up!

Reply THC Buddist
01:25 PM on November 24, 2012 
Been meditating to Enigma Sadness for few days now, just found No Church In The Wild today, slowly but surely I seek the TRUTH.

UNI-VERSE Records=UNI-VERSE track=Everybody gets their 15 seconds to be heard, their verse, their voice, 100 years later new verses/voices still being added to UNI-VERSE track!

Kanye holla at me! Let's get this track on track! We all in this UNI-VERSE!