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Reply to John J. Reilly Here

The Turner Diaries
by "Andrew MacDonald" (William L. Pierce)
The National Alliance, 1978
Approx. 80,000 words

WARNING TO THE READER: This is the most repulsive book I have ever reviewed. Persons offended by descriptions of virulent racism and of the advocacy of genocide may not wish to continue reading.

Bibliographical Note

According to Michael Barkun in Religion and the Racist Right (p. 225 et seq.), the author of "The Turner Diaries" is one William L. Pierce, writing under the pseudonym "Andrew MacDonald." Pierce received a doctorate in physics from the University of Colorado and worked in industry and as a university instructor before becoming involved with Nazi groups in the 1960s. "The Turner Diaries" appeared from 1975 to 1978 as a serial in "Attack!," a publication of the National Alliance, an American Nazi faction led by Pierce. ("Attack" [Der Angriff] was also the name of the paper Josef Goebbels founded in Berlin in the 1920s.) The book was first published as a paperback in 1978, and Barkun cites a second edition, also published by the National Alliance (Washington, DC 1980). The text for this review was found online, without copyright, at in December 1997.

"The Turner Diaries" has been around for about 20 years at this writing. This work has long been of some interest to students of religious and political cults. What made it famous, however, was the destruction of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995. (The date was apparently chosen to commemorate the destruction of the compound of the Branch Davidian sect at Waco, Texas, precisely two years earlier.) The crime was committed with a truck bomb using ammonium nitrate fertilizer as an explosive, a weapon system described in some detail in this book. While there is no reason to believe that the perpetrators of the Oklahoma City bombing were working directly from the historical script set out in "The Turner Diaries," nevertheless the book is well-known in the circles with which they associated. Echoes of names and incidents in the story, such as the racist insurgent group known as the "Order" that appeared in the 1980s, continue to turn up from time to time.

The book purports to have been published in the year 100 of the New Era, which is apparently about AD 2100. In form, the book is a commemorative edition of the diaries of one Earl Turner, a 35 year-old electrical engineer who became a hero of the Great Revolution that preceded the New Era. The diaries cover Turner's activities as an insurgent from 1991 to his death in 1993. The revolution was orchestrated by a guerrilla army known simply as "the Organization." (Its opponents are normally referred to collectively as "the System.") The heart of the Organization was a quasi-religious group known as "the Order," into which Turner is inducted. We learn almost nothing about the governance or history of these bodies, though the Order seems to be inspired by the Templar-model of the SS sometimes favored by Heinrich Himmler, under the apparent influence of the apostate Austrian monk Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels. (See "The Occult Roots of Nazism" by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, New York University Press, 1992) For that matter, there is no systematic exposition of the beliefs of either the Organization or the Order. The diaries are supposed to provide a ground level view of a great event, interspersed with occasional reflections.

Before proceeding to an analysis, it would be helpful to look at a full chronology of the dates and events named in the text. The story is built around a system of commemorative dates. The major events of the Great Revolution are almost all timed to coincide with such anniversaries as Hitler's ascension to the Chancellorship of Germany (January 30), Hitler's birthday (April 20) and, especially, the Beer Hall Putsch and Kristallnacht (November 9). Some of these dates, as well as the sophisticated weapons the author describes, may unfortunately have relevance in the future.

November 9, 1989. Turner's guns seized under the Cohen Act, enacted 18 months before the Revolution begins. Nearly a million citizens detained by the government for weapons possession.

September 16, 1991. Revolution begins.

September 18, 1991. Turner's guerrilla unit (based at first in the Washington DC area) robs a Jewish liquor store (identified by surname).

September 19, 1991. Turner meditates on the revolutionary value of official corruption.

September 21, 1991. Turner's unit retrieves weapons stored in buried oil drums. Move to a new unit base. How-to information on stealing electricity and water. Assassinations directed against public officials, Jews and "responsible conservatives."

September 30, 1991. Notes on a radio pager system used by the Organization. Government develops an internal passport system. Organization begins developing a bomb to destroy the FBI computer center.

October 3, 1991. Description of a perimeter alarm system, including photocell and sensitive ground-pads. Escape route prepared through a storm drain.

October 6, 1991. Detonator for the truck bomb described. Merits of various explosives considered. TNT preferred, fertilizer bomb a more doubtful possibility.

October 11, 1991. Bombing to proceed with ammonium nitrate to preempt the passport system as quickly as possible.

October 12, 1991. FBI Headquarters in Washington DC largely destroyed at 9:45 a.m. by a bomb in a hijacked delivery truck, parked in a sub-basement loading area. 700 people killed.

October 16, 1991. Accounts of successful weapons thefts, often with the help of Army sympathizers.

October 23, 1991. Hundreds of raids and assassinations since the FBI bombing. Presses of the Washington Post wrecked. Editorial Page editor assassinated. Radio station in the DC area briefly seized.

October 27, 1991. Section leader tried and executed for refusing an order to assassinate a priest and rabbi.

November 4, 1991. Complaints about slow pay.

November 8, 1991. Account of modifications to a stolen mortar. How to cannibalize a large bomb for explosives.

November 9, 1991. Capitol building severely damaged during a joint session of Congress by a mortar barrage. Simultaneous attack with automatic weapons on the Los Angeles City Council. Jet bound for Tel Aviv from New York destroyed by a bazooka.

November 14, 1991. Copycat bombings spread. Turner meets hippies and considers recruiting them.

November 16, 1991. Roadblocks proliferate.

November 27, 1991. Turner given The Book to read (apparently a quasi-sacred ideological text). Inducted into the Order (involves probationary period and a "terrible oath").

November 28, 1991. Trouble with black junkies. All killed, along with their white prostitutes.

November 30, 1991. Huge anti-racist rally-riot held in Chicago.

December 4, 1991. Visits with hippies. Accounts of a Jewish white-slaver. Hippies inform police about location of Turner's unit. House raided. All escape but Turner, who fails to kill himself as per instruction. Turner taken prisoner and tortured by an Israeli intelligence officer.

September 11 and 12, 1992. Fourteen major bombings destroy much of the shipping and industrial capacity of Houston, Texas. Explosions begin with the destruction of a munitions ship bound for Israel.

March 21, 1993. Turner and other insurgents released in a raid on a federal prison.

March 24, 1993. Turner tried and convicted for Oathbreaking. Remains in the Order but sentenced to perform unspecified suicide mission.

March 25, 1993. Strategy of destroying economic targets explained.

March 28, 1993. Turner's unit now based in a printing shop in Washington, DC. Notes on the difficulty of counterfeiting. Identification taken from assassinated Jews used by Organization members. Mafia used by government to assassinate aboveground Organization members.

April 2. Currency ink stolen.

April 10. Visit to Chicago.

April 14. Notes on a tour of a nuclear power plant at Evanston, Illinois (Chicago area) and plans to disable it with a mortar using a radiological shell.

April 20, 1993. Israeli embassy attacked with a mortar during important reception.

April 25, 1993. Dissension between blacks and Jews grows.

May 6, 1993. Account of a visit to an arms warehouse in New York City. Description of the infiltration of the armed forces.

May 23, 1993. Account of the bombing of the Dallas telephone exchange.

June 8, 1993. Account of the killing of a sheriff in the Denver area who had arrested an Organization member.

June 21, 1993. Concern expressed that not enough is happening.

June 27, 1993. Orders to go to California for an unspecified action.

July 1, 1993. Arrival in Canoga Park, northwest of Los Angeles. Plans revealed for coordinated attacks on 600 targets nationwide. Organization has only about 5000 members, only 1,500 fighters.

July 4, 1993 (Approx.: events related July 7). Attacks launched nationally, the most successful and concentrated in Los Angeles. Police stations seized, water and power utilities destroyed or damaged. Some high-ranking military officers declare for the revolution. Racial fighting engineered in units remaining loyal to the government. Vandenberg Air Force Base seized, along with a considerable nuclear stockpile.

July 11, 1993. Review of results of the July 4 offensive. Southern California under the control of the Organization, Northern California under a rebellious military faction. Rebel areas in a strategic nuclear standoff with the federal government. Successful attack on the Evanston power plant mentioned.

July 14, 1993. Disaster relief organized for Los Angeles. Black population separated out into holding areas.

July 19, 1993. Blacks and Chicanos driven east out of the southern California enclave into government controlled areas.

July 24, 1993. Jews and mixed-race persons marched to canyons around Los Angeles and shot. Bucolic interlude with teenage volunteer farm-workers.

July 25, 1993. Recruiting.

August 1, 1993. The Day of the Rope. Summary executions of white persons who cooperated with the System or had sexual intercourse with nonwhites. Special attention given to actors, journalists and academics. Killings of Jews in the canyons accelerated. Harboring of Jews a capital crime.

August 8, 1993. Turner made temporary director of utilities and public services. Remaining population organized into work units. Denunciation of Lt. Gen. Arnold Harding, commander of Travis Air Force Base and dictator of northern California, for attempting to implement conventional conservative policies.

September 16, 1993. Lt. Gen. Harding assassinated by the Organization.

August 23, 1993. Turner prepares to leave for Washington with four 60 kiloton nuclear warheads. 200 such warheads are distributed around the country.

August 26, 1993. Bomb detonated in Miami Beach, Florida. Organization issues ultimatum to stop government plans to retake California.

August 27, 1993. Charleston, South Carolina nuked.

September 4, 1993. Account of cross-country trip with a team disguised as soldiers.

September 8, 1993. Organization fires a barrage of missiles at New York City, Israel and the Soviet Union. Federal government forced to launch a first strike against the Soviet Union to diminish consequent counterstrike. 60 million Americans killed, but retaliation ragged. Both Organization and Washington survive.

September 18, 1993. Account of nuclear exchange and its aftermath.

October 28, 1993. Organization creates an enclave in the ruins of Baltimore. Government forces act only defensively. Pogroms reported in Russia, Western Europe, South Africa and Australia. Arabs overrun Israel.

November 2, 1993. Further review of the situation. US under military junta. Discussion of how to bomb the Pentagon by air.

November 9, 1993. Turner pilots a small plane with nuclear weapon into the Pentagon and destroys the building. [November 9 is Day of the Martyrs.]

[Further entries provided in an Epilogue]

The Dark Years begin.

Mid-December 1993. Major enclave established in Detroit area.

January to April 1994. General race war. More enclaves established.

June 1994. Pittsburgh Massacre: enclave retaken by government forces, white population slaughtered. Surviving local Organization staff officers shot for incompetence.

August 1994. White population of US falls to 50 million.

November 9 [?], 1994 Toronto nuked to destroy Jewish refugees.

January 30, 1999. Truce of Omaha. Government junta surrenders to the Organization.

Summer/Fall 1999. Local Organization cells take power in Europe.

December 1999. Asia east of the Urals sterilized with weapons of mass destruction.

2000 New Era Begins [?]

What kind of a book is this?

Readers familiar with the literature of Alternative History may be reminded of Norman Spinrad's famous 1972 novel, "The Iron Dream." The premise of that book was that Hitler had emigrated to the United States after the First World War and established himself as a writer and illustrator for pulp science-fiction magazines. "The Iron Dream" is supposed to be Hitler's masterpiece, the account of an imaginary world war in which a fascist-type political movement conquers the world. Since Spinrad's novel antedates "The Turner Diaries" by a few years (and was, frankly, the kind of thing that an imaginative Nazi physicist might be inclined to read anyway), the possibility of influence cannot be excluded. The difference is that Spinrad was kidding.

Among the many things that can truthfully be said about "The Turner Diaries," perhaps the oddest is that it often reads like a home-improvement manual. While its descriptions of bombs and other deadly devices are not detailed enough to allow readers to make their own, still it is clear that the author likes nuts-and-bolts. He rarely misses an opportunity to explain how something works. The pager-system he describes is either his own invention or represented cutting-edge technology at the time the book was written. More generally, one may note that the book is not your average political rant. The writing is literate if wooden, and the ideological digressions are usually kept to moderate proportions. In this it greatly differs from, say, "Mein Kampf," which it occasionally quotes without attribution. (On the other hand, Pierce cannot characterize people any better than Hitler could draw them. Turner's love interest is occasioned by a chance encounter with a woman in a cold communal shower he had just installed.) For that matter, the book is surprisingly sparing even in its use of ordinary racial epithets. Violent political writers usually express themselves in harshly-worded opinions that are really screams. In "The Turner Diaries," the screams are expressed in what the characters do.

"The Turner Diaries" is clearly an apocalyptic text. It has many of the mechanics of ordinary premillennialism; Michael Barkun notes its apparent links to the Christian Identity Movement. We have a seven year Tribulation in the form of the Dark Years from 1993 to 2000. The latter year as the point of the great transition from one age to another is too familiar to require comment. We may have a weak analogue to the Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Saints, in the form of the establishment of the Organization enclave in southern California a few months before the nuclear exchange. The haven, like the Rapture, allows a respite before the final process of transformation begins. In any case, the rejection of the Pre-Tribulation Rapture itself is typical of Identity thinking. Readers may find some analogies in the more popular (and explicitly antiracist) eschatology of Pat Robertson as expressed in his novel, The End of the Age.

This apocalypse, on the other hand, is unusually participatory. Some apocalyptic texts call on their readers simply to have patience, since the old order of things will be overthrown without their help. Others call on the reader to rise up to carry out a transformation that is nevertheless mandated by higher powers. The Turner apocalypse is clearly of this nature. We get a hint, in Turner's brief remarks about the contents of the Book, of the larger historical scheme that gives the Great Revolution its importance. The imperative to overthrow the System is in some sense both biological and theological, an inevitable necessity imposed by evolution itself. In fact, it is only this ontological imperative that justifies it. Considered simply in themselves, the people of the United States had shown they deserved to be slaves. The Great Revolution would free them incidentally, but only for a higher purpose.

This is not the Nazism of Goering's circle of plutocrats, or even of Goebbel's "national bolshevism." What it most closely resembles is the Nazism of Hitler's inner thoughts, as described by Hermann Rauschning in "The Voice of Destruction" (1940) (a book, by the way, of which it is fashionable among historians to be suspicious). While described as "right-wing" for lack of a better term, there is nothing at all conservative about this ideology.

In Turner's book, the dictator General Harding is derided for wanting to restore the constitutional republic of the Founding Fathers. From what few glimpses we get of the economic system established by the Organization, the new order seems to be quite as communist as that of Pol Pot's Cambodia. (In fact, considering the period in which the book was written, one wonders whether there may not have been some influence.) This is the sort of radical vision in which no institutions from the former regime survive, and in which minimizing civilian casualties is simply not a consideration. One of the goals of the revolution is precisely to reduce the people to a pure remnant, what the Yellow Turban millenarians of Latter Han China called "seed people."

The true participants in the cosmic drama are the members of the Order and the (presumably Jewish) masters of the System. The mass of the people, even of the racially favored, is simply the medium in which these two elites fight. There is a strong anarchist streak in the strategy of the Organization. While the Organization is of course closely disciplined itself, for society as a whole the principle is "the worse the better." The assumption is that very few people really have political opinions, but simply support the powers-that-be because that is the easiest way to remain comfortable. Revolutionaries should therefore attack people's livelihoods, because then the people will have no reason to support the system. It should also seek to kill prominent establishment figures of all descriptions, simply to demoralize the rest.

When there is sufficient chaos, the next step is not persuasion but fear. That is why the Organization begins its administration in southern California with public mass executions. Turner sees the value of the Stalinist principle that the law should be so phrased that anyone can be arrested at any time. The fact that almost everyone is a "race-traitor" for having cooperated with the System is necessary to help establish the new regime. The Organization and the Order do, of course, need to recruit. However, even when the regime is in power, it is no part of statecraft to seek popularity in the electoral sense.

Despite the many connections between "The Turner Diaries" and familiar books and ideas, even the best-informed readers are likely to find that their horror is tinged with puzzlement. The ability to compile an implied bibliography for a book is not the same as understanding it. Where does this story come from? The killing of the Jews is nowhere argued for: it is just assumed to be obviously the proper thing to do. One can only assume that this is the case among the audience for which it was written. As to the book as an apocalyptic document, we are faced again, on a smaller scale, with the mystery that surrounds the Third Reich itself. What is the great historical imperative that made all this misery necessary? What were they really trying to do?

There is a type of nightmare in which fear after fear is realized and then finally the monster catches you. "The Turner Diaries" has this quality. It starts with a liquor store robbery and ends with the incineration of most of Eurasia. The book is not hard to read, but the experience will please few people. The problem is that it is not safe to simply turn the book over to the psychologists. The nightmare has repeatedly proven its capacity to leak into daylight.


Copyright © 1998 by John J. Reilly

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