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Tiny book gag gift set -- Literary Lites II -- When the air thickens, so should the plot

From dippylulu

Tiny book gag gift set -- Literary Lites II -- When the air thickens, so should the plot
Tiny book gag gift set -- Literary Lites II -- When the air thickens, so should the plot Tiny book gag gift set -- Literary Lites II -- When the air thickens, so should the plot Tiny book gag gift set -- Literary Lites II -- When the air thickens, so should the plot Tiny book gag gift set -- Literary Lites II -- When the air thickens, so should the plot
Joke literary gag gift for: Book Nerds ~ Librarians ~ Hostess ~ Boyfriend


Literature reminds us of our common humanity. And one of our most human attributes is ...well... those embarrassing moments when we express ourselves without saying a word. At moments like this, call on the great masters of literature to compensate for your humiliation. Literary Lites will cover every indiscretion, and in great style!

Modeled on the classic design of one of the world's greatest book collections, Literary Lites are perfect for every room in the houseā€”or as a gift for your favorite literati.

Each Lite refers to a different literary classic. The back cover features a brief plot summary, sure to lift your spirits at times of need. Even your most fetid productions will be transmogrified into immortal literary expressions.

Comes in a set of 3 and wrapped in a cello bag. Size: 58x37mm -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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