Listerine Mouth vs Life – Youtube fun and games and Autoplaylists

10 Jun

Listerine Mouth vs Life YouTube Channel

What do you put your mouth through? Sucking pens, biting your nails and all those fizzy drinks? Yes, unfortunately I do.

Anyway, that’s the idea behind Mouth vs Life an interactive YouTube Channel from Listerine.

The experience encourages people to choose the different things they use their mouths for (not just eating and drinking), and then puts together a personalised information film; except this film has comical teeth and gums, with giant sized or multitudinous items fired in rapid succession at them. In one bit they even take a beating from a psychotic cupcake (our very own Joe Fox).

No one was hurt and we tested the weapons extensively

It’s fun.

It’s simple (no participation for participation sake, please upload a video of you performing brain surgery while stealing a sandwich and swishing your hair, or Like-Blocked Facebook FanPage/App with just the agency “Liking” it, and it’s not a piece of matching luggage even though I do think our new Listerine TV Ad is quite lovely) though it does get personalised on user interaction*.

*It is the first use of YouTube’s Auto-Playlist Functionality by a brand to create a video on the fly. Yep a First!!!**

**Even if it does stop the YouTube Public View Counts from updating…grr

Anyway, have a look. Hope you like it and the Warm-up clip below will haunt your dreams forever…

Well done to Paul B, Alex, Sarah, Joe, Yoni, Patrick, Matt, Saima, and loads of others at Listerine and JWT London. And here’s the Mouth vs Life Director’s Cut

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