Dog photobombs every single photo in Craigslist apartment listing.

First commenter to ask if the dog comes with the apartment gets a prize.

Oh man, not only are rents so much better in Chicago than New York, but they have sleepy dogs in every single room? It's so tempting, but we could never survive the winters. We wouldn't mind if a pup popped up every time we entered a room, though. It's like a very slobbery, very easy game of Where's Waldo.






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  • bobsu1 | 04/07/2013 flag  

    Guess I'm the only cynic thinking it was done intentionally to get 15 seconds of fame.

  • Kim | 03/29/2013 flag  

    I just sold a couch on Craigslist. I had to take 7 photos before I got one without the dog peeking out from behind or under it somewhere. Try to take a photo of her any other time and she's gone like greased lightning.

  • Johnny1441769 | 03/28/2013 flag  

    It's like canine Where's Waldo? The dog's a hoot.

  • jan180 | 03/23/2013 flag  

    My listing has just gone online and I notice my aged cat had put in an appearance. Link here, can you spot her?

  • shayne | 03/23/2013 flag  

    If it's anything like my dog, it feels the need to follow me from room to room and has to be where she can constantly see me. Great photos though!

  • Katerina | 03/23/2013 flag  

    I love that dog!

  • nancy | 03/22/2013 flag  

    Does the dog come with the apartment?

  • OB1 | 03/22/2013 flag  

    Gave me a good giggle.

  • Julie | 03/22/2013 flag  

    Love it !! This just made my day :))

  • Tsu Dho Nimh | 03/22/2013 flag  

    Ever consider that it's not one dog? There are seven dogs, one in each room that you see here, and the shy one hiding in the shower stall in the bathroom.

  • Ruth | 03/22/2013 flag  

    The dog is the owner!

  • Around The Horn Pet Concierge | 03/22/2013 flag  


  • athewriter | 03/21/2013 flag  


  • Claudia | 03/21/2013 flag  

    he's like, "hey, whatcha doin'?"

  • MzMilaJ | 03/21/2013 flag  

    LOL this is so funny! Thats something my dog would do.

  • Nancy R. | 03/21/2013 flag  

    I love the fact that he so successfully managed to make every single shot a photo op. Bravo!

  • Nate | 03/21/2013 flag  

    Does the dog come with the apartment? Where's my prize?