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Totally disappointed by nerd sites that missed the obvious jokes from Nolan in the new The Dark Knight Rises trailer.

Namely, the “R" for the Gotham Rogues is the same stylized R used for the Robin outfit made canon by the Tim Drake-era Robin and later his shift into Red Robin.

And the touchdown-scoring player’s name is Ward, which is the last name of actor Burt Ward from the 1966 Batman TV Series.

Ahem. Glaven. 

edit: guess who has two thumbs and just now learned Hines Ward is real? 

also: "Actually, that Robin-style “R” isn’t there by Nolan’s design, guys. Extras were told to make signs in support of the Gotham Rogues, and obviously some of people who went were comic book nerds." [via]

edit 2: Goddamn it, Steelers. This is worse than the time I assumed the Jets had really found a terminator when they brought Cromartie on. 

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    Sneaky nerd fans are the best.
  7. toey50 reblogged this from iamthedeadpool and added:
    Speak more nerd to me. Though I wonder if that is Hines Ward the football player.
  8. turnleftforcake reblogged this from southvancity and added:
    Also remember that Joseph Gordan Levitt’s character, John Blake is a cop. Dick Grayson was a cop in Bloodhaven....
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    Misdirection. Just like Mr. Reese in The Dark Knight being a pale man with short, red hair. And yet…no Riddler…