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Harry's official position on WOLVERINE

Published at: May 1, 2009, 2:59 a.m. CST

After a lengthy TalkBack exchange, I'll go ahead and check out WOLVERINE after a screening of SOLOMON KANE today, Friday.

Hey folks, Harry here... I officially recommend skipping X-MEN ORIGINS: WOLVERINE. Fox refused to invite one the AICN editors to an advance screening, even though we would have honored any embargo they would have made. However, over at RottenTomatoes' Wolverine Review Page - the current ranking is at 35%, with only 22% of "Top Critics" apparently approving. When I read the positive critics and I find such gems as: "Sometimes junk food is soul food, and sometimes junk movies are yummy and satisfying (and never mind the bellyache later)." -- MaryAnn Johanson - Flick Filosopher "Strictly speaking, it's a mess..." -- Rob Vaux, "Whatever actually happened, the explosions all go off on time, which in a film like this is all that really matters." Kenneth Turan, LA Times. First off, fuck you Kenneth. Yes, you do ask for more than well timed explosions from this sort of film you cynical prick - and to give the film a pass for the explosions is pretty insulting. I suppose not reviewing WOLVERINE is a badge of shame as a geek, but frankly, I just don't see the need wasting my time on a movie that is this badly reviewed by critics - and by the tsunami of negativity that is in my email box right now. Seriously, from around the world the word is poison. But that's fine. Go see it if you feel you have no other choice. Personally, I'm more eager to spend my money on a film I do support, which is why I have bought tickets for my third watching of STAR TREK next week, and if I were you - I'd save up to see it twice, rather than have a bad experience this weekend. I'll put it to you this way. If you're the sort of fan that will be satisfied with ANY version of X-MEN and its characters - go check this out. The best comment I've heard about WOLVERINE is that it is better than X3, but I've heard from an equal number saying that it is worse. So if you're depending on a review from me. I'd like to apologize. I'm not gonna pay for the X-MEN that I don't want to see. I was all fired up a couple days ago about seeing the film tonight, but after watching Gilliam's THE IMAGINARIUM OF DOCTOR PARNASSUS - I just couldn't work up the energy to care about a film that according to Roger Ebert, the main character forgets about at the end of the film. Because I'd have to live with it, get angry - write a really angry review. And right now - I'd rather relegate the experience to home video. Here's the key negative comments I've read that scared me off laying my money down: "Even by the standard of a fourth-in-a-series summer blockbuster, Wolverine is remarkably lame." -- Dana Stevens, SLATE "A transparent attempt to squeeze a faltering franchise for its last drop of box-office juice." -- Peter Travers, ROLLING STONE "A couple of halfway decent action scenes do little to distract from the story’s mounting ludicrousness, or a conclusion that’s only a little more satisfying than a projector breakdown. Maybe." -- Keith Phipps - AV Club "Falling somewhere between noble failure and modest success, 'Wolverine' is ultimately a generic Summer film actioneer that will quickly be forgotten" -- Garth Franklin, Dark Horizons Lastly: "I have been powerfully impressed by film versions of Batman, Spider-Man, Superman, Iron Man and the Iron Giant. I wouldn't even walk across the street to meet Wolverine." - Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times. And to finish out this article - here's some of the gems in my email box:
By: The_Scream Ok, first up, this film blows big time. About as bad as X-Men 3. I am not a comic book loyalist but even I could tell this butchered Wolverine's origin, inserting useless action scenes and characters just to wow fans. Unfortunately, they completely ruin a "fan" favourite Deadpool. What they do to this character in the finale is not only atrocious for the character but atrocious for the film. The worst X-Men villain ever. A bad idea in conception that reveals just how DUMB the writers are. What's a great villain? Oooh, how about a guy with swords instead of claws, who can heal, teleport, oh, and shoot laser beams from his eyes. That's right, just like the sharks with frickin laser beams in Austin Powers. Let me say this out loud for true emphasis: WORST *beep* IDEA IN COMICBOOK FILM HISTORY. Absolutely awful stuff. But what other juicy nuggets do we have? We have Cyclops reprising his role as a useless cameo. Not much more screentime than X-Men 3. We have Professor X, Patrick Stewart now almost completely CGI. That's right, a cartoon looking Professor X. We have the worst CGI I have seen in a comicbook film in 10 years. This is some really bad stuff. Even the locations look fake. The acting was ok for Jackman and Schreiber. These two actors know what they are doing. Everyone else is pretty poor. There are the obligatory, cliched, love scenes. We have the cliched screams to the camera overhead that pans away into the distance. Yep, that's right. You thought they have done that one to death in parodies. There are so many completely worthless fight scenes that only exist to be fight scenes. They make no sense. They have no drama or excitement. This is the kind of film that was being made for audiences 10 years ago. We have moved onto giants like Iron Man, The Dark Knight, Spiderman, and Watchmen. This film is nothing. What the hell, here are a few more idiot moments: Stryker is awful. The guy playing him can't act. He is told the only thing that will kill Wolverine is an adamantium bullet! Wow! Later we learn even that can't hurt him so Stryker announces that he will shoot him in the head to wipe his memory! MY GOODNESS WHAT A LAME PLOT DEVICE. How does he know it will wipe his memory and why? If his brain heals, why would his memory fade? Has he shot him in the right area of the brain? Can Wolverine be paralysed, or made mentally retarded? Of course the audience knows we need a convenient way to wipe his memory. Why not stick to the darn story which has him losing his memory after the experiment? The violence has been toned down...a lot. Remember the cool scene in X2 when Wolverine has flashbacks holding up his arms with blood rushing down from his claws? Remember the men in suits operating on him? This film doesn't do much of this at all. There is virtually no drama in this scene or horror. It is played about as mundane as you could make it. When his heartbeat stops was anyone in the audience worried? More likely yawning from how redundant it was. Gambit was ok. Not bad enough to be bad or great enough to go wow. I don't believe he was in the origin story but his role seemed forced as hell. All of a sudden this random mutant is helping Wolverine save the day? Could this movie get more contrived? The same with Sabretooth who never gets this name. One minute they are trying to kill each other and the next they are friends again, then not. Bloody hell this is terrible. And Deadpool. He is in a couple of scenes, vanishes from the film then shows up as a weird mutated freak with no mouth. Please tell me this didn't really happen! Overall, if you thought X3 was kinda cool, then you might actually like this. If you hated X3 then you might just think this is as bad or worse. I personally thought X3 was terrible but at least it had some moments of drama and fun. This film is just neutered.
Hey Harry. Haven’t seen any reviews on Wolverine on the site - don’t know if they have already been posted and I’ve just missed them, or if people just cant be arsed talking about the movie after seeing it. This is in no way a review, I wouldn’t pretend to know how to even do one. Just thought I’d drop some thoughts on the movie as I watched it yesterday down here in Cape Town. Firstly, I love movies (hence reading your site every day) but if there’s one thing that pisses me off, is when I go watch a big budget movie, holding lots of expectations, especially in the case of these characters, and I feel like I’ve just been shafted. That’s how I feel with this movie. I was expecting a really cool origin movie. What I watched was a ‘cool in parts’ origin movie. Now I’m not at all saying I’m a fundi on movies or the Marvel world, not at all, but I do realise that the Wolverine character wasn’t always the hard-ass Logan that we’ve seen in the x-men movies. In this film, he is a confused lost soul, bit of a softie with a hard side (until the shit hits the fan and he’s injected with the good ol adamantium), but to me the character just didn’t have the same ‘gritty-ness’ that he had in the other movies. Maybe its wrong to compare. Anyway, I’m not gonna harp on about character issues. My biggest sore points about this movie are 1 – the quality of acting, and 2. The effects. The acting in some parts felt shocking, even from Jackman. There were solid performances from Leiv, Danny Huston and one or two others – but when some of the characters were in scenes, the acting just felt ‘forced’. Don’t know if that’s the right way to describe it, but I almost felt like you could sense there was a guy behind a camera shouting ACTION...a bit hollow. The amazes me that in a big budget movie like this, some of the scenes are so complex and are done so well (which they were), then you get the run of the mill stuff not important to the storyline, and the effects just look crap and half arsed. Feels like they either ran out of time, or money, or both. Some of the scenes were embarrassing. Some were cool, Deadpool fight for example. Something else that felt amiss was the editing and continuity. Just didn’t gel in some parts. Anyway, I’ve had my gripe. Was good to see Wolverine on big screen again, then again, it wasn’t. All in all, the movie was ok, but wont be going in my dvd collection. Thanks for the great site, keep up the good work so we can keep reading. Kris.
Yes, we got it early here -- and here's my take -- An American in Daneland Sees Wolverine and Cries Something Rotten Let it be said that I am an X-Men fan. I admit I got into the X-Men initially because of the 1990s series -- which I later found out had many stories that were pretty close to as they appeared in the comics, or canon. I loved the characters, I loved the theme, I loved the stories, I loved what they showed. So when X-Men came out in 2000 I was psyched. Now, X-Men the movie didn't follow X-Men the canon 100% faithfully. Rogue, Toad, Storm, Wolverine, Magneto...they were all recognizable as their comic book predecessors, but they were not the comic book characters. They had been adapted to fit a more realistic take Bryan Singer was going for. Gone was Rogue having gained Ms. Marvel's powers. Gone was Magneto's buffness. Gone was Wolverine's squatness. Etc etc etc. The story of the first one had no real comparison to the comics, so it could not be judged for that faithfulness. As the series went on, characters continued to not really be the ones from canon, and the stories did not either. Famously the Phoenix story got twisted away from the fantastic space romp meets Hellfire Club and into the Jean vs Professor and twisted psyche stuff. But what was most interesting to me was that these takes on the X-Men, because they were film and thus considered more mainstream and more impacting the general populace's conception of the characters and stories...well, they spawned an alternate universe to the universe I had grown up with, and basically have now read everything of from the time Gambit joined till about a year ago. Now while I right now can't prove this, Ultimate X-Men (, as part of this new line of Ultimates that Marvel developed, appeared more geared to taking what was done in the movies and furthering it, to provide new potential fans with an inroad into the X-Men universe using information they got from the X-Men movies so that they would not have to make sense of how different everything was in the original X-Men universe. As wikipedia says: The most visible difference between the Ultimate Wolverine character and that of the character in the Marvel Universe continuity is physiological. The Ultimate Wolverine is shown to be taller, with a leaner muscular build. Make sense? I say all this because I just saw Wolverine. Yes, Denmark got it early here, and being the fan I am I made sure I saw it today. First, let me just say there is some very cool stuff in this movie. Liev Schrieber is fantastic as Sabretooth -- I just wish he was on screen more (which I'll come to). Of all the characters (and there were A LOT), his Sabretooth and Jackman's Wolverine (which continues to be a good Wolverine) were the best in the film -- and they are supposed to be. They were supposed to be the two pitted against each other, where the main tension lies in the movie. But that's one of the problems. And yes, I said one. You see, this was not a superhero movie with a clearly visible supervillain. It reminded me more of The Incredible Hulk, but I felt more pathos for both Bruce and the Hulk in that movie. He was just trying to find a way to cure him and General Ross wouldn't let him. Big pathos! In this movie, Logan was always running, away or towards something, and we never really got the time to settle down and connect to him. There was one scene where we did, and that was the part that nicely surprised me, but it was here and gone so fast. Everything was told in fast forward, with shifting enemies – one that apparently shifted within a minute! – that I never knew exactly who to be against. I knew not to like Stryker because of X-Men 2 and the comics. I knew not to like Sabretooth because of comics and well what he did in the movie – which made him very one note, but Liev was nice doing it so I let it slide. But there really was no tension about what was going to happen because if you had even just seen the first X-Men movie you know what will have to happen to Wolverine. Had they been smart writers, they wouldn't have made this movie be so close to that movie. Ok, so story, that's one thing. As far as the faithfulness of the story, for the most part the depiction of young Logan and Weapon X program – those were close to faithful and where they were inconsistent there were logical explanations for the inconsistencies. What about the characters, you might ask… Again, for the most part, I had no problem with the inconsistency between characterizations from comic book to movie in the first X-Men movies. Storm was my biggest problem, but when you got Halle Berry what can you expect? As long as the inconsistencies were explained within the logic of the story of the movie – so that I could see there was a reason for why a character was altered – then I had no problem with it. For the most part, the same is true here. But at the same time, its not. Problem is, I cannot really give a lot away because the inconsistencies in the characters, and how they don't make sense in this film, reveals a lot of the twists and turns the film makes. I will say this – all of the recognizable canon characters that are introduced in this movie – and I mean the big names that fans will recognize easily – they all have an inconsistency to them, and in some way this inconsistency does not make sense. This goes for Silver Fox, Emma Frost, Cyclops, Deadpool, Blob and, I really really really hate this one, Gambit. But perhaps the most annoying aspect of this is – just look at who I rattled of there. Those are the really recognizable names in the canon. AND THERE ARE MORE CHARACTERS THAN THOSE IN THIS FILM!!! That to me is the biggest problem. Not the CGI claws for Wolverine. Not the illogic of the head. Not the unintelligible inconsistencies. No, it is the fact that there are so many characters thrown into this movie that you never get a lot of time with them. Definitely not enough to develop any of the characters other than Wolverine. Sabretooth, who was alternatively his ally and his enemy, really didn't have enough screen time for what Liev was doing with him. All the others just felt thrown in, like the filmmakers were saying let's just give'em a bite, a taste, a tease, fan service. But in doing so those inconsistencies were left to be glaringly unexplained to the trained fan eye – maybe even to the non-fan eye. Because they were on screen so little, you didn't really develop much care for them (except Dominic, he did a good job with what little he had). So for the most part, if you are not a fan, I'm betting they come off as almost non-events, only known for their flashy powers (which, yeah, kicked major butt), but not for the people that we fans have come to know and love. I wrote a paper and presented it at Comic-Con in 2007 about adaptations of comic books into movies, and how the adaptors must take into account the reception by the fans of the adaptations. My conclusion is that what was most important is not the 100% faithfulness of appearance, because any smart fan will recognize there will be changes as you move from one medium to another. Instead what is most important is that the adaptors show respect to the canon and extension the fans. These are sacred things to fans, and to mess with them too greatly or without regard to the fans' feelings will not engender their love towards you. I would say this movie fails to win over fans because it tries to cram in too much into one movie and in doing so does not treat these creations with the care and affection that we fans do. But, as I said at the beginning, I am a fan of X-Men. They are my favorite of the Marvel Universe, just like Batman is my favorite of the DC Universe. And I am okay with alterations to the versions I know and love when I can see that those alterations are created with intelligence and love and respect for the fans. If I see those things, I will gobble up all the incarnations and adaptations because I am such a fan of the main idea, the central aspects of the characters (I still hold out hope that Gambit in that new cartoon will turn into the Gambit I love). But intelligence, love and respect from the filmmakers of Wolverine…if it is there, it's not nearly as strong as what Bryan Singer could do. And that is a damn shame…because this had Gambit…and Deadpool…and they aren't characterizations I want to see more of. CarrieLynn D. Reinhard, PhD
Hi Harry, Saw Wolverine at 10.30 this heart is broken. I refuse to go into spoiler laden detail but I need you to know I’m genuine. Two tasters: we’re asked to believe a bunch of hardened, badass mercs storm the bad guys stronghold using an ELEVATOR, all for the sake of a poor quality gag! And the “Wolf Man” metaphor, near the end, which comes and goes at a whim! One minute it’s fatal the next merely a memory wiper! I could go on but I won’t! It’s a complete mess! Below par support work/ no throughline/ too many MUTANT cameos and a twist that will induce GROANS! But it’s THE SCRIPT: always obvious/ always muddled/ always relying on Jackman to bail it out with his essential Wolverine-ness! I’m a Marvel man of many years standing and, it pains me to say, if this is the best script Rothman and co had it would’ve been better just to draw a veil over it and bury it quietly. It’s credited to David Benioff and Skip Woods; Benioff I’ve heard of...Woods I haven’t. As producer Jackman should shoulder some of the blame but I’m loathe to criticise him as he’s so damn good in it. He’s 100% Wolverine: committed/badass/vulnerable/beserker...everything you need in a Wolverine. He deserves another shot at it...he may not get it. If you post this call me Excelsior63. A heartsick Marvel Fan...’nuff said!
I got to go to a sneak preview tonight to see X-Men: Origins Wolverine, and here's my report. I'm a writer for a magazine in California. Please don't use my real name. If you print this on your website, use MISTERFOUR. The preview was at the Mann Chinese Theater in L.A. Solid crowd, lots of security. They didn't want anyone recording anything. Ryan Reynolds showed up and ran across the street, bodyguards chasing after, to say hello to the crowd gathered on the other side. What a great guy! And now, the movie. Oh dear Lord. How hard is it to make a great comic book movie??? Frank Miller defined the character way back when, and other great writers have worked on Wolverine since then. With such a powerful amount of print to rely on, you'd think they would have made a good movie. Alas, no. First, the acting is damn good. Sure, I didn't love the acting the love interest performed (can't remember her name, don't care) and the teleporting cowboy needs to take some lessons, but everyone else did their job. The opening credits are off the hook. Wolverine and Sabertooth, together in war across the ages. There is some really great cinematography at work in just those credits. I curse it now, it got my hopes up. The whole movie has brutal fight scenes and perfect special effects. Really top-quality work. I respected it, and it didn't disappoint. But the plot. Dear God. Wolverine starts out as just a normal dude, centuries back, until he makes his way as a soldier here and there, with his brother Sabertooth, all the way up to Vietnam. There, he and Sabertooth are recruited by Stryker, who you remember from the second and third X-Men films. There's a spectacular action sequence early on when Wolverine (that's not his name yet, at that point, but I don't care) works with a cadre of mutants to tear up a drug kingpin operating in the third world so Stryker can get his hands on admantium. Fair enough. So far, no badness. By the way, we only get a little Ryan Reynolds, but damn he was good. It made me want more. He's a solid actor and a great comedian, and the action sequences serve him well. Other than that, what a waste. He's in the wrong movie. But Wolverine decides to leave when the mutants get a little harsh on the locals. Makes sense, he's a good guy, and he leaves Sabertooth behind, since his brother is getting a little thirsty with the blood. He starts a life as a logger in Canada, living with a hot girlfriend who ends up giving him the name Wolverine. When Sabertooth starts killing off ex-members of the cadre six years later, Stryker shows up to ask Wolverine to join him, but he says no. WARNING! SPOILERS! Sabertooth kills Wolverine's girlfriend. He finds her covered in blood, dead, tracks down Sabertooth, and get his ass handed to him on a gold platter. Sorry, Wolverine, no metal bones, no beating Sabertooth. That's the plot. He joins with Stryker and decides to have his bones laced with admantium to help give him and edge (pun intended). They lace his bones, gosh it hurts, and when Wolverine realizes he's going to get his memory erased by Stryker, he breaks free and escapes, with Stryker out to kill him. At this point the movie is doing well. Yes, there's awful dialogue, the kind teenagers write (Embrace the darkness, be an animal, bleah!) but I was still along for the ride. It's a freakin' comic book, get over it. Gradually, the plot tears it self up. Contrivances pile on. There are even huge, gaping plot fuck ups. For instance, Styker gets a pistol with admantium bullets to kill Wolverine. Nope, just kidding! Sure, early in the movie he's told that, but later on Stryker actually says, "A shot from this will erase his memory," or some such nonsense. Why? Why erase Wolverine's memory? But why doesn't he try to kill Wolverine? And if Wolverine is shot in the head, how can the bullet erase his memory? Wouldn't his lauded healing factor do the trick and heal his brain, since he's been dropped 25 stories and has been blown up by bombs and god knows what through the ages? Gaaaaah! The movie sucks! Does the bullet go through his skull? So how does the metal get repaired? I digress... Wolverine finds out Sabertooth is working with Stryker, and that the whole thing was a trick to get him to undergo the treatment, so they killed his girl for nothing. He decides to locate Stryker, kill him and Sabertooth, and take revenge over his girl. Sounds good to me. He runs into the Blob (played by the very scary cowboy who got killed by Russel Crowe in 3:10 to Yuma) and they box. Seriously. They freakin' box. Here's another problem. You mean Wolverine is injected with 100+ pounds of metal in his body and he's just good to go? I mean, no adjustment? No retraining? He's not slowed down or anything? Plot freakin' HOLE. After locating Gambit (who was once on the island) and another few fights, including a good tussle with Sabertooth, Wolverine makes it to the island, where it is revealed that Stryker is trying to make an ultimate mutant weapon, which is Deadpool, or, Ryan Reynolds. Once Wolverine gets to the island, this is where the movie just shits on itself. Seriously. It turns out Wolverine's girlfriend was fake. She's a mutuant, keeping track of him, helping Styrker because her sister is held hostage. Suprise! Y'see, Sabertooth drugged her so she'd appear dead, and then sprayed her with fake blood. Yes, you heard that right. Fake fucking blood!!! So, Wolverine, with awesome senses and experience in dozens of major wars, is going to be fooled by a cheap Halloween magic fucking trick!!? How do you fuck this up? So Wolverine tells his girl to fuck up, tells Stryker he sucks, and just wanders away, but then runs into Sabertooth and fights him. Why? Sabertooth didn't do anything except get Wolverine punk'd? The girl didn't really even love him (although she says she did, but whatever) so what's the point? Wolverine helps the mutants kids escape (you get to see a young Cyclops and Xavier, which is good stuff) and he tries to get away, but is confronted by Deadpool. Sorry, kids, Deadpool is lame. They took Ryan Reynolds, sewed his mouth shut, and gave him retractable katanas, just like Wolverine. How do you FUCK this up? You mean out of all the douchebag writers in Hollyood, all of the comics, all of the source material, you still can't make a decent film? Hell, the Wikipedia entry for Wolverine has a better plot! Deadpool is simple. He's a total martial arts badass. He has swords. He has a healing factor. That's all you need. Instead, Deadpool is a hideous conglomeration of a dozen powers, and he, Wolverine and Sabertooth fight it out. Great fight sequence, but why use Deadpool? What's with the stupid katana claws? Can admantine cut admantine? What is going on? Wolverine wins, Sabertooth gets away, Stryker shoots Wolverine in the head with the admantine bullets so we now have a plot device to conveniently erase his memory, and then Stryker is forced to leave (he's basically hypnotized) and Wolverine wakes up not knowing a damn thing. Stupid, stupid movie. Plus the dialogue. I'm talking, incredibly bad lines that made me groan out loud and throw popcorn. What gives me the most grief is that now we have no good Wolverine movie to look forward to. None. Hollywood, Fox, Marvel or whatever had millions of talent, man hours, technology and great actors (no matter how bad it gets, Hugh Jackman is great to watch and does his best) but this movie is a fucking train wreck, with livestock, and it splatters across the countryside with all the animals braying and scattering in all directions. This is the worse night of my life. I collected the original freakin' 4 issue limited series of Wolverine, done by Frank Miller, and this movie has pissed on my memory. Hell, I didn't even point out the way they screwed up the comic book details, 'cause I just wanted a good freakin' Wolverine movie! Now, all I have to look forward to is Terminator and Star Trek. A shame on everyone involved in this horribly shamble of a film, and a pox on all the idiots who try to make a comic book movie when they don't read comics. They should all be cut into itsty bitsy pieces, and buried ALIVE! If you use this, I'm MISTERFOUR.
Hey Harry Just saw the theatrical cut of X-Men Origins: Wolverine, and thought I’d send in my thoughts. First of all, I want to point out that I boycotted the work print that hit the net a month ago, because I wanted to judge the film on its completed merits, not the version from several months ago that prompted Fox to order extensive reshoots. So without that comparison to draw from, here goes: Starting off early, we get a very quick rundown of Logan’s youth. His adoptive father is killed, and young “James” (Logan’s real, given name) takes instant revenge, only to discover that the man he kills is his real father. From there, he runs for it and is intercepted by Victor Creed, his brother who is looking out for him. Then the credits roll with a montage on the history of warfare, and a now-grown Logan and Creed fighting through the Civil War, WW1 & 2, and finally Vietnam, where we start to see that Logan is becoming troubled with the constant killing that Creed seems to have embraced. Finally done in, William Stryker approaches them and proceeds to enlist their help in a group of mutants that are essentially Stryker’s tools of destruction, to aide him in his insane quest for, well, taking full advantage of what mutants can potentially offer. We all know that it leads to the “Weapon X” program, in which Logan gets adamantium infused with his bones, but that’s a bit later on. Given a brief look at all of the other mutants in Stryker’s toolkit, they each display their powers whilst Logan looks conflicted, before Creed finally goes postal and reveals his love of killing. So Logan high-tails it and falls off the grid. But he’s dragged back in and, you know, lots of action happens that lead to him embracing Stryker’s offer of revenge. In other words, getting the adamantium skeleton. I’ll stop the story synopsis there, because you basically know what follows. It’s not very surprising stuff. Some moments are lovely, others gaudy. Bringing Gambit into the mix felt kinda arbitrary to me. I don’t feel that his character was destroyed, but you need to consider it a VERSION of Gambit, not the Cajun gambler from the comics and cartoons. But the point is that any character from the X-Men universe coulda been written into that part of the story, and so ultimately it seems like ‘Gambit-For-Gambit’s-Sake.’ Which is a pity, because they did set the character up decently (helicopter-staff moment aside). In fact, that’s really how most of the supporting cast feel. Most of them get to display their power once and maybe have a throwaway line of dialog or two, and that’s it. They’ve served their purpose. So for example, Emma Frost shows off her power once, which is seen in the trailer. She apparently can turn her skin “diamond hard”, making her more like Colossus than the Ice Queen – an odd choice – and speaks maybe 3 times. A waste. Cyclops gets similar treatment, but they at least wrote him into the story a little better. And that’s pretty consistent throughout the story. The mutants who get centre stage are Wolverine and Sabretooth (never once referred to by that name in the film – a wise choice, I felt), and that’s how it should be. But the roster of other mutants in the film is large, though they aren’t really allowed to flex their muscles. I’m not really up on the comic version of Deadpool, but I liked his character in this film. Pity they totally wasted him. He does figure larger in the story than is at first apparent, but given how important he is to the story, the lack of screen time he gets makes things feel a bit stilted. Which sums up the entire film, I think. It’s all a bit stilted. It has some great moments, such as the endgame, which is some solid action filmmaking, but Gambit’s one and only action sequence is, well, crap. I could go on and on, but you don’t need to keep being told that the film balances excellence with crap. And because it see-saws from one extreme to the other, the result is the middle point of the see-saw, which remains level. So if one moment makes you cringe, you can rest assured that very soon something will restore the balance. The best thing to take away from WOLVERINE is, without doubt, the interplay between Creed and logan. Liev Schreiber brings a nuanced menace to this guy, and it becomes clear that, despite their bitter rivalry, there is a strong brotherly bond between the two guys. Which helps, because, well, you ever fought with your own brother? Imagine how that would go if neither of you could die. Admittedly, this is more hinted at than explicitly shown, but it works. Even if Sabretooth running like a cat looks ridiculous. But there are problems. I don’t know if it’s the script, or whether Hugh Jackman just didn’t find the right place to delve into for his performance, but I’ve never once felt a true reflection of the RAGE that Wolverine possesses on the big screen (there was a moment in X2 that came close). And it’s not here, either. They hint at it once or twice, and Creed even mentions the word, but it never feels like RAGE. This Wolverine is too thoughtful to be the berserker we all want. When we do see him get angry, it’s usually over after a few seconds (generally after 1 guy dies or is badly hurt). Ultimately, it’s an okay movie. Like I said, the middle point of a see-saw. It doesn’t fuck things up too badly, but it doesn’t hit it out of the park either. Would I watch it again? You bet, but mostly cos I just wanna watch Liev Schreiber’s Creed. He’s magnetic, and very complex in his unique brand of evil. Other than that, it's just an excuse to eat some popcorn. Call me lowmankind.
and that's the most positive review I got - which basically calls it mediocre. And that is why I'm not seeing it, because I trust you guys that have seen it. Thanks for saving me some cash!

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  • May 1, 2009, 12:10 a.m. CST


    by Duke of Hurl

  • May 1, 2009, 12:11 a.m. CST

    officially first

    by Duke of Hurl

  • May 1, 2009, 12:13 a.m. CST

    This can't be any worse than Spider-man 3

    by natecore

    I still cry when I think of the abomination that is SM3.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:14 a.m. CST

    I actually did get invited to this

    by Latauro

    As a sort-of AICN editor (albeit of one unread semi-regular column), I thought I should mention that I did get invited, and I did attend. I started to write my review, but -- and this is completely true -- I was so underwhelmed by the film, I couldn't be bothered completing it. The film was largely mediocre with speckles of awfulness, and the best thing you can say about it is that it's technically not as crap as X-Men III. Anyway, thought I should mention it.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:14 a.m. CST

    Seeing it today at noon

    by Cletus Van Damme

    I really am still holding out some hope.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:15 a.m. CST

    dont support it for the right reasons, Harry

    by BMacSmith

    Im fine with not giving money to shitty filmmakers, but dont get pissy because they wont give you free screenings or whatever. No one cares.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:15 a.m. CST


    by Cruzboy

  • May 1, 2009, 12:16 a.m. CST

    I hear what you're saying natecore, but

    by Duke of Hurl

    I finally just saw Punisher: War Zone and somehow Marvel manages to make movies worse than Spidey 3. Looks like we have a reliable disappointment on our hands.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:18 a.m. CST

    Screw you FOX

    by Urge to Kill

    I watched the work print and I ain't paying money for this crap you threw up on screen.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:19 a.m. CST

    A pass for explosions ?

    by Trannyformers_Apologist

    "ask for more than well timed explosions from this sort of film"......Maybe Bay should have directed this. Everybody loves the way Bay directs movies. Just look at the praise for the explosions in Shitformers!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:19 a.m. CST

    The movie does look like a steaming pile of shit.

    by AllPowerfulWizardOfOz

    However Harry I also know you have a beef with Fox and that plays into your assessment of what the movie may or may not be. I will agree that FOX sucks but I hope that your opioion is true based not on the fact that FOX put the movie out but that the movie really is total garbage. However since you didn't see it I guess we won't know what you think until the Bluray comes out. <BR> <BR> I for one am going to pass and Harry is right about one thing Star Trek is awesome. Got to see a sneak peak two nights ago and it was indeed a great film.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:20 a.m. CST

    Invite Harry or get a Negative review! that's extortion

    by danguy54321

  • May 1, 2009, 12:20 a.m. CST

    Invite Harry or get a Negative review! that's extortion

    by danguy54321

  • May 1, 2009, 12:20 a.m. CST

    Invite Harry or get a Negative review! that's extortion

    by danguy54321

  • May 1, 2009, 12:20 a.m. CST

    Invite Harry or get a Negative review! that's extortion

    by danguy54321

  • May 1, 2009, 12:20 a.m. CST

    Invite Harry or get a Negative review! that's extortion

    by danguy54321

  • May 1, 2009, 12:20 a.m. CST

    Invite Harry or get a Negative review! that's extortion

    by danguy54321

  • May 1, 2009, 12:22 a.m. CST


    by SylarTheCylon

    this is bizarre, so now Harry won't see movies other critics don't like? What an interesting concept. I thought reviewing movies what about forming your own opinion... but what the hell do I know...

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:22 a.m. CST



    You claim you didn't watch the movie? And because AICN wasn't invited to the screenings, you're gonna put Fox on blast and recommend people not see it because its getting bad reviews? Uhhhhhh since when the fuck did you listen to popular opinion when it came to which films you did and did not recommend? You like all sorts of obscure shit everyone hates. Now suddenly-- you're gonna trust other critics opinions enough to make an entire headline supporting their opinions while still claiming you have not seen this film? Yeah fucking right. <p> You look like the biggest fucking baby in the world here. Who gives a fuck if you guys weren't invited? You think AICN readers really fucking care? Fuck no. <P>Its time to come clean and admit you watched the bootleg version. If you don't like it-- fine. I can give a fuck about X Men films myself. Just be a fucking man and admit you have based your opinions on something more substantial than the urge to piggyback more reputable critic's opinions. YOU FUCKING ENDORSED TWILIGHT FOR FUCK'S matter how bad the reviews are, I guaranfuckintee there are more TB'ers interested in Wolverine than there were for Twilight. So don't act like you're some noble fucking leader down the TB'ers a big favor. <P>Cowardly move man. There's not a single person in these TB'S that doubts you watched the bootleg. Don't think we're swallowing your shit.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:23 a.m. CST

    That's cute!

    by MaxTheSilent

    Harry pretending he hadn't watched the workprint and written up this 'review' weeks ago.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:23 a.m. CST


    by Rachel_Bowman

    Been lurking for many a moon --come on, man. "I just don't see the need wasting my time on a movie that is this badly reviewed by critics" You mean like FANBOYS?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:25 a.m. CST



    Studios will not go along with this shit. Harry thinks he is some muscle than can crush the success of a film. So when this thing does 60 mill this weekend, what the fuck are you gonna say then? AICN readers have no impact on box office. Get that through your fucking head and quit pretending you have power. <p>You will slowly start to lose more and more screening invites. Watch.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:25 a.m. CST

    I'm with you Harry.

    by dixieflyer

    I usually agree with your take on films but this is one film that the reviews in general are terrible enough that I don't need a review from you to keep me away from it heh. Even the "good" reviews are damning of this movie.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:25 a.m. CST

    danguy54321: learn some etiquette

    by Duke of Hurl

  • May 1, 2009, 12:26 a.m. CST

    CarrieLynn Phd...

    by Hawking_s_Nutsack

    Reads like a grade schooler, could be translation issues or could just be the internet for you.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:26 a.m. CST

    Fanboys -- 31% at RT

    by Rachel_Bowman

    So, someone remind much coverage did FANBOYS receive here? How many reviews?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:26 a.m. CST

    Like it or not, Danguy...

    by Cletus Van Damme

    ...Harry has a measure of cred amongst the studios because they know a lot of us read his reviews. They didn't invite him because they know they probably made a shadow of the film that Iron Man was and are trying to delay that news from reaching their target demographic (us) until after a nice, fat opening weekend. <p>The fact that you're here posting now proves my point.<p>

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:26 a.m. CST

    Oh, wow, Harry's pissy that his editor got no invite!!

    by Speed Fricassee

    So he refuses to post a review. Goddamn hysterical. Fucking classic.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:28 a.m. CST

    It is as I feared....

    by Aphex Twin

    Fox has turned my beloved X-MEN into a parody of itself. I still hold out hope that we might get an HBO X-MEN weekly series where they start of with the Wolverine, no Gambit, no weird relationships with Sabertooth. Just a straight forward adaptation of the first class: Cyclops, Marvel Girl (I'll even accept the name Jean Grey), Beast, Iceman, Angel, and a very stern Professor Xavier. Fuck you Fox, fuck you Marvel for letting Fox do this, and fuck the general masses who actually pay to see such garbage and encourage fox to come out with more festering shit!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:29 a.m. CST

    Harry's still gay for Hugh

    by penhapus

    and doesn't want to upset him; you're not going to review a film because everyone else says it stinks? oh, well - just watch the good films in the future, but PLEASE stop calling yourself a journalist - this is the equivalent of not reporting swine flu because it might depress people but doing a big piece on a horse that can count. Plus every single person on this website who watched the workprint that you refused to watch because it would be wrong to watch an incomplete film told you this a month ago; but apparently their views weren't good enough for you - any chance of a sorry for that insult too?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:29 a.m. CST

    Harry hating on a FOX film.....NO!!!!!!!!!

    by Monkeybrains

    It's getting really old . <p> We get it. You don't like Fox. <p> They don't like you. <p> When is this pissing war between you two going to end? I thought you would be above this by now Harry. How do you expect anyone to take anything you say about FOX seriously any more with the slamming of every project that they do? <p> Why bother even putting this TB up, when all you could have done is posted in the other TB and just said that you don't want to see it because you feel it looks like crap. That's your opinion and people have to respect that, but this is just whining baby crap. <p> And what kind of fucking idiot waits to see what the reviews are for this type of film? You either know after watching the first trailer or not if you want to see it. Having to get some random strangers ok to see a movie is pathetic.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:30 a.m. CST


    by Rachel_Bowman

    "Harry has a measure of cred amongst the studios because they know a lot of us read his reviews. They didn't invite him because they know they probably made a shadow of the film that Iron Man was and are trying to delay that news from reaching their target demographic (us) until after a nice, fat opening weekend." The truth is that Wolverine is going to open soft, and everyone knows it. Harry is just going posturing so that when the film opens at $40 million, he'll crow that he caused it. The film is going to open soft because of the bad vibes of X3 and because of Jackman's musical theater romp at the Oscars.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:31 a.m. CST

    FANBOYS and SNAKES ON A PLANE did really well....


    ...because of all the AICN pull.<p>Get the fuck over yourselves you delusional fucks. Do you understand how fucking tiny the readership of AICN is in comparison to the movie going audience of the entire nation? The financial impact is probably immeasurable it is so small. Target demographic my fucking ass. These movies live and die by the amount of tickets teenagers who don't give a fuck about what movie they see, buy. Deny that all you want. Its the facts.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:31 a.m. CST

    Harry that's idiotic.

    by FailureAtTheCave

    I don't care if you don't see the movie, and I don't care if it probably sucks. Don't EVER recommend to me not to see a movie you haven't even fucking seen. If I decided not to see movies people generally think are bad I'd have missed some of my favorite all time films... Kingdom of Heaven, The 13th Warrior, Miami Vice, The Last Samurai, to name only a few. By all means describe a movie to me if you've seen it, but if you haven't then respect your audience enough to shut up. With all due respect...

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:31 a.m. CST

    And the Swine Flu

    by Rachel_Bowman

    Swine Flu paranoia will hurt numbers, too. And Harry will still take credit for the soft opening.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:31 a.m. CST

    X3 was awesome

    by thefoggiest

    because i was tripping in amsterdam when i saw it. Phoenix was scary as shit. subsequent viewings have turned out much more sobering across the board.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:33 a.m. CST

    Couldn't care less.

    by CeejayNightwing

    about Deadpool not being done the way he is in the comic, that character is just an amalgamation of Spiderman and Wolverine, he's pointless in the comics and just another scooby-snack to throw at dim witted fanboys who like silly characters like Spawn and Venom. These X movies never stuck to the look or narrative of the comics becasue most of those comics were stupid stories ith some good ideas. The movies did their own thing and rightly so, in this case they utilised the idea of Deadpool to make a better point of why Styrker would capture and experiment on so many Mutants in the first place. No red costume, wise cracking, psuedo Spider-man wearing guy from the comics? Too bad fanboys! The movie is highly entertaining and the best at doing that out of the entire series. Way better than X3, more delivery than X1 and much more even in entertainment than X2. Gambit's cameo is excellent, if anyone deserves their own film it's him!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:33 a.m. CST


    by Raised FisT

    So what exactly is different from the workprint? Sounds like the same film to me. Did they bring a few actors back for those shameful, NBC-esque, "the more you know" character spots? Cuz those sucked.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:33 a.m. CST


    by elbmirb

    Damn you Wolverine. While watching this i was reminded of the final scene in star wars episode 3... "NOOOO!!!!!!!" Now imagine that scene played for 100 minutes. Fuckin disgusting.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:33 a.m. CST

    i mean no disrecpect harry

    by MrHyde

    but when you have such strong supporting evidence that a movie is bad. especially that quote by ebert which is by far the best way to sum up this movie, just leave out the part that you weren't invited to screen it. the nerds are going to eat you alive for that. it has nothing to do with the movie or it's quality. i wasn't personally invited to the screening of the dark knight but it held no bearing on my opinion of it.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:34 a.m. CST

    Dennis Turan

    by Subovon

    Harry, you called Dennis Turan a "cynical prick" and I must strenuously object. The man meant exactly what he wrote. He does not have the brains for cynicism. He’s just a prick.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:35 a.m. CST


    by MrHyde

    also has an excellent point. if you consider yourself a critic your job is to see ALL films and form an opinion on it.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:36 a.m. CST

    just go to www.NukeTheFridge.COM they will have a review soon

    by danguy54321

    They break the news faster, they don't sell out. PLUS MANY AICN writers are there now!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:36 a.m. CST

    just go to www.NukeTheFridge.COM they will have a review soon

    by danguy54321

    They break the news faster, they don't sell out. PLUS MANY AICN writers are there now!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:36 a.m. CST

    just go to www.NukeTheFridge.COM they will have a review soon

    by danguy54321

    They break the news faster, they don't sell out. PLUS MANY AICN writers are there now!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:36 a.m. CST

    just go to www.NukeTheFridge.COM they will have a review soon

    by danguy54321

    They break the news faster, they don't sell out. PLUS MANY AICN writers are there now!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:36 a.m. CST

    just go to www.NukeTheFridge.COM they will have a review soon

    by danguy54321

    They break the news faster, they don't sell out. PLUS MANY AICN writers are there now!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:36 a.m. CST

    just go to www.NukeTheFridge.COM they will have a review soon

    by danguy54321

    They break the news faster, they don't sell out. PLUS MANY AICN writers are there now!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:36 a.m. CST

    just go to www.NukeTheFridge.COM they will have a review soon

    by danguy54321

    They break the news faster, they don't sell out. PLUS MANY AICN writers are there now!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:37 a.m. CST

    Why the fuck would anyone listen to Harry's plea?


    I'm thinking almost everyone that reads this will find it to be desperate and tacky. And Harry, it really does give a big middle finger to your readers to say "I haven't seen this, but Fox doesn't like me, so you guys should help me out and hurt Fox for me, cause uhhh....we're friends right, cause I gave you this site?"<p> Seriously? What the fuck. No one here gives a shit about your agenda. You act like you have pull.....but think about it. Where does your power come from? The readers. The same readers you are pretty much begging not to see this. If you had pull you wouldn't have to beg, and you wouldn't have to constantly deny seeing the workprint. If people here believed in half of this shit you say, they would already be on board with you for this. Great leaders don't have to beg their men to follow. <p>Praise Bale.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:38 a.m. CST

    Harry, uhm, so you haven't seen the movie?

    by digitalcos

    I mean, you are way too worked up about a movie you haven't even seen. That is just ridiculous coming from someone in your position. Ridiculous, and unprofessional.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:38 a.m. CST

    LOL @ AICN

    by Chief Joseph

    You guys bent over backwards to appease FOX by not posting reviews of the leak and they still snubbed you.<br>Is this the real reason you're pissed?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:38 a.m. CST



    No - I have no formed opinion on WOLVERINE beyond the fact that odds are high that I won't like it given the Critic climate on the film and the reader response I'm seeing in my email box. <BR><BR>Screening a film for me is no guarantee of a positive review - I hated FIGHTING, came home to write it up - but just hated thinking about that piece of shit. But at the same time, I knew writing a full review hating on the film would actually encourage more people to seek it out to see if it is as bad as I would've said it was - and that film wasn't just terrible, it was a goddamn borefest.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:38 a.m. CST

    "Fox refused to invite one the AICN editors to an advance screen

    by Mockingbird Girl

    Well boo-fucking-hoo. Why should they? It's comments like this that make it clear you're only a fanboy, not someone whose critical opinions have any real value. Of course, most of us figured that out when you raved about FLINTSTONES: VIVA ROCK VEGAS.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:38 a.m. CST

    Cant take it anymore...

    by ryleycampbell1983

    Been reading this site for years and this post has finally made me get in the mud with the rest of you. Now Harry wont do a review because other critics said it was bad? What. The. Fuck. I think its about time for Harry to step down and let one of the other guys run the show for a bit or maybe forever. His over the top, second coming of Jesus reviews are bad enough...but this is just pathetic...

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:39 a.m. CST

    I applaud Harry.

    by hallmitchell

    I will follow his lead. I will NOT see this film.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:41 a.m. CST

    So you haven't even seen the movie.

    by Alphanumeric1971

    But say it's bad. And lets not even go into the coming down on foxes side of the whole "leaked" debacle. Yeah, mmmHmmm.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:41 a.m. CST

    not going to the movie

    by My best friend

    The reviews have me convinced that this is a waste of money to see in the theatre, or possibly at all. I grew up collecting the Uncanny X Men in the 1980's. I have the original Wolverine mini series and graphic novel from back then - he has always been a favorite. However I did not like X Men 1 or 3. part 2 was pretty cool, but still not all that great. They shouldn't have killed Cyclops. Anyway this looks like a waste. Harry thanks for the heads up. I'm going to see The Soloist instead and wait for this to come out on AMC HD in 10 years.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:41 a.m. CST



    No - I'm not going to write a review of this because I'm not going to willingly pay to see a movie with a 33% rating on Rotten Tomatoes - and that my reader reviews I've been getting over the last 6 days are 90-98% negative. <BR><BR>I'd rather buy a Blu Ray I don't have.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:41 a.m. CST



    Copy and paste this shit if you agree. Quint should be running AICN. He needs to make this a fun, respectable place again. <p>I love AICN, I really do. But Harry-- you are killing this fucking site just like you have been killing yourself for so many years with your obsession with food. I don't mean that as an insult. Its hard to realize you have a problem. But need to step the fuck back for awhile. You are doing irreparable harm here.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:42 a.m. CST

    Kind of lame to not review it but post a bunch of reviews.

    by Cotton McKnight

    But the question is, is this lame review lamer than the movie? I'm seeing it myself, so I will keep you updated.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:42 a.m. CST

    Who the fuck's talking about FIGHTING, Harry?

    by Speed Fricassee

    Despite the fact that I hated it, at least I have an opinion after having seen this in the theater. I agree with the majority here.. if you ain't seen it, keep your trash can shut.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:43 a.m. CST

    for someone who liked f42 and the blair witch project 2

    by supercowbell4therequestformorecowbell

    thats a pretty pussy move to not go see it. but i guess i understand kind of. the x-men series have been so brutally raped, watered down, and dissapointing i cant bear to see it anymore. x2 i liked alot, but even then cyclops was shoved aside and storm was still awful (mostly berrys fault). x3 was a hot bag of shit. wolverine, the version i saw anyway...sigh. i hate you fox. i hate you rothman. i hate you ratner. ryan reynolds even sounds like a sad fan after the rapage of deadpool occured. gambit is barely in it. the way wolverine lost his memory was poorly done. ending sucks. cliches abound everywhere. fuck this movie. fuck it in its ass.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:43 a.m. CST

    Harry, It is Time For You To Review The Booleg Out Of Protest

    by Media Messiah

    You protected Fox on the bootleg of Wolverine, and this is how they repay you? Time for you to go rogue again, and review the bootleg of Wolverine...and do it before morning.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:43 a.m. CST

    Harry - just review the movie ...thats why people come here

    by danguy54321

  • May 1, 2009, 12:43 a.m. CST

    Friendo's official position on this:

    by Friendo

    gay, childish, vindictive, inconsequential

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:44 a.m. CST

    Harry, I thought you were a "journalist"?

    by Kirbymanly

    Doesn't a journalist have to go straight to a SOURCE for the story and not just pull theirs from other "journalists"? You just keep proving that you don't even know the meaning of the words. This article and your stance on this subject is pathetic.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:44 a.m. CST

    That's, Bootleg

    by Media Messiah

  • May 1, 2009, 12:45 a.m. CST

    Why are you advertising it then dumbass?

    by happybunni

    This site has less than no integrity. It's not even a small advertisement, it is a big annoying advertisement.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:45 a.m. CST

    nukethefridge is too good of a site


    to need this constant plugging. knock it off danguy. you're making the rest of us look bad and making the other site look more desperate than it is.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:45 a.m. CST

    Say What?

    by Rachel_Bowman

    "No - I'm not going to write a review of this because I'm not going to willingly pay to see a movie with a 33% rating on Rotten Tomatoes" FANBOYS has a 31% at RT, and was a flop, and you guys were on that like white on rice.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:46 a.m. CST


    by RobertCrane

    The only reason I paid for this abortion was because my kids wanted to see it live and in a theatre. Fox has lost any reason for me to come out of my pocket after this garbage. Yes I did see the workprint and it is nice that Hugh (can I cash this check now)Jackman admitted after hustling his ass all over America that he was a producer of this crap and most of this bullshit he approved. The script sucked, the story could have been done better by my 10 year old. Her first comment was how is Canada even around in 1845? It was not a frigging country then. The list goes on. But you see my point. And yes I would have been interested in more Deadpool or a better Deadpool. He is a kick ass character in the Marvel Universe. Fox just ruined for me so fuck them.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:46 a.m. CST

    Is it as good as Godzilla?

    by White Goodman

    Harry is certainly entitled to his opinion. With that said, I would sooner kill myself than base a decision on anything Harry says.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:47 a.m. CST

    feel bad for hugh jackman


    he's a good guy and he really wanted this to be a good flick. but by the ton of promotions and junkets and crazy ass methods of advertising, i knew this was a turd. i have never seen SO MANY trailers for ONE movie-EVER. and the strange thing is, they were all pretty much the same.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:47 a.m. CST

    Just so I don't confuse anyone...

    by happybunni

    I meant that adveritsing a crappy crappy crappy movie means you are selling your integrity. "This movie sucks don't see it!..." And then the ads pop up telling people to go see it. Also we know why you defended Wolverine's leak so much, now that the advertisements are here it makes sense.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:47 a.m. CST

    What a Baby!!!

    by wallygogo

    I can't believe you are refusing to see this! Since when do you form your opions based on what critics say? We see right through you. Didn't get invited to the party so now say you don't care. Wow. Lost a lot of respect tonight.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:47 a.m. CST

    Oh, and also...

    by Alphanumeric1971

    I'm not interested in going to see Star Trek either. (Mostly cuz I don't wanna be one of those "raped my childhood" guys. Because from what I have heard, thats exactly whats going to happen if I see it.)

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:47 a.m. CST

    Harry pouts because a shitty movie won't give him graft

    by reflecto

    If they had wined and dined him he'd be all over us with another giddy/ambivalent "la dee da, I can't actually say it's bad" review a la "Lady In The Water."

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:48 a.m. CST

    and the flash advertisement.

    by Alphanumeric1971

  • May 1, 2009, 12:49 a.m. CST

    for the film.

    by Alphanumeric1971

    kinda undermines your whole argument Doncha think?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:49 a.m. CST

    Fuck Wolverine

    by DrSurvey

    Rockets actually got past the first round. Fuck the Bulls too.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:49 a.m. CST

    this site is no longer relevant

    by paulmkelly

    You're refusing to review a movie? Isn't that your job? What's the point of this site now?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:51 a.m. CST

    Good for you Harry

    by Chuck_Cobra

    The only way to get FOX to stop making this shit, is to stop giving them money for it. Harry clearly understands this. Why don't the rest of you wise up?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:51 a.m. CST

    Just out of interest

    by DrSurvey

    What was the last movie that Harry actually gave a negative review to?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:51 a.m. CST

    What the fuck is this!?

    by Biffs_Pleasure_Paradise

    What kind of lazy half assed shit was that? 'I didn't see it, but everyone else said it sucked so you should skip it'. Would Ebert write some shit like that? Either see it and review it or don't. We don't need your recap of Rotten Tomatoes, we can look that up our fucking selves. You lost credibility awhile ago, but this is just batshit crazy.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:51 a.m. CST

    Natecore, this is much worse than Spidey 3...

    by 2sdaychicken

    You thought Venom was butchered already? Well if Fox made Spidey 3, Venom would be a shirtless, mouthless, bestfreind to Spiderman, and have all the powers of Spideys other villains. Cause thats EXACTLY what the creators of Wolverine did to an equally fan-favorite. And imagine, spidey's suit was a maskless black leather shit. I'm not talkin symbiote-suit, I mean 24-7 throughout the whole fuckin trilogy. "Would you prefer red and blue spandex?" YYYEEESSSS!!!! FUCK YOU FOX!!!!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:51 a.m. CST

    Do we need Harry to review this movie? No.

    by dixieflyer

    Seriously, lets move on to Star Trek and T4...... but Harry, one day you do have to call Twilight out for what it is.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:51 a.m. CST

    Not going to jump on Harry

    by Continentalop

    Because it is to easy of target right now, but I will say How the fuck does AICN not, I repeat NOT, a review of a movie it has basically been advertising for the last couple of weeks. Since April 21st you have had 5 stories - 5 STORIES - about the Wolverine movie. That is the more than any other film. So how the hell do you not have a review of a movie that you have been following so closely. <p> This just smells of BS to me.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:52 a.m. CST

    Harry, I Can't Believe I Just Read That

    by DKT

    It's a disappointing day for this AICN fan.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:52 a.m. CST

    Why should Harry

    by Raised FisT

    justify his actions (or in-actions in this case) to any of us talk backers? Some of you idiots just NEED to bitch about SOMETHING. Does it temporarily take the sting out of your worthless basement dwelling lives?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:53 a.m. CST

    Excuse my bad grammar

    by Continentalop

    I was writing on my iPhone.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:53 a.m. CST

    maybe you should rethink your career choice

    by BMacSmith

    if writing critical reviews to bad movies makes you cry, maybe you should think about a new line of work. People arent going to seek out shitty films, except in very rare cases. <p>the endless gushing of below average to great movies isnt the mark of a great critic. <p>and I thought AICN generally looked down on RottenTomatoes? and why isnt AICN on rottentomatoes? So many questions...

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:55 a.m. CST

    Pwesents! Give me pwesents!!

    by CerebralAssassin

    Extorting fat piece of shit.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:55 a.m. CST


    by aceattorney

    Says Artie.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:55 a.m. CST

    Come On

    by Ellms

    So just because it has a low review on rotten tomatoes means that you won't review it? What about Cannibal Holocaust if it was out? or shit lets say Avatar came out had such poor reviews by others that the smell of shit could not be wiped from it? We all had the feeling of how lame this feel would be and eventually others proved this by the advance look of the film by the bootleg. Make your own opinion before you start telling people to save their dough on Abrams.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:55 a.m. CST

    My reviews of movies I haven't seen:

    by Chief Joseph

    Milk 1/2* - Looks kinda gay.<br> Star Trek * - The Enterprise looks stupid<br>

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:56 a.m. CST

    What the hell is this??

    by TheWacoKid

    So a critic will not see a movie because of other critics and non critic reviews? What the hell is that? You see crappy movies all the time, and you won't plunk down some cash for this? Isn't that your purpose here? Man, my respect level is dropping by the second.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:57 a.m. CST

    I have a suggestion for you Harry!

    by danguy54321

    Let the guys that run Nuke The Fridge run this site.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:57 a.m. CST

    Yeah! Fuck you, Kenneth! Booya!

    by thebearovingian

    What's the frequency now, Kenneth?! Harry Knowles just laid the cyber-smackdown on your LA candy-ass!<p>But seriously... the word is "poison" and poison is not good. OBEY ME!!!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:58 a.m. CST


    by CGI_Pants

    Harry is not seeing Wolverine because he watched the workprint! Learn to read between the lines y'all. The movie is the same as the work print. Harhar!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:59 a.m. CST

    Early review!

    by Ellms

    Humpty Dumpty ****1/2- Get yo space rape on!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:59 a.m. CST

    by Rachel_Bowman

    "Does it temporarily take the sting out of your worthless basement dwelling lives?" ... No, but it helps me pass the 15 minutes of time while I regain stamina after my husband has filled me repeatedly with his sperm and has to "come up for air". AICN is a good diversion before I go and do it all over again. What's your excuse?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:01 a.m. CST

    Harry's offcial position on STAR TREK in bending over!

    by danguy54321

  • May 1, 2009, 1:01 a.m. CST

    Harry's offcial position on STAR TREK in bending over!

    by danguy54321

  • May 1, 2009, 1:02 a.m. CST

    More non-reviews

    by Chief Joseph

    Gooby **** It's got to be better than those trailers, right?<br> T4 ** Didn't see it, I was looking at the light

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:02 a.m. CST

    Just for your information....

    by DrSurvey

    Out of all the reviews of Harrys currently on the front page, they are all gushing love fests. How many of them were free screeners?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:03 a.m. CST

    I'll check this movie out in 3 weeks...

    by Outlaw

    during a matinee (not manitee) screening. This movie will/does suck the devil's asshole. I've heard nothing but piss poor comparisons to X3, which to me, is code for: FOX assfucked, then feltched WOLVERINE.<br> <br> <br>I have never read an X-men comic, but I did grow up on those great Saturday morning cartoons. I am not a bitchy fanboy, but even I know this is a peice of shit movie.<br> <br> <br>I'll probably check that retarded Matthew McConaughey movie. If I'm spending $20-$30 on a shitty movie, I might as well get a blowjob out of it...on second's not so much "spending" money as it is "investing" money! Id rather get a blowjob than just be plain fucked over.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:04 a.m. CST

    Its not bitching

    by ryleycampbell1983

    Its not bitching to call out bullshit when you see it. Either review or dont review it. Dont review it by writing about how you're not going to review it. And a review based on others reviews is not a review. And is it because Fox didnt give an invite, or because others said it was bad? Cause both are lame ass excuses to create drama... paulmkelly is right...what is the point of a review site that doesn't do reviews?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:04 a.m. CST

    Waaa haaaait a second.

    by gotilk

    Not to rain on anyone's lynching, but doesn't the fact that he will not review the film combined with the existence of the ads (sorry.. what ads? I use Firefox and NoScript) mean that he still HAS some integrity? Who says the guy has to review every film released? Word is, this is a big.. big stinker. <br><br>Hmm... (looks up integrity just to be sure... YUP) If he gave a warm-hearted review of the film that everyone agrees is a stinker, you would have said it was because they were an advertiser. I'm confused. I don't see ads, so maybe the ad says "BEST MOVIE EVAR - Harry Knowles - AICN" If not, shut your pieholes.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:04 a.m. CST

    I saw it...

    by ErnestBorgNine

    and I don't see what all the boohooing is about. I liked it. It was alright. Bone claws suck.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:05 a.m. CST

    Yeah, good for you harry! /s

    by happybunni

    Sticking up to Fox like that! Showing them that.. oh no wait, you're still advertising their shitty ass movie on this shitty ass site.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:05 a.m. CST

    well, good luck to Hugh and Liev

    by BMacSmith

    from what ive heard they actually showed up to act in the movie. For the rest, at this point, its just piling on. Wolverine is buried for awhile. the end.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:07 a.m. CST

    I have lost respect for you harry....

    by stefan2789

    I never really thought that could happen, i loved ya man, your reviews, your point of view on movies, but what i loved was you went against the critics or general concensus on a movie, not giving a shit about what the big time critics said, now you have gone totally the other way, i hope you see how much of a douche you r becoming, i don;t mean to insult but thats how you sound to me now, its a sad day.....sorry....

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:07 a.m. CST

    What the FUCK was this?

    by antonphd

    You just told everyone to skip a movie that you haven't seen... this is coming from the guy who loved Van Helsing. You have gone Hollywood. Wow. I'm dissappointed. I thought you at least had the integrity to withhold an opinion of something until you've seen it. Integrity... non-existant.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:07 a.m. CST

    Interesting to see that....

    by DrSurvey

    On Twitter, the majority of people talking about it actually think it is ok? There is a few 'I loved it' on there.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:07 a.m. CST

    Nice one Sheldon. Glad you didn't write my movie.

    by 33.3rpm

    See subject line.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:08 a.m. CST

    "What's my excuse?"

    by Raised FisT

    My basement is under construction

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  • May 1, 2009, 1:10 a.m. CST

    Alamo Drafthouse

    by DrSurvey

    Isn't Harry so pally with the Alamo Drafthouse that they will give him a free ticket to see this?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:10 a.m. CST

    Site Integrity does not equal running ads for bad movies

    by happybunni

    You run ads for bad movies, you are basically telling your readers to go see them. Which ruins the integrity of the site in my eyes. Not like it's had any for ahile. Give site to Mori.. even though there've been more than a few issues in the past, he's been good the last year.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:10 a.m. CST

    Scene after the credits

    by Salsashark1

  • May 1, 2009, 1:10 a.m. CST

    Midnight showing...

    by nemov

    Just saw the movie... It's okay. It's about what I was expecting; however, it's much better than the 3 hour snoozefest that was the Watchmen. I'd watch the Wolverine movie for 24 hours before I'd ever watch the Watchmen again.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:11 a.m. CST

    "Come up for air"

    by Raised FisT

    Does he shoot sperm from his nostrils? Sounds like we have a new Wolverine villain.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:12 a.m. CST

    Speaking of the Ads

    by DrSurvey

    Penny Arcade will only run ads on things that they recommend as they see it as an extension of their opinion - this place just wants moolah (as evidenced by Harrys increasing dodging for answering the question about his DVD column)

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:13 a.m. CST

    What a wank...

    by Lord_Flasheart

    ... of a review. God forbid anyone disrespects the great Harry Knowles. Of course the film isn't a masterpiece. Is it a better film than Watchmen? Of course not, but I'll say it's a lot more fun than Watchmen. It's 2 hours of superhero action. Sure Fox have f@#$ed up some characters and the CGI isn't perfect, but so what? I wasn't expecting it to be the Dark Knight, for fraks sake. The trailers were honest - not much story, lots of action. Compare it to the Watchmen trailers which didn't in any way suggest that the film was 2 hours of slow pans and stilted dialogue and improbable sex scenes, and 20 minutes of action. People need to get a grip. Besides, what the f@#$ does Harry know? I remember his review of Attack of the Clones. He said it was almost as good as Ep5. Was that because he was up Fox's ass at the time and isn't nowadays? Or because he was smoking more crack back then? Either way, I say boycott Harry's reviews; they're either pandering suckfests or petulant rubbish.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:13 a.m. CST


    by VALENTINEproductions

    Dude seriously you sound like a big ass baby. Oh i wont see a movie because they didnt ask me to see it. Oh i wont pay to see something with such negative reviews. Your a fucking HIPPO-CRIT.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:13 a.m. CST

    Pretty damn lame Harry - you've just proven you are BOUGHT

    by Professor_Monster

    You are not reviewing this because of RottenTomatoes - yeah, right! You are a fucking cry baby - that's all. A damn thumb in the mouth toddler with a snot nose. You created this site to rant or rave about movies - not for the perks of free passes. Perhaps not being invited reminds you how truly far outside the industry you are and always will be. Sharing a buffet with Roth and phone calls from (drop name here) does nothing for your self esteem when someone more powerful than you will ever be doesn't pick the fat kid to be on their flag football team. So look in the mirror, look at your wife and say to yourself - YOU ARE NOT A HOLLYWOOD PLAYER AND NEVER WILL BE. Once you can get that down your throat, sit at your computer and WRITE A FUCKING REVIEW no matter the way you saw the movie. You've been pwned by Rothman once again - you did them a favor that they didn't return - WELCOME TO HOLLYWOOD DUMB ASS.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:14 a.m. CST


    by Cletus Van Damme

    I agree with your response to me, and totally respect what you're saying. If the film is as bad as everyone is saying, it honestly doesn't matter to me why it opens soft, so long as it opens soft. Fox needs to get the message via the only language they understand (i.e.: Money) to prove that more money can be made with quality comic films rather than just throwing something together with an iconic character with a huge fanbase and hoping for the best.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:15 a.m. CST

    So Harry, what you're saying is...

    by Droid

    you won't see it because you have to pay real money, and not get a fucking freebie. Jesus fucking christ, Harry. Just when it looks like you can't get any more petty and pathetic, you manage to conjure up another way to show all your faithful readers how much of a fucking sellout and corporate shill you are. <p>For some reason, people still read your reviews, Despite them being so poorly written they are often difficult to read. Take a long hard look at yourself and show some respect to your readers. Or just give up and hand over the reigns to someone that might actually give a shit.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:15 a.m. CST

    Hey Nemov

    by Lord_Flasheart

    great minds, and all that. :)

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:15 a.m. CST

    Harry, you fucked up this time.

    by antonphd

    This is one of those moments where you have gone over the line and you are going to calm down later... and wish to god that you hadn't done this. All you had was your street cred. You would say you loved a movie no matter what anyone else said. You would trash a movie that everyone else loves. You NEVER told people not to watch a film that you haven't seen. Especially over not being invited to an official press screening. Wow. You better be willing to say that you were just losing it cause you were pissed, cause if you are really setting a precident that you review films you haven't seen by quoting other films... while running ads for the film on your site... you are going to watch AICN drift away. I don't know... maybe you don't care anymore.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:15 a.m. CST

    yea people need to settle down...

    by DrBrianOblivion

    ... in the end you're going to continue to come here so get off your high horses.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:15 a.m. CST

    No, happybunni

    by gotilk

    Losing integrity would be to give a positive review of a crappy film that advertises on the site OR to feel obliged to review a film JUST because it's advertised. Where did you guys study ethics? I'm astounded. You have to be dense not to get that. (not directed at you, happybunni.. just generally)

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:16 a.m. CST


    by Proman1984

    And that's the position of the whole civilized world.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:16 a.m. CST



    LOL. I love the conspiracy theories you came up with. I'm simply not going to pay to see this movie based on reviews I've read from critics and you. I've made the same decision that many of you make based on reviews you've read. <BR><BR>The reason I wrote this was because I had about 40 emails asking if I was going to review the film. <BR><BR>I found out just 15 minutes ago that Fox had a screening in Austin. There was NO invite to AICN to attend - even though as editors we do hold our reviews to Embargo dates, if they tell us to. Had I been invited to that screen, I would have reviewed the film. But I wasn't. So why go out of my way at personal expense to see a movie that they don't want me to see? <BR><BR>They apparently invited Capone to a screening in Chicago. And Massawyrm managed to sneak into the Austin screening, so you may see reviews from them. But I really do believe in supporting movies financially that you feel deserve your money. From everything I've read, I've decided to wait for home video.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:17 a.m. CST



    Editorial has ZERO interaction with the ads that run on AICN - that's a third party thing, I don't even know what ads are running until I load the page.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:18 a.m. CST

    Harry, you fucking douchebag hipocrite!

    by the milf lover

    if you hate the Wolverine movie so much that you wont even see it (which is a goddamn lie because you saw the fucking workprint but just wont admit it, you're too much of a raving movie-loving lunatic to not have seen it), then why the fuck are you taking their advertising money by pasting that annoying CHACHING pop-up ad? Oh that's right, you're advertising it because you're just a goddamn sellout hypocrit! <p> If you have any shred of decency, integrity and credibility left in your carcass, you'll take down those ads by tomorrow morning and apologize to all your readers and us talkbackers for inflicting them upon us; not doing so will just prove to everyone how much of a spineless sellout you really are. <p> Although I have to say, if anything, after this article, FOX should be asking for their advertising money back!! <p> And this posting a dozen email reviews is just a load of shit to cover your sorry ass! You wont watch the movie because others tell you it's bad? Bullshit! You'll watch just about anything if your dvd articles..... excuse me, your BluRay articles are any indication, and watch them 20 times in a week if it happens to catch your attention no matter how crap it might be!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:19 a.m. CST

    Didn't this site get a guy FIRED over this MOVIE?

    by Professor_Monster

    Didn't that teabag fuck nugget Drew McWeeny and harry get some guy FIRED when the movie was leaked - AHAHAHAHA! It's so perfect that didn't invite you fucks to see the final version. You fucked a man out of a job and now you've fucked your reputation. Good for you.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:20 a.m. CST



    Given the trailers and clips, the reviews and the reader reviews in my email box, I've decided to wait for Home Video. From all that I've read, it sounds like the film's effects will probably play better on a smaller screen. My opinion hasn't been MADE by the reviews I've read, only my opinion of forking over money for tickets.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:20 a.m. CST


    by stefan2789


    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:20 a.m. CST


    by CerebralAssassin

    Harry could make one call and get an ROE pass for this film. This "personal expense" crap is pathetic and Harry is pathetic to think we wouldn't catch on.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:21 a.m. CST

    This years Snakes on a Plane

    by lockesbrokenleg

  • May 1, 2009, 1:21 a.m. CST

    Damn Harry

    by Raised FisT

    Just slap together a few words and call it a review to appease these folks. Apparently your reviews mean more to them than the actual fucking movies.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:22 a.m. CST

    Very Poor

    by Magregus

    This site just continues to go downhill. New management needed!!!

    Reply to Talkback

  • if the opinion is overwhelmingly YES, I'll go see it and review it.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:22 a.m. CST


    by stefan2789

    You are basing your seeing or not saying it on what others think which is why i loved reading your reviews, they were against the grain...please watch the movie and restore my faith....please....

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:22 a.m. CST

    Kenneth Turan

    by Mutilator

    Same guy who blasted Mallrats gave Wolverine a good review? Fuck Ken Turan.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:23 a.m. CST

    Yes, Harry, see it.

    by ErnestBorgNine

    Do your job.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:23 a.m. CST

    im starting to think this movie isnt so bad

    by BMacSmith

    is it possible? have any non comic geeks chimed in on this? I might be able to enjoy it if i just pretend it has nothing to do with the comics. but laser eyed, superpowered Deadpool sounds impossibly lame. i think the adamantium bullet thing kills it for me. thats just too stupid.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:23 a.m. CST


    by DigitalDong

    doesn't exist here.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:23 a.m. CST

    sour grapes to me...

    by Ashoholic

    sounds like...

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:23 a.m. CST


    by stefan2789


    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:24 a.m. CST

    So the way we see it is WRONG?

    by Professor_Monster

    I think Capone and Massawyrm paid to see the movie - you are just covering your ass now. Seeing how you like Rotten Tomatoes so much: 99% or your readers think you are being a BITCH

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:24 a.m. CST


    by kidrobot71

    Nobody bought me off or flew me anywhere or kissed my ass so I won't review this movie. GOD YOU SUCK HARRY This guy is a douche to but at least he's honest

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:24 a.m. CST

    Time to let someone else take the wheel Harry

    by Miyamoto_Musashi

    You need to sit in the back seat like DGDB said let Quint take the wheel. Do your Butt Numb a Thon thing, go to some film festivals and do some worshipping of stuff you like, but let someone take charge who will act like you did a few years ago. <p> Clearly you have got too comfortable and don't have the passion, or interest you once did. I can't imagine you not seeing this movie 3 years ago, regardless of not getting free tickets. This is a geek property, you should be reviewing this and giving your thoughts. <p> Speed Racer was panned as badly as Wolverine is receiving, from memory you saw it before most of the reviews, can't imagine that you wouldnt have seen it, even if you had saw Rotten Tomatoe at similar levels.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:24 a.m. CST

    No polls, Harry. Do your fucking job.

    by reflecto

    I can smell your flop sweat from here. You want to prove people you're not just bought and paid for? Do the job.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:25 a.m. CST

    No, you should not

    by Droid

    Because you've made your fucking choice, shown your true colours and I for one have zero fucking interest in your opinion now. <p>Not that I had much of an interest before.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:25 a.m. CST

    actually Beaks is paying to watch it in 35 minutes


  • May 1, 2009, 1:25 a.m. CST


    by Raised FisT

    Stick to your guns. Or I'll flood talkbacks with, "Harry owes me 10 thousand dollars" so you can second guess yourself and start a poll on whether or not to pay me.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:25 a.m. CST


    by DrSurvey

    Tell you what, DONT pay to see it. Download it - fuck Fox over in another way.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:26 a.m. CST

    NO dont go see it..

    by DrBrianOblivion

    ...who gives a fuck what talkbackers think. If you dont want to see it then dont see it.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:26 a.m. CST

    you blasted Transformers, so i know there is some good in you

    by BMacSmith

    you can do it again. give into your hate. write a negative review of a terrible movie. add all the disgusting sexual references you can think of if you wish. free screening be damned!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:26 a.m. CST

    This is why Harry is an asshole

    by danguy54321

    Think about it. He gives good reviews to movies that suck. We put trust in him, then we the fans spend are money thinking we will get something good. Now that RT is giving the film a bad review HE WILL SPEND HIS MONEY ON THE FILM.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:27 a.m. CST


    by Slaphappy Slim

    Harry's "official position" can be boiled down to three words: blubbering fucking idiocy. Kind of like when he went ballistic about Emma Frost in this movie then had to furiously backtrack when it became clear he hadn't done his fucking research.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:27 a.m. CST

    I gotta say It's lame...

    by Steepdog1

    to say "Don't go see this because I'VE READ bad reviews about it." And it does sound like sour grapes for not being invited to the screening. It reminds be of people who want to ban books they've never read..."I don't have to read it to know it's filth!" I mean, couldn't you just say, "I've decided not to review Wolverine because i did not attend the press screening, and it does not look like a film I will enjoy." ? Instead it's " I'm not going to see it...but I am going to run every negative tidbit I can find about it and paint as negative a picture as I can of a movie I haven't even seen." Just sounds lazy and bitter.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:27 a.m. CST

    Poll? Pull the other one...

    by Lord_Flasheart

    Why bother? Your opinion on this film is going to mean nothing. If you implore people not to see a film because you wont shell out a few bucks, then if the forum members 'bully' you into going, obviously you're going to put some biased told-you-so bullcrap review on the site.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:27 a.m. CST

    When WAS his last negative review?

    by reflecto

    And can we correlate a negative review to ANY movie he was not personally brought in on - set visits, interviews, screenings, etc?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:27 a.m. CST

    " it sounds like the film's effects will play better ..."

    by Professor_Monster

    " it sounds like the film's effects will probably play better on a smaller screen" WHAT? And just what do small screen special effects sound like? You've topped your stupidity with this one.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:27 a.m. CST

    Harry, You Hack, this is just faux maturity. Its petty.

    by MMacKK

    This just seems like a very petty attempt to 'be the better man'. All signs have been pointing for weeks that this film would suck balls. The trailers are shit, and yeah, word was really bad. When the fuck have you cared about Rotten Tomatoes? This was not a film for critics, and regardless of whether it is bad, its a double standard that NOW you are listening to what they have to say. But the coincidence with an AICN writer not being able to see it and your now changed tune? Dude, stop being such a petty bastard. You look like a tool, and the Talkbackers know it.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:28 a.m. CST

    Or rather, any movie he was brought in on

    by reflecto


    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:28 a.m. CST

    Douche bag of Hurl

    by Daremo

    Officially still a "First" douche. I hope you die in a hotel fire.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:28 a.m. CST

    Alright Harry, I call bullshit

    by Kief_Ledger

    You've written a ton about how much time you spend in the Austin theaters seeing stuff that no one on this site in there right mind would see. The reason for this is because you're the purest of movie lovers who will see anything and be able to get a rise out of it. This article is typical AICN bullshit of you pouting like a five year old b/c you couldn't see the movie for free. So pay like the rest of us do you jackass!!! God knows you have the money since many of the contributors on this site don't get paid. Jesus Harry, I don't know when you went COMPLETELY off into fantasyland but it needs to stop. This site is suffering because of it.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:29 a.m. CST

    Ahhh, look who's butt hurt...

    by Sappers Forward

    I was going to say what a d-bag you were for taking the stance you did just because you're a little butt hurt, but the movie really did suck. So allow me to do your job for you... There were actually a few cool scenes. Otherwise it totally sucked. Did anyone involved in the film read the comics? Who was in charge of doing the green screen work? So does adamantium heal as well, or is Wolvie running around with two holes in his forehead and two bullets rattling around in his skull? I could go on forever ripping this movie a new one, it's sad.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:30 a.m. CST

    POLL did harry see the WORKPRINT

    by danguy54321

  • May 1, 2009, 1:30 a.m. CST

    Maybe I'll catch it after SOLOMON KANE tomorrow


    if I can get a ticket.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:30 a.m. CST

    Fuck it Harry, do what everyone else did..........

    by Han Cholo

    Download it In one fell swoop you'll be telling Rothman to FUCK himself, and you'll save money in the process. Also you'll be telling Fox we won't put up with anything less than Dark Knight standards.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:31 a.m. CST

    Stop bullshitting us Harry

    by the milf lover

    there is no way that your 'I wont pay to see it because everyone says it's bad' stance is real, you just wont pay because you already saw it and know it's crap and just wont admit that to us. Fucking spineless.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:31 a.m. CST

    It's not that I don't think the movie is shit

    by reflecto

    It's that Harry is throwing a tantrum because someone is not giving him presents. That's not what the work is supposed to be about. Somewhere along the way Harry decided he was really everybody's buddy and part of the system, and decided he would just be giddy and happy about virtually everything he saw - except mean old Fox. They don't want to be his friend, so he's going to pout. I'm sure the film is terrible, but at least do your job. Christ. How many sets can you visit? How many people can gladhand you and pretend they like you so they can yoke the geeks? How used can you feel in one month? Just REVIEW A MOVIE.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:31 a.m. CST

    You have seen it

    by PrincessLeias_Poohole

    Dont act as though you will pay to see it, all u will do now is review the workprint u already have seen as its the fucking same.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:31 a.m. CST

    DICKBLOOD got banned

    by danguy54321

  • May 1, 2009, 1:32 a.m. CST

    Jackman really should take more of the blame.

    by thedarklinglord

    Sure, the talentless director and assmonger writers are definitely at fault for fumbling their ends, but Jackman...let's be honest, if Jackman said, "Uh...I'm not this retarded shitfest of a movie unless you get someone competent in here to direct and someone with better than a GED to rewrite the script," then Fox would have had little choice but to fix it or dump it, because NOBODY would go see a Wolverine movie starring someone other than Jackman. He should have pulled a Bruce Willis and ask who their second choice was to play Wolverine. <br> <br> Granted, Jackman was probably locked in and would have been in breach of contract if he bailed, resulting in an ugly lawsuit and potential career suicide, but that's why you don't sign a contract - especially with fucking Fox - to do X number of movies. Not without some sort of script veto power or something. So, really, a large chunk of blame has to fall on Jackman for being a whore. <br> <br> I can appreciate wanting to grab the money while he can, and I'm sure it was a pretty sweet payday, but I think it's an actor's duty to stand up for the audience, or the fans when continuing a franchise, and demand the studio look beyond quick cash and short-term profit, demanding that they either do what's right for the movie - reshoots, rewrites, recasting, replacing directors, whatever - or fucking walk and leave the studio holding the bag, their own little shitsack of godawful that will flop at the box office. It's one of the only reasons I have hopes for Terminator Salvation, because I think Christian Bale is that sort of actor. I don't see him, not at this point in his career anyway, taking on a project that he knows will be a steaming pile just because the studio throws a bundle of cash his way. More actors need that sort of integrity.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:32 a.m. CST

    good and so should you danguy...

    by DrBrianOblivion're fucking annoying.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:32 a.m. CST

    If it was ANY OTHER STUDIO denying AICN a free screening Harry w

    by Paul T. Ryan

    Childish, grossly unprofessional nonsense. Besides after Harry's shameless pimping of Fanboys, Snakes on a Plane and Nacho Libre, its amazing this site has any credibility left. I pretty much only visit AICN now for the TV news anyway. Less whining sense-of-entitlement fanboy bullshit there.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:32 a.m. CST


    by stefan2789

    little by little, lets oush harry to be more open minded about things....

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:32 a.m. CST

    Taking A Stand

    by tensticks

    Yeah, you know, for years, when people have bitched about this site, its hypocrisies, its favoritism, its inconsistencies...I've never really cared. You know, it's their site, and no matter what I read on it, I never let it bother me--it is what is is, and while AICN may not be the FIRST movie site on the net, it definitely has a significant place in the history of online geekdom. But now I have to say, I agree with most of the other talkbackers--this is an absolutely hypocritical and childish stand to take, for all the reasons already mentioned and doubtless others. And for the record, I'm a casual X-Men fan; I enjoy the movies and the 90s cartoon but I never followed the comics. I definitely saw a decline in quality in X3, but by that time I'd readjusted my expectations. Lowered expectations make all the difference. I'm writing this after just having attended a night-before advance screening of Wolverine, and I have to say--it was OK. It had some moments, Jackman was great, and honestly I could give fuck-all about the other mutants being mere cameos (though personaally I *liked* the movie Gambit and would have liked to see more of him). The point is, it was deeply flawed, but it wasn't *that* bad, and certainly not deserving of the vitriol I'm reading on this site. And after reading this, I'm less disappointed in what the movie was or could/should have been than I am in AICN's and Harry's attitude towards it.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:34 a.m. CST

    Somebody call the WAAAAAAAAAAmbulance...

    by DrSurvey


    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:34 a.m. CST

    You tell everyone not to download because people work

    by Professor_Monster

    hard and it would hurt Hollywood - BUT you don't get to see it for free and you shit your pants. You need a fucking spanking you brat.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:35 a.m. CST


    by Lord_Flasheart

    ... hey, you make some fair points. But let's be honest, if this same story appeared in Uncanny X-men or one of the other dozen or so x-men/wolverine comic series, people wouldn't be going apes*** about the story problems. The story in this film would work on the comic page. Mostly. Okay, the bullet thing was dumb, but I just decided they came out the other side. And yes, he has bullet holes in his head adamantium now. :)

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:36 a.m. CST

    @ Harry : I understand

    by buffywrestling

    that maybe you don't want to see it; Hell, I don't want to see it. But I don't work as an editor for a generally genre specific movie site. I kinda think maybe you have an obligation for some people who respect your opinion on these type of films to tell them first hand what you thought of it. Fox are a bunch of cunts but your work ethic is your own.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:37 a.m. CST


    by danguy54321

  • May 1, 2009, 1:38 a.m. CST

    thedarklinglord, the director isn't talentless...

    by Lord_Flasheart

    ... he directed Tsotsi. Which is brilliant (and won an Oscar). I think he did a good job with what he was given.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:39 a.m. CST

    Should you see it?

    by ryleycampbell1983

    Does it matter now? He doesnt even get the point of the complaints...

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:39 a.m. CST


    by Zartan

    Sneak into it after paying for a real film or review the workprint (more entertaining with the glimpse of the FX process - finished FX suck anyway). Screw polls. If people here want you to see it so bad, let them chip in and buy you a ticket. I think you sound like a pouty child at times, and it sounds bad when you mention your support for Star Trek in this write up (images of your Enterprise model on display come to mind) because it seems like studios need to grease you for support. That said, I agree you shouldn't PAY to see shit like this (especially when other AICN editors will be covering it for your site).

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:39 a.m. CST



    film set visits. I average 3 a year. If I only reviewed those - that's how many reviews I'd give. Generally, the way a film critic's job goes is this. Studios set up screenings for critics - and critics review the film. If they don't set up a screening, depending on personal interest - we decide whether or not to go see the movie. Often times these movies are dreadful. But as many of you have pointed out - I've seen many "terrible" films that I wound up liking because my taste is apparently shit. SO - based on that logic, I should see this film, because apparently if anyone is going to like it, it'll be a monkey like me. <BR><BR>Fine - I've got an early screening of SOLOMON KANE - after that - I'll seek out the next available screening and pay to see WOLVERINE. What the hell, it can't be worse than X3 can it?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:40 a.m. CST

    £4.70 at my local multiplex

    by penhapus

    get someone in the UK to review it for you and we'll have a whip round to raise the ticket cash.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:41 a.m. CST

    meanwhile can you ban danguy54321

    by the milf lover

    for being such a fucking annoying shitstain on all the talkbacks? That's be great.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:41 a.m. CST

    your site is shite, danguy54321

    by Duke of Hurl

    quit your bullshit

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:41 a.m. CST


    by Slaphappy Slim

    But isn't vitriol what it's all about here? If a movie isn't all that great, you can't simply say that. You HAVE to go apeshit about it with every ounce of hyperbole you can muster and act as if you've been deeply and personally wounded by said film's existence. Talkback 101.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:42 a.m. CST

    a review would be nice...

    by Ogmios_the_Eloquent

    but it's true you shouldn't pay for this shitbag. Catch my drift?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:42 a.m. CST


    by Lord_Flasheart

    Wolverine is definitely not as bad as X3. But that film was so bad that it threatened to tear the fabric of time and space apart with its utter awfulness, so its not saying much.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:43 a.m. CST

    Yes, Go see the movie, Harry

    by Auriellis

    Show Fox you are a better man than them.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:43 a.m. CST

    yes please ban danguy....

    by DrBrianOblivion

    ....pretty please....hes soooo fucking annoying

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:43 a.m. CST

    Awww Harry

    by Raised FisT

    You softie.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:44 a.m. CST

    Swaney can be your

    by F-18

  • May 1, 2009, 1:44 a.m. CST

    Swaney can be your +1.

    by F-18

  • May 1, 2009, 1:46 a.m. CST

    buffywrestling -


    Ok, I'll go. I did watch X-MEN and X2 on Blu-Ray this week to get in the mood to go see it. Its just, when I came home tonight and started reading the overwhelming flood of bad reviews, it got me down. <BR><BR>Unlike so many critics, I really do give a shit about "comic book" characters like WOLVERINE - and I suppose it is possible that they collectively have their heads up their asses - or maybe like SPIDER-MAN 3, I'll find the good in it. The big thing for me is there's a lot in this film that I don't really care for. I've never liked Gambit. And DEADPOOL, I have almost no experience with. And that Obama theme song guy plays a mutant of some sort. What the fuck, I paid to see that STREETFIGHTER piece of shit earlier this year.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:46 a.m. CST

    Eh, I'm with you Harry

    by superfleish76

  • May 1, 2009, 1:46 a.m. CST is bettert then here also

    by danguy54321

  • May 1, 2009, 1:46 a.m. CST is bettert then here also

    by danguy54321

  • May 1, 2009, 1:47 a.m. CST

    You want a poll? YES you should see it.

    by OutlawsDelejos

    How dare you post a biased smattering of other peoples reviews to serve your own agenda against some outside the creative influence of the film. In all likely hood you will hate this film, but don't condemn a film before you see it. I can't believe you of all people would post the bullshit you did. Your behavior is gob smacking frankly.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:47 a.m. CST

    Eh, I'm with you Harry

    by superfleish76

    Paying money to see this in the theater only encourages them to make more crap. Let Marvel have the franchise back and start over.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:48 a.m. CST

    so I should find a way to sneak in to see the movie?


    God, literally the most embarrassing thing that I could possibly imagine is being arrested for sneaking into a movie. I'll pay for Dad and I to see it tomorrow. I'll even take pics of the tickets.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:49 a.m. CST

    Skip it Harry

    by Wrecks

    It's a piece of shit and you know it. Why support that at all? I was all ready to Bravo your ass.. don't flipflop. Stay the course.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:49 a.m. CST

    Nice flip-flop Harry

    by Raised FisT

    AICN = Democracy at its finest.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:50 a.m. CST

    You only have to click the "post talkback" button once, danguy54

    by Duke of Hurl

    You cro-magnon twit.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:50 a.m. CST

    Harry... Wolverine is better than X3

    by TheGoddamnSiege

    Deadpool and all of his fans are assraped, and the adamantium bullet thing is asinine bullshit. But the film is better than X3, a lot better. I watched the workprint, and I still found the film highly enjoyable. It's no X2, but what is, really?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:50 a.m. CST

    Good for you Harry!

    by Alphanumeric1971

    Now about that star trek thing...

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:51 a.m. CST

    The movie is BAD!

    by travis-dane

    Dont see it in a theater. Most of the negative things said in the E-Mails are true. And Liev's acting will still be good on Blu-Ray.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:52 a.m. CST

    Poll: How should Harry sabotage the screening?

    by Raised FisT

    I vote: diarrhea. Don't even leave your seat Harry.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:52 a.m. CST


    by Professor_Monster

    Now THAT'S our Harry! We don't care if you like it or not - as long as you tell us what you think. This site is like having us over and us hanging out with you - it's fun to agree and disagree with you, but we need your honest opinion to do so.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:52 a.m. CST



    Dude - I'm way gay in love with STAR TREK. It cradles the balls and everything!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:53 a.m. CST

    Why watch the film? WP or otherwise.

    by darthSaul666

    I just read that on spoilerific review in the article. Sounds like it's worse than Catwoman.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:53 a.m. CST

    Thats dumb harry

    by boardbrtn

    You review films for a living. Many of us would kill to do that. Go watch the biggest movie so far of the year. It's not as unfun as you want it to be.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:53 a.m. CST

    Thats dumb harry

    by boardbrtn

    You review films for a living. Many of us would kill to do that. Go watch the biggest movie so far of the year. It's not as unfun as you want it to be.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:53 a.m. CST

    Buy a ticket for a 'good' film

    by penhapus

    and then sneak in to Wolverine - that way the cinema gets its cut, you'll be supporting quality movie making, Fox won't get a dime and you can write the review. Sorted!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:54 a.m. CST



    but I don't like Liev Schrieber as an actor. He drives me fucking nuts in almost everything he's done. And ever since that fucking OMEN remake - I just think about daggers in his organs.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:54 a.m. CST

    wait, you paid for STREET FIGHTER

    by the milf lover

    and didnt even review it????????????? Fucking lame! Although topping Massa's review would've been impossible so I can understand if he just beat you to it.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:55 a.m. CST least you'll see it.

    by OutlawsDelejos

    That's something.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:55 a.m. CST



    Can't do that. If I pay to see a movie, I pay to see the movie I paid to see. I'm an Eagle Scout.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:56 a.m. CST

    Please Harry,

    by Lord_Flasheart

    go see the film, but don't post a review. Just see it so we can all shut up about you not seeing it.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:56 a.m. CST

    he was great in Manchurian Candidate, Harry

    by Duke of Hurl

  • May 1, 2009, 1:56 a.m. CST

    milf lover


    Saw STREET FIGHT 3 weeks after it came out, when I drove to San Antonio to see WATCHMEN on IMAX and we got there 4 hours early. Thought about reviewing it - It is truly one clusterfuck of a fucked up film.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:57 a.m. CST

    Wow, all this fuss for Wolverine?

    by lockesbrokenleg

    Crazy shit.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:57 a.m. CST

    Stop the kabuki theatre and just go see the movie

    by reflecto

    Christ. I don't need a commentary track.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:57 a.m. CST

    If I pay to see a movie,

    by Raised FisT

    I pay to see the movie I paid to see. It's too late for your riddles, dude.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:57 a.m. CST

    Touche' Harry!

    by Citizen Sane

    Turan's a fuckin' sellout. The sellout used to be Kevin Thomas (sometimes Kevin Crust), and Turan can be relied upon for objectivity. Now Turan has filled Thomas' shoes as another studio lackey in place of Thomas. But Turan is getting old now too, Who will be the next spineless weasel to bend-over for the gutless studio brass

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:57 a.m. CST

    SOLOMON KANE!?!?!?!

    by MaxTheSilent

    You bastard!! Youd better post every single word about that sdcreening as yu can muster.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:58 a.m. CST

    Duke of Hurl


    Um, no - he sucked ass in MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE, that entire fucking film sucked ass. What the hell are you talking about? There's only one MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE and it has Sinatra!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:59 a.m. CST

    I had a feeling that this one was gonna suck!

    by Citizen Sane

  • May 1, 2009, 1:59 a.m. CST

    Harry, THANK YOU

    by IndustryKiller!

    Thats taking a fucking stand. Trust me man, its for the betterment of comic book films as a medium that people stay away.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:59 a.m. CST

    You're killing me Harry!

    by Duke of Hurl

  • May 1, 2009, 1:59 a.m. CST

    wow what a TB - 236 posts already in 2 hours

    by Miyamoto_Musashi

  • May 1, 2009, 2 a.m. CST

    You're all right Harry

    by Star Hump

  • May 1, 2009, 2 a.m. CST

    "Saw STREET FIGHT 3 weeks after it came out"

    by the milf lover

    see you're lying again, we all know Street Fighter didnt last that long in theatres hahahaha

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2 a.m. CST

    Ginger Cunt

    by yodalovesyou

    Ginger cunt, ginger cunt, ginger cunt, Ginger cunt, ginger cunt, ginger cuntGinger cunt, ginger cunt, ginger cuntGinger cunt, ginger cunt, ginger cuntGinger cunt, ginger cunt, ginger cuntGinger cunt, ginger cunt, ginger cuntGinger cunt, ginger cunt, ginger cunt... Just like your readers. Fuck you, nerds.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:01 a.m. CST

    wolverine is the new elektra

    by Ogmios_the_Eloquent

    and yes, it's worse than X3. X3 was bad because of the way they treated the characters and because the plot was weak. Wolverine sucks because the characters are treated like shit and because the plot makes no sense whatsoever. just like in... you guessed it, Elektra!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:01 a.m. CST

    SOLOMON KANE - MaxTheSilent


    Yeah - first American critic to see it apparently. Michael Bassett was an AICN Chat Room guy back at the beginning of the chatroom - and he's made two very promising films - this is the biggest project he's done - and I love me some Robert E Howard. Hope Marc Antony from ROME can nail it! Looking for some Pilgrim/Vampire asskicking!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:01 a.m. CST

    Fuck Liev Schrieber

    by Wrecks

    Fuck Ryan Reynolds, Fuck CG Picard, Fuck Wolverine. don't do it.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:03 a.m. CST


    by Duke of Hurl

    I died in that hotel fire for you. I'm in heaven now. God says you're a dickhead.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:03 a.m. CST can't win...

    by Zartan

    You KNOW you won't like this (if you are a fraction of the Marvel fan you claim to be), so as a "True Believer", you will tear this film apart. Then you'll be criticized for bashing the film because you were bitter Fox didn't invite you to a screening (and this talkbalk will be cited as evidence that you were "close-minded" going in to it). The only difference is you'll be out of pocket and in a very bad mood having wasted your time. If you're going to go, SNEAK IN. Or call a theatre and offer them a plug in your review in exchange for free admission, praise them as the solution to this talkback debate and show them the exposure they'd get. Whatever you do... DO NOT FINANCIALLY REWARD THE COCKS THAT DID THIS TO LEN WEIN AND JOHN ROMITA!!! I have NO LOVE for 90's Marvel (don't care about Cable, Deadpool, Bishop, "Brain-eating" Venom", etc.) and I was still offended by what they did to Deadpool. If you ever want Marvel to get the rights back and give us a badass X-Men vs. Hellfire Club flick, DO NOT PAY FOX TO WATCH EMMA FROST TURN INTO A HUMAN DISCO BALL!!! Damn it Harry - Make Yours Marvel!!!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:03 a.m. CST

    milf lover


    It did in SAN ANTONIO - and YOKO. Sweet YOKO said, "We could see STREET FIGHTER!" and I love her. So I went. Women. The shit we go through for women. I went through STREET FIGHTER with her cackling like a banshee at that wretched piece of shit. That reminds me, I need to show he the Van Damme one. That's the REAL Street Fighter. lol.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:03 a.m. CST

    THis movie is going to suck MONKEY BALLS

    by VitoRapesFinn

    And I'm someone who has loved Wolverine since I was six years old....

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:04 a.m. CST

    I don't think I've seen this many Headgeek posts in any other ta

    by darthSaul666

    It's a shitstorm of hate in this talkback. I was thinking of seeing this flick. I think I'll save my money for Star Trek.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:04 a.m. CST

    Good for you. See it then shot onit

    by antonphd

    that's all we ask from reviews

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:05 a.m. CST

    I just keep wondering if this movie...

    by Auriellis

    ....might be so bad that it's kind of good? Like Battlefield Earth.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:08 a.m. CST

    Is it true they call them "Team X" instead of "Weapon X"?

    by Duke of Hurl

    Because if so, that's just lame.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:09 a.m. CST

    Harry, if you're an Eagle Scout...

    by Zartan

    consider this, pay for a movie you LIKED and support, something that needs box office bang to support the scene (Anvil?) and you're SUPPORTING a good film and tipping the creative team, while opting to masochistically endure the piece of shit "Wolverine". It's the best it is at what it does... and what it does is disappoint the fuck out of you.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:09 a.m. CST

    Spot the flawed logic...

    by berksbear

    Harry says "I'm simply not going to pay to see this movie..." and "why go out of my way at personal expense to see a movie..." and then says "But I really do believe in supporting movies financially..." And this bizarre "if enough people vote for me to go see it I will" - why does Harry want to make himself the subject of the Wolverine debate? Serious ego problems, my friend.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:10 a.m. CST


    by MaxTheSilent

    That's it, Harry. Ignore everything else you may have on your plate. Just report every single detail of SOLOMON KANE.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:11 a.m. CST

    Oh by the way...

    by berksbear

    I saw the movie and loved it - of course it had flaws but I judge a movie on how I feel when i come out of the cinema and I felt good! Try think for yourselves/forming your own opinions once in a's refreshing!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:11 a.m. CST

    I know the economy is though but

    by Ogmios_the_Eloquent

    seriously, the ''i'll save my money'' argument is weak. i'm freakin broke and i can still pay to go to the movies. it's true you shouldn't see Wolverine but the reason has to be because it's terribly bad flick, not because it'll cost ya 5 bucks.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:13 a.m. CST


    by Darth Scourge

    Of course this movie takes massive liberties with the X-Men comic book canon, but then so do the other three X-Men films. The X-Men film universe essentially just uses the comic book source material & continuity as a general inspiration and changes whatever elements it wishes to serve its own narrative purposes... much the same way most comic book to film adaptations do. As a prequel to the other X-Men films though, this movie pretty much adequately serves its purpose I guess, and ultimately it's about as good/bad as X3 was.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:13 a.m. CST

    No Harry. Do not see it.

    by gotilk

    Don't let jealous pricks with a warped sense of ethics cloud your judgment. That "integrity" crap is really reaching this time, guys.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:14 a.m. CST

    This is embarassing


  • May 1, 2009, 2:14 a.m. CST

    "I'd Rather Buy A Bluray"

    by VWantsRevenge

    Buy a bluray? Hahahahahahahahahahaha When's the last time you BOUGHT a Bluray? I'm sure you spend dough on Foreign Blu's the studios won't send you, but c'mon, it's just like you're WOLVERINE rant. If ain't free, FUCK IT

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:14 a.m. CST


    by tensticks

    Yeah, you're right. Sometimes I forget my Talkback 101 lessons. Which I should know better, especially because I've occasionally fallen into the vitriol game myself. But I slap myself out of it. Sort of like when Roger Waters spat on an annoying fan and his disgust at his own behaviour grew into THE WALL....well, in any case, thanks for the reminder. Yeah, seriously, Jay & Silent Bob pretty much nailed the essence of Talkbacck 101 almost ten years ago, didn't they? In any case, I stand by my point....the movie's not that bad, but whatever credibility I considered this site to have prior to tonight is gone. And I won't be surprised if this turns out to be one of the worst things that this site could do to itself. It will not help it in any way, and not just with Fox--because the studios DO monitor it, and they WILL see what the attitude is, and it WILL hurt the site. Mark my words. You guys didn't just jump the shark, you screwed the pooch. So be it.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:15 a.m. CST


    by VWantsRevenge

    Damn I hate it when that happens. Sorry

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:17 a.m. CST

    So was it your Liev hate that caused...

    by Shermdawg

    ...the announcement of his casting as Creed to not be covered on this site, or does it have something to do with the fact that AICN was doing what seemed to be three stories a day for the various DC flicks that were in production at the time? Wasn't the Liev casting around the same time Quint put up that "what the fuck" worthy story regarding what we'd like to see in a Superman vs. Batman film based soley on the billboard in I Am Legend?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:19 a.m. CST


    by Mutilator

    Haw haw. You paid AND liked it. You're stupid for two reasons.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:19 a.m. CST

    Oh, and Harry, the real Street Fighter was animated.

    by Shermdawg

    The Van Damme one wasn't bad though.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:20 a.m. CST

    Fox Ruins Everything...

    by Grinning White Skull

    I have a good pal who worked on this. A fucking genius all the way back to STAR WARS. He told me from the beginning this was a horrible mess and it was because the Fox execs kept sticking their heads in and fucking with it. There was design work done early that was approved from initial sketches to computer renderings to real models then to the sets. The execs came in and nixed it and they had to start over! And the original work was great. But these execs THAT KNOW NOTHING kept sticking their fingers into the soup and then pissing in it (old joke about producers). My esteemed expert industry pal said eventually he just threw up his hands and said fuck it. He is disgusted with Fox over this. Fox has been fucking the directors on these movies and running/ruining these productions with their noses in the air while shitting on genre as being beneath them. Harry is right! Fuck reviewing this and save your money for STAR TREK.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:21 a.m. CST


    by berksbear

    ...ahhh, how sweet of you to take time off from your cleaning job to write that. Your opinion is of great worth to me and the world in general. xxx

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:22 a.m. CST


    by thewizardofoz

    It really is time! How many more movies will we let them rape? Xmen? Day the Earth Stood Still? Fantastic 4? It has to stop. All of them have opened big because we were curious and hoped for the best: but it must stop! I will not pay to see Wolverine in theaters or on DVD (and as a huge X-Men fan, that says a lot).

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:23 a.m. CST

    You know...

    by My friends call me Killjoy

    I don't give a shit if you review it or not, but don't tell people to stay away from anything until you've seen it, Harry. It's bad form.<p> I'm sure that you do a lot of behind the scenes for the site, but I see Quint and Beaks' names on many more articles than you these days, and the reviews are coming less and less.<p> You guys don't get the big stories that you used to. You don't run as many rumors (probably for fear of the big bad Cease and Desist), and your "news" is often the same stuff I'm reading two hours earlier on other sites.<p> What happened to you, Knowles?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:24 a.m. CST

    Oh berksbear...

    by Mutilator

    Not much in the insult department, are you? Oh well, it must come with being stupid.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:25 a.m. CST

    Good stance that, not reviewing the peice of shit.

    by alucardvsdracula

    Almost came across as you had a pair Harry.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:25 a.m. CST

    Rothman= Uncle Rico

    by california_mtz

    Why doesn't he just go home and quit ruining everybody's lives?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:26 a.m. CST


    by berksbear

    TWO "stupids"? Ask a grown up to tell you another word.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:30 a.m. CST

    It's just missing the nipples.

    by Wrecks

    The Batman & Robin of the X-men franchise. Ban it. Crush it. Reboot fresh and clean 6 or so years from now.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:31 a.m. CST

    This is worse than Roger Ebert reviewing a movie he walked out o

    by akfilmgeek

    I have been a long time reader, for at least 10 years now. I have always held you, Harry, in the highest regard. You are the geekiest of geeks. Loyal to cinema and I always appreciated your respect for movies (good or bad). However, I am frightfully shocked by your stance here. I personally haven't liked ANY of the X-MEN movies yet, and I'm still going to see it. I host a radio show on blogtalkradio called FILMGEEKCENTRAL, and I feel responsible to review it. Harry, you have a responsibility to review this movie. You have built and established an enormous fanbase and it is you who should be reviewing this movie. You are not only being disrespectful to the world of movies, but to your readers. This is just as bad (if not worse) than Roger Ebert reviewing a movie he walked out of. How could you call yourself a film geek? I really don't like to be a hater in talkbacks, in fact that's why I never have done it. But your stance on WOLVERINE cannot be ignored. I still appreciate what you have done for geeks worldwide, but this move is shameful. I can't read anything that you write with any merit ever again. As a fellow geek and critic, I'm honestly upset by this outrage.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:31 a.m. CST

    Oh, please

    by Lost Jarv

    considering some of the shit that you've not only given a fucking pass to but actively fucking shilled this does not ring true. <P>Why don't you tell us how good Attack of THe Clones or Twilight or any of the countless other absolute pieces of shit that you've fellated till you're gums bled are?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:32 a.m. CST

    Pay and go

    by Mr_P

    I did and it was strictly meh. Can't say I hated it or loved it however I like the experience of going to the cinema and had a pleasant evening doing so with this which is kind of the point with summer blockbusters - Oscar season is over yeh. Have come out of other films raging at my time wasted and didn't with this. Mind you trade off with the girly is I have to see that ghosts of burds previously humped thing next week but hey ho it won't kill me.

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  • May 1, 2009, 2:34 a.m. CST


    by akfilmgeek

    I just read that you are going to see it. Thank you Harry. You are still a film geek! :)

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:35 a.m. CST

    Well, berksbear...

    by Mutilator

    Here's a third word to describe you - stupid. Sorry, but it's hard to take you seriously when you think Wolverine is a good movie. Good night.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:35 a.m. CST

    If you really wanted to hurt Fox...

    by My friends call me Killjoy

    when you see a movie like Wolverine, and don't like it, DON'T rent or buy the DVD. Don't get it On Demand.<p> I don't understand people who need to buy movies that suck just to complete your collection. It is okay to just own the Original Trilogy, Wrath of Kahn, and Spiderman 1 and 2 (I could go on, but you get my point). Buying a crappy sequel just to satisfy your need to be a completest is how they really make money on these pieces of shit! Boycott the DVD! And when someone asks you what you thought of the honest...tell 'em you hated the Fucker!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:35 a.m. CST

    Indiana Jones and the Cristal Skull was worse

    by PAN´S MAN

    with a horrendous plot and ridiculous scenes,likes "Shia and the monkeys" or "The magic waterfall of dejavú" , and Harry reviewed positively. Wolverine isn't a good movie but, for me, was entertaining.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:36 a.m. CST

    Yes Harry you should have seen it

    by Continentalop

    Or at least make plans to have one of the TBer review it almost immediately. But you should see this film if you are serious about calling yourself a critic. You are supposed to be a "journalist", not a shill for the studios and only see films that you get compensated for. <p> Nor are you supposed to be just a casual film fan who'll only see movies that others endorse. You are supposed to be a critic who reserves judgement until he sees the film. Roger Ebert, Kenneth Turan (a great critic who you mocked), A.O. Scott, and a bunch of other critics saw this movie. Why? Because they are professionals who are doing their job. Something you also should be doing. <p> You once sat in Ebert's chair Harry; sometimes that requires you to go see something that in your heart of hearts you know will be crap. Heavy is the crown of being the Headgeek.

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  • May 1, 2009, 2:36 a.m. CST


    by Wrecks

    nice plug.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:38 a.m. CST was fucking FUN!

    by sonnyfern

    It really, really is a fun ass movie. You've got a ridiculous amount of cool mutants doing cool shit, a great last fight, Cyclops actually does COOL stuff, I thought the effects were fine. I don't get the hate, shit, I'll actually say it was better than all three fucking X-Men movies. Now there's still tons of silly shit in it, but that didn't take the fun away from me. Maybe I can just enjoy it for what it is and that is a big, dumb action flick. We used to like those...

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:38 a.m. CST

    Well, it wasn't a waste of money, but...

    by The_Hanged_Man

    My opinion: Wolverine > Spiderman 3 > X-Men 3 If you bothered to watch EMO Peter Parker in a "dance-off", you may as well watch Wolverine. There are parts that work VERY well, and parts that piss me off. It was great seeing Sabretooth done right after X-Men 1. I enjoyed most of the cameos; I loved Ryan as Wade but hated what they did with Deadpool. Most of the combat was fun, but should've been bloodier. C'mon, can't more cues be taken from Dark Knight on what makes a great PG-13? I'd give the first half an A- and the 2nd half a C-.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:38 a.m. CST


    by Brody77

    It's a fucking pile of shite. Fox need to feel the burn on this one. It makes Van Helsing look good. Saying that, if it tanks Fox will just blame the workprint. Instead of, y'know, coming clean that they lied about it being an early cut etc. Hugh Jackman can be a damn good Wolverine, he's shown that, so imagine how good he'd be if Fox weren't involved.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:39 a.m. CST

    I see you are going to see it

    by Continentalop

    But it shouldn't require a vote on this site. Once again Harry, it is your job. You are the advanced scout - that means sometimes you place yourself in harms way for other people.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:39 a.m. CST

    I loved it. I dont know what movie you guys saw

    by ShiftyEyedDog2

  • May 1, 2009, 2:40 a.m. CST


    by My friends call me Killjoy

    No offense to you, friend, but Harry doesn't have a responsibility to review anything. What does he review, like 12-15 movies a year? Why is it so important for him to review this film? Again, total respect for you, but just because some people want Harry's opinion doesn't mean he has to give it. <p> That said, as I stated above, I could care less whether he sees it or not, but he shouldn't try to badmouth a film that he hasn't seen. Just my opinion.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:42 a.m. CST

    Oh, and another thing...

    by The_Hanged_Man

    Hate to judge, but not reviewing Wolverine "cuz you think you won't like it" is a cop out. Half the geek-loved movies out there aren't considered worth a shit by most critics, but we love 'em for what does work, and poke fun at that which clearly doesn't. That's half the joy behind geek movies. No Wolverine isn't cinematic greatness like the Dark Knight. It's not supposed to be.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:42 a.m. CST


    by hallmitchell

  • May 1, 2009, 2:44 a.m. CST

    AICN Bias Confirmed?

    by rsk_taker

    Harry, it's a terribly inappropriate thing to say that you recommend not seeing this movie because Fox didn't give you free special privilege. Translation: Those who give you gifts get good reviews/recommendation. Those who don't get bashed and worse, don't even get a review.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:44 a.m. CST

    Harry - don't GO

    by hallmitchell

    YOur stance says enough. I'm not going to go know. I think it's about time fans stop going to this rubbish. What's the point of giving Fox your money and then complaining about the film. Don't go. The buzz on this film was bad. Are we the fans surprised this movie sucks?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:45 a.m. CST

    We wanted a dangerous Wolverine.

    by hallmitchell

    What is out there now is screen tested garbage. We were spoilt last year dear fans. There should be a revolt at Fox. The front office isn't right so how can we expect their films to be?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:47 a.m. CST

    Hey harry, i think the issue is

    by lex romero

    That AICN is always trying to straddle that middle ground between being a "real" journalist film site. And a film fan site you run for fun that gets secret info from sources. The problem is, it can't be both. <br><br> Now I can understand your issue. Why spend money to see some film that 99% of people are saying is shit. I've read them and I'm not going to bother seeing it. <br><br> But I'm not running a very popular and well known film site. You are. And Wolverine is a big summer blockbuster film. This site loves big summer blockbusters. To not review it is treating the site like its just some fun hobby, and you don't have to do anything if you don't want. When we both know the site is more than that, it's a proper job and a proper film review site. And if that's the case then it needs proper journalism - which sometimes means sucking it up and paying for a film ticket to see a shitty film because that's what you do. That's why people come to the site.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:47 a.m. CST

    Can't agree with you on Star Trek - It's SHIT

    by Professor_Monster

    I saw it about a month ago and it's one of those films that people will like for about 4 months then realize it's nothing more than a shallow story surrounded by CGI - the people that will like it will not be able to give s review of the story - and that is where it's supposed to start.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:47 a.m. CST

    Whiny Bitches

    by Kirksnuts

    I saw it and didn't think it was that bad. Not great, but a lot of the movies you recommend on here suck ass. I think this has more to do with this site hating Fox. But Harry, at least watch a fucking movie before you tell readers not to watch something. Its unproffesional and childish. And just so you know, I might read some of the shit you post on here, or skim through it, and then post my response to it. I mean, thats what you're doing, right? You have been warned, that includes all of the other douchebag reviewers on here. And X3 was one of the worst movies of all-time so don't even compare this to Wolverine.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:47 a.m. CST

    Harry why is NUKED THE FRIDGE getting the news faster then u?

    by danguy54321

    Dude update the site

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:47 a.m. CST

    Harry why is NUKED THE FRIDGE getting the news faster then u?

    by danguy54321

    Dude update the site

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:48 a.m. CST

    My experience with films this years.

    by hallmitchell

    Watchmen - sucked. Zack and Miri make a porno - sucked. Fast and Furious - good. There is no way I can chance Wolverine. It will suck. I'll save my money for Star Trek.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:48 a.m. CST


    by DeafPoet

  • May 1, 2009, 2:49 a.m. CST



    why on earth would anyone fear a Cease & Desist. In the world of the web, if you get one, you just take down what the legal document says - and you're done. No legal fees. And then you update the story - and the article booms in talkbacks and attention. <BR><BR>as for not getting scoops - there are fewer and fewer real scoops these days - the entire web is fed stories from studios - at a crazy rate. When AICN started, the studios didn't even have New Media Publicists. Now, most have pretty big and well financed departments. The reality is - the landscape has had a massive shift. As for scoops - I'll take 1st STAR TREK screening, First UP screening, First new TERRY GILLIAM screening, 1st SOLOMON KANE screening, in the last 3 weeks as the kind of scoops I like getting. To me, being able to give people the early final word on a film is the thing I really try to strive for. <BR><BR>Also - when AICN started - there was ZENTERTAINMENT and Corona Coming Attractions. Now, there's a zillion sites out there. A bunch of whom started out just sending scoops into AICN. Then grew and grew into their own thing. Which is awesome, because it widens the breadth of folks watching to see what's going on in Hollywood. And AICN has no problem linking to and helping drive traffic to any of those stories, cuz this isn't a dick measuring contest - and it isn't about being "FIRST" on everything, just being "FIRST" on what you care about. Which I'm usually quite pleased with.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:51 a.m. CST

    Glad you're going to see this, Harry.

    by DeafPoet

    It is a fucking movie site after all. I've seen it and it's pretty bad, but it's poor taste as a critic to shit-talk a film you haven't seen. You'll probably regret it, but if you spend $10 to see this fucker and eviscerate it on the net, I'm sure the hits will more than make up for it. Thanks for tacitly copping to a bad move.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:51 a.m. CST

    You should have seen it

    by Eonz_Higlo

    YOU SHOULD HAVE FUCKING SEEN IT BEFORE POSTING A FUCKING REVIEW. you are a god damn fucking idiot dude. You are a disgrace to austin. And that's saying a fucking lot. I know meth heads that have more class than you dude. Fucking child.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:51 a.m. CST

    Harry Geek Cred = Destroyed

    by chien_sale

    Dude this smell of misplaced pride because of your hate for FOX. Not seeing a movie "just because" and this being a Wolverine movie to boot you are disappointing, my friend.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:53 a.m. CST



    well - I've written 25 full length reviews this year so far - and around 750 DVD capsules

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:53 a.m. CST


    by hatemphd

    Your should review the film. its kinda the reason for this website. <p> As for the film itself, its both entertaining and mediocre. <p> the actions scenes are fine, the plot's terrible, the cgi is excellent at one point and terrible at another. and the source material is totally fucked. <p> and what they did to deadpool is a crime. <p> the worst thing this movie can do is influence the comics. But it's still better then X-Man 3

    Reply to Talkback

  • Bullshit. I'm going to pull your Scooby Doo review- when you paid to see Reign of Fire. <P>Danny's right- time to retire.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:56 a.m. CST

    also, isnt it in bad taste

    by hatemphd

    to be a review of a film basing your review on what other critics said? this fascination we have with meta scores is disturbing.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:57 a.m. CST


    by DeafPoet

    I pretty much agree with that. Oddly, given the shitstorm of fan reviews surrounding this thing I expected TOTAL shit. Which it wasn't. It was just run-of-the-mill bad. And because it didn't suck as bad as I thought it would, I kinda walked out of the theater satisfied. I'm thinking about it now though and that was definitely a false sense of satisfaction.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:58 a.m. CST

    He sure had the guts to love Grindhouse,,,

    by GQtaste

    If it's QT, Rodriguez, Del Toro, Jude Apataw, dude from Lord of Rings, et al, and even Bay for being an apologist, he'll never say a bad word about any of their films. And they all have made shitty ones too, but you'll never hear this guys true feelings about that. And I"m a liberal who can't stand News Corp and think it's the devil incarnate, and I can see why Harry's point but this was the wrong way to go about it period! You know he's been planing this one for months too. This tactic.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 3:01 a.m. CST

    I forgot about J.J. Abrams too.

    by GQtaste

    That's another one he kowtows to.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 3:02 a.m. CST

    Where the fuck is the new Twitch?

    by Lost Jarv

    because, to be honest, that's all I give a fuck about here nowadays.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 3:03 a.m. CST

    oh, and don't pay to see it

    by Lost Jarv

    review the fucking workprint that you've obviously seen. <P>There's no point when you've clearly already made your mind up, and if you do pay to see it then you'll just resent the Talkbackers more than you already do for bullying you into it.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 3:04 a.m. CST

    its not as bad a watchmen

    by gomez33

    just saying..............

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 3:05 a.m. CST

    Why don't you remake this FoX?

    by hallmitchell

    You are remaking everything else. Remake Wolverine.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 3:06 a.m. CST

    Why had imdb got a rating of 7/10 from

    by hallmitchell

    seven thousand votes? Who is enjoying Wolverine?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 3:07 a.m. CST

    Watchmen sucked, now Wolverine

    by hallmitchell

    I knew 2008 was too good to be true.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 3:09 a.m. CST


    by DeafPoet

    Polling IMDB users about movies is like asking Rain Man for dating tips.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 3:10 a.m. CST

    DGDB had better not have been banned

    by OptimusCrime

    Whoever said that had better have been joking. I don't like most of what that guy says, and the whole "Lord Bale" thing got old ten minutes after it started. However, DGDB does not seem to give a fuck how his comments go over, and I'm down with that. He is a TB mainstay, and if he got banned then this site is badly in need of TFD.

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  • May 1, 2009, 3:10 a.m. CST

    Just so we're all clear

    by The McPoyle Clan

    Are future postings to going to have clear delineators as to what is "official" and "unofficial?"<br><br>Enjoy the site, but anybody who believes there is any pretense of journalistic integrity here, even in an inherently subjective medium as film criticism, is naive.

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  • May 1, 2009, 3:12 a.m. CST

    Wouldn't surprise me if he did get banned.

    by Shermdawg

    Hell, I got banned this week.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 3:12 a.m. CST

    Don't worry OC - Danny wasn't banned

    by Continentalop

    Probably the only respectful and honorable thing done here tonight is that no one has been banned.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 3:12 a.m. CST

    As for the wolverine...

    by OptimusCrime

    The shit had major problems, but Liev was great as Sabretooth and Gambit was fantastic. It was way too busy and the "anti-wolverine bullets" were total bullshit. It had major problems, but the bitching about it has been tremendously overblown.

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  • May 1, 2009, 3:12 a.m. CST


    by berksbear

    ...phew - good to get that off my chest! The fight scenes were better than X1 and X2 - Singer can't film fight scenes very well.

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  • May 1, 2009, 3:13 a.m. CST



    Well, let's see... I hated ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST by Rodriguez. Wasn't fond of QT's 4 Rooms sequence. I didn't like Bay's Transformers, Pearl Harbor or The Island. Didn't like that Apatow singing biopic thing - and if you re-read my KING KONG review you'll find I disagreed with Peter's take of the Denham character and how I felt strengthening Anne and Kong's relationship impaired Anne and Jack's relationship, which kind of caused the film to be off a bit for me, but overall I did love it. But I'm a sucker for Giant Apes and Dinosaurs given my favorite film is KING KONG 1933.

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  • May 1, 2009, 3:13 a.m. CST

    Harry, you've gone beyond the pale

    by Clio

    And I say this as one of your biggest fans, who, incidentally never written a negative word about you until now. Your refusal to write a review of Wolverine sounds just like petulance. You wrote above, and I quote: "I'm not going to write a review of this because I'm not going to willingly pay to see a movie with a 33% rating on Rotten Tomatoes." You thought Godzilla was just fine and it had a 26% rating. Shall we mention all the other reviews you wrote that had LESS than a 33% rating? No, don't think you would want to go there. So either you feel dissed (probably), or you are basing your decision mostly upon reviews of others. And that is something I don't think you have ever done in the history of this site---refusing to watch something because others think it bad. Say it aint so, Harry!

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  • May 1, 2009, 3:15 a.m. CST



    ACTUALLY - I loved the experience of seeing GODZILLA at a world premiere at Madison Square garden which was one of the most astonishing events I've ever been to. Amazing. Then wrote a VERY STRONGLY NEGATIVE review of GODZILLA upon seeing it with my dad on opening day.

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  • May 1, 2009, 3:16 a.m. CST

    Give us a break, Knowls

    by OptimusCrime

    Your last negative review was of "The Other Bolyn Girl", or whatever that shit was. Way to go out on a limb. Christ.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 3:16 a.m. CST

    did someone ban DGDB?


    If so - Danny - if you're reading this - email me and I'll take care of your shit. You make me laugh.

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  • May 1, 2009, 3:18 a.m. CST

    Godzilla was so bad...

    by Shermdawg friends ditched me to go play Pac-man in the theater's lobby while I stubbornly sat there and endured that shit because I wasn't about to walk out on a movie I paid to see....even if I paid a whole dollar to see it.

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  • May 1, 2009, 3:20 a.m. CST

    What just happened?

    by BenBraddock

    Harry, man, you fucked up...

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  • May 1, 2009, 3:21 a.m. CST

    Harry, you loved King Kong.

    by GQtaste

    Don't bullshit a bullshiter. And to say that you didn't like Four Rooms, come on that was a side project w/ three other directors doing an experiment so that's an easy way out.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 3:22 a.m. CST

    Somebody help me here

    by Continentalop

    I am getting a lot of conflicting information from both Harry and the TBers, so maybe someone can clarify what Harry's stance is. What I have read so far is: <p> 1) He originally wasn't going to see the film because Fox has not set him up with a special screening (although I do believe Harry has seen and reviewed films he was not specially invited too), <p> 2) He also did not want to see it because he has read the reviews and heard from the TBers that it was bad, and he thought it looked like shit (first time I have heard of a critic forming an opinion without seeing a film). <p> 3) He does not support Fox because they own a rightwing news network (meaning that as a critic he cannot separate politics from his work, which means Michael Medved is a legitimate critic I guess). <p> 4) Plus, as the head of a website dedicated to film geeks who love sci-fi, comic book and horror movies, he has decided that he was not going to review a super-hero film, one of the big genres on this site. <p> 5) Finally, he is letting the TBers decide if he should go and see a movie, instead of seeing a movie as is his job.<p> Do I have this right or am I completely wrong? And am I making this sound unfair to Harry?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 3:23 a.m. CST


    by ThePilgrim

    SCRIPT. They have read it. WB's and AICN must be on good terms again since TDK/Watchmen. Sure they got a facefull of shit for the Clone Wars Movie, and now.. Well shit's good again I guess. But damn the Nightmare remake sucks hard. It sucks so bad. It's needs a headline here. Maybe you AICN guys liked the screenplay. Just about every hardcore fan I know thinks it a piece of shit! I wasn't wanting to hate this remake. I am happy that Jackie Earle has the part. That's the only good thing about the remake.

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  • May 1, 2009, 3:23 a.m. CST

    no offence

    by klag

    dear harry no opffence but you should turn this site over to someone who cn return it to the great site it was that we loved.

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  • May 1, 2009, 3:24 a.m. CST


    by klag

    you ginger headed fat cunt

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  • May 1, 2009, 3:28 a.m. CST

    This whole thing is just mindblowing

    by OptimusCrime

    The whole site is now in turmoil because Harry couldn't give a Fox production the respect that it deserves. I just used the words "Fox" and "respect" in the same sentence, and I feel ridiculous. Nevertheless, the criticisms on this TB are totally valid. Wow.

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  • May 1, 2009, 3:30 a.m. CST



    I don't write many negatives because I don't enjoy writing about films that disappoint me. It has zero to do with anything other than I don't enjoy sitting down for a couple of hours pondering everything that I hated about an experience. I'll get started, and I just really dislike it, cuz I get mean. Really mean. And I like being a positive person in life. That's why I throw my negative feelings into my DVD column with those titles, so folks know where i'm coming from on those titles. So far this year, the films i've hated were FIGHTING, STREET FIGHTER, INKHEART, UNDERWORLD: RISE OF THE LYCANS, PINK PANTHER 2, PUSH, RACE TO WITCH MOUNTAIN, THE HAUNTING IN CONNECTICUT (which I did review in SXSW coverage), was very mixed on MONSTERS VS ALIENS, DRAGONBALL: EVOLUTION, THE SOLOIST and that's it. <BR><BR>On many, I get stuck with an Embargo - which takes the urgency out of writing the review initially. I hate writing and not posting on the same night. Hate it. Ruins the energy for me. It's also a reason why reviews of movies I do like, but didn't get around to reviewing don't show up. Because I just don't like Embargos. I love to write and post my feelings and then follow the talkbacks as y'all tear me to pieces. Its a ritual of mine. <BR><BR>I know I should come home after every screening - write up the review and put it in a folder - to post at the appointed time, but I don't. Mostly because I come home, and have to deal with other site duties, watching DVDs for the column or spending time with my wife and family.

    Reply to Talkback

  • Dude, a lot of us try to make our livings in entertainment. I agree that Fox is run by fuckers and they produce crap, but IT IS OUR BUSINESS. People will get fired over this. I'm not saying to tell people to go blindly, or to tell them to go at all. If you review and you hate it, fine. BUT TO TELL PEOPLE NOT TO GO WHEN YOU HAVEN NOT SEEN IT IS FUCKED UP.

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  • May 1, 2009, 3:32 a.m. CST



    I most certainly have not read the script for the NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET remake. And Quint and none of the other staff members have read it, at least that I know of. Why? Have you? If so - email your review on in, I'll post.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 3:33 a.m. CST

    this is looking like a terrible year for summer movies

    by BMacSmith

    probably the worst since Volcano/Dantes Peak.<p>Watchmen tried hard but was just average. <p> Wolverine is terrible. <p> Transformers and GI Joe are both lowest common denominator movies that you know will suck. <p> Im hearing bad things about T4, but the trailer still looks damn fine. <p> the only thing im dying to see is Star Trek, and im not a trekkie. other than that, its not looking good.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 3:34 a.m. CST

    Oh and one more thing

    by ThePilgrim

    Paramount is an angel investor in Hitfix. Which explains the Ads. To me that just does not seem right. You can't run a movie review site that was bankrolled from a major studio. This isn't Nintendo Power or um Xbox Magazine. Damn this internet review culture is so fucked up now... I remember Drew trying to tell me that Movie sets visits were boring.. Ha really I just did one for 12 days or so. It was the most fucking fun I've ever had. Free food, Hanging out and Talking with Stars, Getting autos, Picture, Hanging out in the makeup trailer, look at makeup stills no one will ever see, ever, even on the behind the scenes dvd/bluray. Watching the crew set scenes up and the director film. Bullshit Drew Set visits are fucking Heaven! It's becoming harder and harder to get real truth. The TB'ers are the only real voice. They have nothing to win or lose.

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  • May 1, 2009, 3:34 a.m. CST



    I didn't say I hated 4 ROOMS - I don't like 3 of the rooms, I think Robert's was hilarious and awesome. One of the best last shots ever. Loved it.

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  • May 1, 2009, 3:35 a.m. CST

    good reviewers review bad movies too.

    by BMacSmith

    suck it up. feed the hate.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 3:36 a.m. CST



    STAR TREK, UP, BROTHERS BLOOM, DRAG ME TO HELL - look forward to those - they're awesome.

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  • May 1, 2009, 3:36 a.m. CST

    Wkd Prediction For 'Wolverine': $75M

    by GQtaste

    Nikki Finke's elephant site says Fox is tracking around 70+M. But in reality the public has never been known for it's tastes afterall. It's way this kind of shit keeps getting made sadly:

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 3:36 a.m. CST

    Harry i sent quint the screenplay

    by ThePilgrim

    Dude I'll send it to you man. Seriously. It's urking the fuck out of me and I'm not the type to write a good review.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 3:37 a.m. CST

    This topic did it. It's over.

    by Pikaroth76

    It was bad before, but this entire post has done it. Why SHOULD AICN be invited? No matter what people like to pretend, this site has never, and probably will never, be important. An overwhelming majority of the public does not even know what AICN is. I have never been invited to any premiers, but I still go and see at least one movie a week. I actually believe, truly believe, Harry is insulted by not being invited, and that in and of itself is one of the funniest things ever. While AICN will not vanish over night, I think most of us here realize and can agree it is on a downward spiral, and it is not going to recover. To paraphrase Megatron, "It's over, Harry." And buy a Blu-Ray? You do not buy anything except love and a wheelchair. Believe it or not, as shocking as it may seem, there are, indeed, those of us that actually have to purchase our movies, head into work for eight or so hours a day, and we continue to do it. And guess what? When we are not invited to the Wolverine premier, we are STILL not upset, and most people here, even if it is horrible, will see it with our own money that we earned. You already want a "poll" on if you should see it. It just doesn't matter now. Deep down, no one here respects this site. With that, I think we all continue to wait for another fake story about a fake girl you have met... while in a wheelchair, crying for Spock.

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  • May 1, 2009, 3:40 a.m. CST

    Then I stand corrected on Four Rooms then Har

    by GQtaste

    bytheway, it's off topic but we have the best rivalry in all of sports imo. I'm from OKC, and went to OU starting in '92. So we're from Big 12 territory and have a lot of common interests in the region. Boomer Sooner

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  • May 1, 2009, 3:44 a.m. CST

    As long as someone from AICN sees the film

    by Reelheed

    Then the site is doing its job. It would be lame of a geeky fansite not to send someone out to get an informed opinion of a GD wolverine film. However saying I'm not going to see a film is a new kind of damning which I think is actually pretty harsh. Kinda worse than a bad review really. Can we have a poll of how many AICN staffers are going to bother to see this flick?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 3:45 a.m. CST

    Harry, you love Ebert so model yourself after him.

    by Droid

    He frequently states that he's there to view and review the shitty flicks so we don't have to watch them. You are in a position where you can do this. <p>Also, your opinion on a flick should be based solely on the flick itself. Not all the other opinions you may have heard and certainly not on a fucking Rotten Tomatoes percentage. Fuck, Knowing has a dreadful RT % and I loved the hell out of it. Instead of going to see Star Trek three times, write a couple of reviews on the flicks you have already seen. And not dogshit like Fired Up that no one gives two shits about.

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  • May 1, 2009, 3:45 a.m. CST

    forgot about Up

    by BMacSmith

  • May 1, 2009, 3:46 a.m. CST

    What happened to Corona Coming Attractions?

    by Rindain

    I remember visiting that site and AICN way back in '96.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 3:48 a.m. CST

    HARRY: Re: Explosions all in a line

    by Playkins

    Ummmm.... you DO realize he was speaking figuratively, right?<P> I highly doubt he was giving it a pass merely for well-timed explosions.<P> He's...PROBABLY...talking about the pace of the action or the thrills there, bub. :-D

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 3:49 a.m. CST

    He can be a dumbass, sure, but you gotta give credit

    by BMacSmith

    for keeping talkbacks free and open, even when its filled with anger. I would go ban happy in a second. Thats probably one of the few great things about this site.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 3:52 a.m. CST

    Pikaroth76: Amen, brother.

    by Playkins

    Precisely what I've believed for a long time. If you look back on Harry's negative reviews, generally the correspond with a studio/director/actor that seems to have personally offended him somehow. His bad reviews sound like a "Dear Diary" entry whining about the class bully.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 3:52 a.m. CST


    by GibsonUSA Returns

    No fluff, just a simple web frame with a million movies you can click on for compiled updates. Even back then you could click on stuff like Ghostbusters 3. It was awesome.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 3:54 a.m. CST

    What this guy said:

    by Jack Spyder

    "COWARD MOVE HARRY. YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED. by DANNYGLOVERS_DICKBLOOD May 1st, 2009 12:22:12 AM You claim you didn't watch the movie? And because AICN wasn't invited to the screenings, you're gonna put Fox on blast and recommend people not see it because its getting bad reviews? Uhhhhhh since when the fuck did you listen to popular opinion when it came to which films you did and did not recommend? You like all sorts of obscure shit everyone hates. Now suddenly-- you're gonna trust other critics opinions enough to make an entire headline supporting their opinions while still claiming you have not seen this film? Yeah fucking right. You look like the biggest fucking baby in the world here. Who gives a fuck if you guys weren't invited? You think AICN readers really fucking care? Fuck no. Its time to come clean and admit you watched the bootleg version. If you don't like it-- fine. I can give a fuck about X Men films myself. Just be a fucking man and admit you have based your opinions on something more substantial than the urge to piggyback more reputable critic's opinions. YOU FUCKING ENDORSED TWILIGHT FOR FUCK'S matter how bad the reviews are, I guaranfuckintee there are more TB'ers interested in Wolverine than there were for Twilight. So don't act like you're some noble fucking leader down the TB'ers a big favor. Cowardly move man. There's not a single person in these TB'S that doubts you watched the bootleg. Don't think we're swallowing your shit." This is retarded. So poor johnsons baby harry didn't get an invite to see Wolverine. And then he comes here and blogs about it. Honestly, since Moriarty left, I only come for the talkback laughs, and the way I see it, DANNYGLOVERS_DICKBLOOD is a far more relevant persona here than Harry. Grow up, kiddo. Yeah, mostly of the people who post here are geeks, but they aren't retards. We won't follow you like sheep. Step back, grow some balls and let DANNYGLOVERS_DICKBLOOD runs the show. At least AICN will be fun again. And about Wolverine, I'm taking my girlfriend to see it tomorrow and, get that... here is the big catch... i'll PAY for the tickets, like, you know, normal people. And finally, bring DANNYGLOVERS_DICKBLOOD. Not just because he makes you laugh, but actually because he's one of the last redeeming reasons to enter in this website lately. You are lucky he didnt started a, it would at least hurt the web traffic of this site. Get this man to do something here, if Yoko whatever can, certainly he does too.

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  • May 1, 2009, 3:54 a.m. CST

    NOOO Harry don't go!!

    by Crooooooow

    Boycot this piece of shit. Each ticket paid for is one more reason for studios to make shitty movies and foist them off on us. We've already punished myself with Daredevil, Ghostrider, Elektra, Superman Returns, The Dark Knight, and Spider-Man 3. Enough is enough with crappy superhero movies. Either do it true to the comic of don't do it at all. And while I'm at it if your a director who thinks he has some grand artistic vision for how a comic movie should be made just go ahead and smack yourself up side the head a lead pipe there princess because we comic fans don't want to see how you would have written the characters if you created them we want to see them the way they were written by Stan Lee and Chris Claremont. That means no weird foreheaded Bullseyes, no nippled batsuits, and certainly no silent Deadpools.

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  • May 1, 2009, 3:54 a.m. CST

    loserguy3000: Holy sh.....

    by Playkins

    That was possibly the most stirring call to battle I've ever read. Fuck it, I'm ready to ditch this place, too!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 3:56 a.m. CST

    Let me know if Steven Seagal fights a bear

    by OGoncho

    Otherwise I say good day, sir.

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  • May 1, 2009, 3:56 a.m. CST

    And just one more thing...

    by Jack Spyder

    Wolverine just CAN'T be worse than Twilight. Or Snakes On A Plane at that.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 3:56 a.m. CST

    I'm not going to get all high and mighty

    by ThePilgrim

    over Harry being angry that he and his crew were cut from a press screening of the film. That's what this site does! They watch films before the general public and they speak out on them. Fox is so fucking pissed and scared, so they pulled this shit to protect the films opening weekend B.O. <P> Tell me I'm wrong. Harry has every right to bitch about it. I should be more clear in my statement of "The internet Critic Circle is becoming Harder to Trust" Latino Review of the Nightmare remake. How in with PD Bloody Disgusting is... Shit like this is not cool. I'm not saying Hitfix is in too. I am saying it sucks if the investor rumors are true, because, well no one should have power over the Internet Critic's. Ever. Even us.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 3:56 a.m. CST

    oh and ps...

    by Crooooooow

    If there's another Superman movie made - by all that is good and Holy please please please ditch Lex Luthor already. We get it he's Supes arch-nemesis, but it's been done to death bring on someone else.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 4:04 a.m. CST

    Never see a film with 33% Tomatometer

    by Mr Gorilla

    That seems to be the lesson we've learnt here. So, whenever this site recommends a film that none of the print/conventional critics like - just settle your decision by going to Rotten Tomatoes.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 4:04 a.m. CST

    Steven Seagal will always be Cockpuncher to me

    by BMacSmith

    I saw The Onion movie on G4 yesterday and, wow, who wrote that shit? How did the Onion get attached to that? We're talking sub-Meet The Spartans here. But it did have Cockpuncher.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 4:06 a.m. CST

    Skip Woods wrote SWORDFISH...

    by TopHat

    ...This is Donner and Jackman's fault all the way. Donner and Fox really don't care about anything except a big opening weekend, and Jackman only cares about looking cool, like every other A-list celeb. This is how the movie really got made: "Hey, we need a lot of action in this thing... JACKMAN: Well, I know this guy Skip who worked on SWORDFISH with me and Halle... DONNER: Perfect. That film did well, I liked the opening... Hey, a lot of people really like these characters Deadpool and Gambit, lets try to work them in... Also, lets try to get that long-haired guy from FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS, he's the next big thing... Yeah, and also, Ryan Rynolds, he's with Scarlett Johansson... What'll be the story? Well, the fans really like the claws, sooo, we gotta have a lot of that... Right... And lets just include any other characters we can think of who don't look that stupid in the those comics... Heh, yeah... You, know. Characters that'll make sense in the real world. Like Cyclops... Yeah! Cyclops! Let's work him in somehow... Definitely... And, lets bring back Stryker and the Professor... The Professor? Yeah, people like him... And lets use the Weapon X storyline... Okay... But, we'll make it more realistic. Not like those horrible comics... Ha, yeah... Can we work in Jean?... Maybe... But, Emma Frost looks really hot in the books, maybe we should include her... Yeah, but, what does she do?... Turn into diamonds... NEAT... Yeah, and she'll be hot... Yeah... But, it has to have great action scenes... Definitely... Like the amazing rolling-down-the-hill sequence in SWORDFISH... Yes... Do you think the fanboys will love it?... Of course, they love anything with an Alpha-male character and a lot of cgi... Right... Cgi is really big, we should make the CLAWS cgi... Absolutely... Because that movie AVATAR is gonna make a ton of money... Yeah, ton of money... That movie will rule... Uh-Huh, rule..."

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 4:06 a.m. CST

    Bitching aside...

    by Mr Gorilla

    We've got to find out what exactly went wrong. Jackman is great, and has been great in this character. Gavin Hood has made some very good films. Was is ALL studio interference? If so, Hood and Jackman need to publicly say so. I hate hate hate that this movie is not brilliant.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 4:11 a.m. CST

    Im thinking its pure studio interference

    by BMacSmith

    the whole thing sounds cobbled together from notes.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 4:12 a.m. CST

    On the up-side Blockbuster-wise...

    by Mr Gorilla

    There's Star Trek and Harry Potter, which will both be good. Terminator: Salvation will at the very least be an interesting failure - though of course we all hope it will be better than that. And lurking on the horizon is Avatar...

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 4:17 a.m. CST

    And just to be clear on X3

    by Mr Gorilla

    It's not the worst movie ever. It's just HORRIBLY disappointing, because X2 was so fantastic, and the film we wanted was more of the same. It seemed more hung up on cool moments than anything else. (Although X2 delivered plenty of them, too.) It is no way the weirdly uninvolving shit that Daredevil was.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 4:18 a.m. CST

    I respected Harry's decision not to see it

    by zapano

    Why would you subject yourself to such torture? He's just doing what any sane avid cinema goer would do. If the reviews are overwhelmingly negative then don't go. I think it's ironic that they didn't invite Harry to a screening, as he's been one the people that's been most supportive of the film throughout production (remember that Hugh Jackman thing?), despite the bad buzz coming from the production (even mainstream Empire magazine reported that the film's chances weren't looking good) I'm also fine with Harry changing his mind, only for the fact that his review should be a good read. That's what I miss really, Harry's negative reviews, they were always a great read. Aren't negative reviews more fun to read and write? Harry write more negative reviews (dvds don't count) you can channel your bad energy through your negative reviews and be a happier and well rounded (well i suppose you're round enough) person for it.

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  • May 1, 2009, 4:30 a.m. CST

    I DON'T respect Harry's decision not to see it


    For fuck's sake Harry - do your job, man. You built yourself a movie site only to say 'I'm not allowed to watch this for free? I'm not gonna see it then!'<p>So.... you're just happy to coast along on what other people say are you? Then what's the point in you reviewing movies at all? Why not just cut and paste Ebert & co's reviews here all of the time? <p>You call yourself a movie reviewer and yet you're too elite to pay for a movie and make your own mind up? Have you forgotten that feeling then, Harry? Paying for a movie just like we - the general public - do?<p>No wonder half of your reviews read like the work of an exagerated ten year old. No wonder nine out of ten of your reviews praise to death whatever you're watching. You got it for free! You didn't have to pay for it! The studios love you enough to give you free movies and you return the love because you want more free reviews!<p>How about taking a step back into the real world, taking your wife (you know - the one who has to put up with weekly comments about how sexy you think Scriptgirl is) and head to the cinema like everyone else does. Pay your money and then return here to tell us your opinions on the thing. Perhaps even write an introduction in which you talk about what it was like going to a cinema as a normal ticket-buying moviegoer for the first time in ten years.<p>The fact is plain and simple. I could go to a dozen blogs right now and read a review by someone who did just that. They don't get their movies for free; they paid to see the fucking thing and then took the time to write about it. It's not what i want to do though, as I prefer coming here to read the reviews.<p>May The Swane have mercy on your soul.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 4:30 a.m. CST

    I gotta say X3 was not the worst comic movie i ever saw

    by BMacSmith

    Id see it again before the following recent supermovies: Electra, Catwoman, Daredevil, Spiderman 3, Superman Returns, the FF shitfests and probably a few others i havent thought of. For some reason i didnt hate it. The rubbersuit Juggernaut was pretty lame though, and killing Cyclops was close to unforgivable. But then I've always thought Xmen would make a better tv series because of all the charactors. Xmen isnt about any one or even group of characters. its a revolving door. Putting Jackman and Berry in it killed it IMO. They demand too much screen time. WOuld have been better with unknowns.

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  • May 1, 2009, 4:31 a.m. CST

    Just read the update


    Good boy, Harry.

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  • May 1, 2009, 4:43 a.m. CST

    Well, when he has seen it, he'll wish he hadn't..

    by notspock2

    Maybe this could lead to an article in which Harry turns into Michael Moore and tries to hunt down the CEO of Fox to get his money back. <p> Has anyone ever attempted a class action suit for shitty movies?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 4:44 a.m. CST

    Maybe Wolverine really DOES suck.

    by Sal_Bando

    Had a troubled production and no, I've no real interest in it either. BUT, considering the massive amount of BJ's Harold and co shower on all things Watchmen(so-so), Cokey (GAG), Rodriguez(oooo another Green Screen Home movie!! Half of Round Rock gets to play Predators!) etc well you get the hint. Double-standard time. If you're Harold's pal, your movie(HELLBOY TOO) gets a hummer. And anything opening against it(Journey to the Center etc) gets a Harry Hit Job. Gee ya THINK? I can't wait for the glowing pre-written reviews for Trek and Inglorious Assturds here...

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 4:46 a.m. CST

    So harry you can afford to buy 10 Blue-rays a week but not ONE m

    by standundermyumbrella

    Go see the fucking thing! i will wire you 10 dollars via PAY PAL!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 4:47 a.m. CST

    ..but not one movieticket????

    by standundermyumbrella

  • May 1, 2009, 4:49 a.m. CST

    Wolverine is an honest effort.

    by antonphd

    I know that Fox are assholes, but you can see that the people who actually made this really put their heart into it. But it's a B. There's not enough focus in the film. It's too busy. Things are rushed to the point that they are somewhat hollow at times. Feels like the idea of the plot was great, but the execution of the script... not so well done. But the performances are great with the exception of Will I am, who I love, but who can't act. But the performances are lessened by the poor script. I'd say that with a better written script this would have been an A film. It's got the right idea... even if I wish that Deadpool wasn't given the shaft... but it has a great that the actors work hard to execute. If I were to compare it to any other Superhero film... I'd say that it compares to Superman Returns. Superman Returns had everything right, but the fucking story was retarded. Well... I think for Wolverine that the script writter was fucking retarded. Still... fun to watch. I'll see it again in the theater.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 4:51 a.m. CST

    DICKBLOOD got banned?

    by dioxholster

    DICKBLOOD got banned?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 4:51 a.m. CST

    Damn You Michael Bay


    Damn You Michael Bay

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 4:57 a.m. CST

    DICKBLOOD is unbannable?


    what a fucking crock of shit. that guy brings nothing to the table. how the fuck did he gain notoriety in AICN? hes fucking BORING and all his comments are full of shit. this site went downhill when he arrived and got even fucking worse once people started treating him like some sort of aicn messiah. hes a lonely dick who cant get attention in the real world and so he comes here to speak complete bullshit. and harry wont let anyone ban him? what a crock of shit. youve banned people who actually made interesting comments here. dickblood has never said anything interesting. hes a fucking loser that needs to be removed from aicn. what a piece of shit he is. i hope hes sitting alone somewhere in his wallmart store weeping as i write this.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 5 a.m. CST

    Let's hope more studios will do this

    by a_martin

    This is a farce, you're not seeing this movie just because you weren't invited to the screening? Whatever. Just makes you look like a little girl. This is blackmail, and I actually hope more studios will do this, hopefully it'll get Harry of his high horse

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 5:03 a.m. CST

    Some of you TB'ers are hateful bastards.

    by The Gospel According to Bastardface

    There is no need for the type of vitrol that you spit 24/7. Christ, it's exhausting to see everyday.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 5:04 a.m. CST

    Methinks the lady doth protest too much

    by Lloytron

    Like you haven't seen the workprint.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 5:08 a.m. CST

    Harry = Fonz jumping shark


    Ok its time to admit that yes i am an imposter of the real DGDB and yes we can all admit it was funny and with due respect but i am really a long time lurker first time poster and this shit has go to stop. Lets go back to the fucking HUGE pile of shit that was War Of the Worlds!! Hmm AICN on set exclusive and makes harrys top ten ignoring the fact that it was a steaming hot pile of fucking garbage!!!! Jesus Christ Harry is THE worst critic ever and has - zero integrity. Twilight? Indy4? King Kong? speaking of i love how he goes back now and gives it the smallest criticism! Seriously!! Harry your a fucking HACK critic! You are the Carlos Mencia of Film Critics. HOw about Watchmen? Am i alone here when yeah it was ok and yes just OK at best but FUCK for the 3 months prior you couldnt come here without seeing the name in at least 8 headings on the main page! Its like product placement and ASS kissing at its worst and Star Trek might even be worse!! I am no trek fan by any means but enjoy a few of them and I am boycoting it simply cuz Harry sucks the dick of it so much!! Is this site Aint it fanboy cocksucking and let me get a set visit news or what?!! Fuck!!! If your not sucking a directors fucking cock for an exclusive than your just taking news from worthy sites like darkhorizons 3 days after they post it. Im drawing a blank here but what do they call in the radio business where they pay the dj to play their song more? Thats is exactly what this site is now!!! Its fucking ridiculous!! Some of the fucking absolute garbage that you endorse just cause you go to see how bad it was in person is fucking beyond ridiuculous!! Honestly i had no desire to see this movie baed on how bad X3 was but part of me wants to just to make it money to let fox. I'd be embarrassed if i were harry to write such a thing as i wont see a movie cause fox wont let me see it free. Fuck even though Fox put out suck a piec of shit at least they can say fuck you to harry and get a rise out of him! This site is a fucking joke plain and simple and this secures it in all its glory. Harry is a fucking Fag and i mean no disrespect to gay people cuz they dont deserve to be on Harrys level who will buy a film cell of the shittiest movie ever just cause the director let him see a snippet of a film. Your fucking pathetic Harry!! Im sick to my stomach about taking anything you ever said serious! God i could on and on! P.S. The whole time in my impersonating the real DGDB the only thing he ever banned or took down was when i said that being in a wheelchair was Profeesional! HAHAHAHA God you a are Fucking ginger loser whose to fat to fucking do anything but suck cock of directors who let you on set. UGH end o rant!!! Please dont ever let him live this down.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 5:12 a.m. CST


    by Toonol

    Does he show up at the end of the movie? what actor plays the part?

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  • May 1, 2009, 5:15 a.m. CST

    Dickblood, why don't you just shut the fuck up?

    by The Gospel According to Bastardface

    Your constant fucking rage is tiresome and completely unnecessary. Your posting on an internet fucking forum under an alias. Think about that for a second. Grow the fuck up. Seriously.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 5:18 a.m. CST


    by Hellbastardo

    You are absolutely right sir it can be gd depressing too . I miss the good old days of AICN and not because of the reporting. But because I don't remember there being all of these fucking assholes .I remember heated discussions sure but not utter hatred . Not everyone here are assholes of course but a pretty damn good percentage

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 5:19 a.m. CST

    DICKBLOOD is fighting for our lives down here...

    by BMacSmith

    and you're downtown pushin' pencils and kissing ass! He don't roll over for anybody, especially for the feds, without a goddamn good explanation! <p> You're rippin' his dick off and shovin' it up his asshole! <p> In summary, its your move, pussyface.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 5:21 a.m. CST


    by The Gospel According to Bastardface

    That makes two of us.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 5:25 a.m. CST

    Harry, that's beneath you.

    by Vynson

    That's an awful lot of time spent on a film you haven't seen. Think for yourself, Harry. It's really tacky to post so negatively on a film you haven't seen. Make up your own the way, I think Wolverine sucks. But at least I'm entitled to say so SINCE I'VE SEEN THE MOVIE.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 5:26 a.m. CST

    Will someone please fucking answer this question?

    by BMacSmith

    Is this the same sabretooth that was in X1? Or is he just completely different? if he is just ignored, than that added to Cyclops in a cage and young CG Prof. X makes this the worst fucking origin story in movie history.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 5:27 a.m. CST


    by Zegna777

    This is your website, you make the rules. Its obvious you're approach has been successful for more than 10 years and you therefore don't need to defend yourself against all this hypocritical talkbacker's critique. If they don't like your website, you, or your approach, they are free to go somewhere else. The fact is that 99.9% of all of them come back for their next shot of cool news day after day after day!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 5:28 a.m. CST


    by Zegna777

    This is your website, you make the rules. Its obvious you're approach has been successful for more than 10 years and you therefore don't need to defend yourself against all this hypocritical talkbacker's critique. If they don't like your website, you, or your approach, they are free to go somewhere else. The fact is that 99.9% of all of them come back for their next shot of cool news day after day after day!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 5:29 a.m. CST

    Show some backbone, man!

    by AntonChigurh

    Maybe Fox didn'n invite you for a reason. Maybe they're sick of all your negative writings about their creative "output". In my opinion that's something you should be proud of. The comic movie evolved in the recent years and climaxed in the fantastic The Dark Knight. But Fox is one of the last studios that still insists on treading comic book themes like shit. Plot? Who needs a plot. All we need is a marketing campaign. So if Fox want's you to NOT write a critic about a movie by not inviting you to a press screening, then move your lazy ass, buy a ticket and write the damn review. That is your JOB and that is what i (and others) come here for! Stop acting like a spoiled child, stomping with its feet for not getting free candy.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 5:29 a.m. CST

    And just to be clear on X3

    by BrainFart

    it was the worst movie ever. It was a great big fuck you to the fans. Jugernaugt died running into a wall, jean died from the power of love and the rest was just lazy writing. Now ive never seen hanna montana or any of the high school musicals but im pretty sure they cant be as bad as X3.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 5:30 a.m. CST

    For clarification

    by Droid

    The DANNYGLOVERS__DICKBLOOD that posted above is not the real DGDB. He himself admitted that in his post "yes i am an imposter of the real DGDB". He very sneakily uses two underscores to seperate the names. Plus, he doesn't even sound like Danny. Why he would waste time posting under the DGDB is beyond me. <p>The real DGDB posted this above... <p>COWARD MOVE HARRY. YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED. by DANNYGLOVERS_DICKBLOOD May 1st, 2009 12:22:12 AM

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  • May 1, 2009, 5:30 a.m. CST

    How much $$$ does Harry make a year?

    by Mr. Pricklepants

    I've always wanted to know. Anyone know? Bueller? Bueller?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 5:35 a.m. CST


    by ollybot

    Its odd how a lot of people on this site will always write in talk back "I'm done with this site" "Fuck you for being an ass hole" but those people will keep coming back, keep posting the same shit. There must be something you like about being here, other wise why continuously come here and slam everything. O yea, its probably because unlike Harry who is in a position to be able to post his opinions and get a bit of money for doing so, you sit at home and whinge about the fact that someone else has a different opinion to yours. So what if Harry wants to avoid the movie. Go start your own site and write a review of the movie. I'm sure the entire population of the planet earth is just itching to hear what you have to say about the film. I like this site because reviews, news etc is written by fans for fans. Let the hate be sprung upon me now for using the term 'by fans for fans' but all you will be doing is proving my point about not being able to accept another persons opinion. Its the negative 'talk backers' that have made this site have a negative spin at times....not Harry. It’s his site after all, he can say what he wants. :o) Cheers for a great site that indeed splits the crowds.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 5:39 a.m. CST


    by Tiberius_Prime

    Man I NEVER let reviews determine whether I see a flick or not, if I want to see it, I'll see it and I'll always form my own opinion about it, even if it flies in the face of everyone else's opinions. The only reason I read reviews on this site at all is that I'm mining for spoilers because I'm a whore for such things...

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 5:51 a.m. CST

    That Misterfour guy..

    by The Dark Shite

    Who the fuck is he? He starts his "review" off saying he works "for a magazine in California". Bullshit. he can't fucking write!<p> Even worse, his review is basically a list of plot points, INCLUDING the plot twist AND the ending! Yeah, he wrote "Spoilers" before he did it, but there's a difference between spoliers & saying, "this happened, then this happened, then this bit was a twist, then this happened in the end." <p> Truth be told, you had no business putting that on your webiste. An editor wouldn't. A fan wouldn't. I don't give a fuck if it's a shit movie or not, that isn't a review, it's the entire fucking story & was put there by spite.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 5:55 a.m. CST

    Its like the writer died halfway through

    by Offmehead

    and they got the mentally deficient cleaner to finish writing the script. I honestly do not think I have ever seen a movie go off the rails, crash and burn quite as badly as this one. X3 was appalling and I hated it with every fibre of my being, but somehow this one seemed to be worse because for the first 45 minutes it looked like it could be OK (not great, but OK) and then they took a great big giant shit all over everything - plot, acting, characterisation - all of it goes from reasonably entertaining mindless fun to a huge traffic accident with busloads of disabled children. Please Marvel - get your Xmen franchise back from these soulless clueless Fox idiots because they really just cant help themselves and are clearly incapable of even managing mediocre. One of the worst examples of movie making by committee ever

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  • May 1, 2009, 5:59 a.m. CST

    OK Harry here is how Wolverine ranks...

    by cifra

    Daredevil (teathrical) was even better. Jackman and Schrieber are good. Rest, mediocre. Gambit, Deadpool and Emma Frost are basically raped in front of you, as characters... don't care for Gambit and Deadpool, but Mrs. Frost, the White Queen, is one of the coolest characters in comic book ever... and they basically fuck her up in ways that prevent this character to be shown as it was originally created. My suggestion to Marvel is pretend this movie hasn't been made and adapt the Frank Miller original miniseries... I'd encourage Marvel to sue Fox for destroying all its franchises.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 6 a.m. CST

    M-O-O-N. That spells "what a pussy move"

    by TomCullen

    Seriously, both in terms of bitching that you didn't get enough free tickets to apparently bother to review the film based on it merrits (or lack of them), and also taking the idiotic "well a whole bunch of critics don't like it so it's not worth my precious time" approach. Wake the fuck up, those critics don't like most of what gets praised on this site, particularly much of the shit you uniformally praise, but that never stopped you before. No, instead this is clearly a case of you wanting any excuse to piss on Fox's leg, and them not being willing to give you enough of a reach around to change your mind and do you damn job. Which is, um, to review movies, particularly 'geek' movies. Like I said, nothing but a pussy move on Harry's part, and an extraordinarily petty one at that.

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  • May 1, 2009, 6:02 a.m. CST

    This movie makes Daredevil look like The Dark Knight

    by Offmehead

    Its on a par with X3 for sheer fucking shite value - maybe a bit worse. Even Spiderman 3 was better than this garbage.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 6:04 a.m. CST

    I agree..

    by The Dark Shite

    & while my post was written badly (pissed off & writing quick), not only is it bad that you don't do your job & review it, but these critics you mentioned aren't critics. That Misterfour guy IS NOT a critic. Anybody with half a brain would know that. & his "Review" doesn't belong on here. <p> It tells every single thing that happens in the movie,so it's ruined even for people who haven't seen it yet.<p> Low.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 6:05 a.m. CST

    I'm Going To See BATTLE FOR TERRA Instead

    by LaserPants

    Fuck Fox. Wolverine looks like shit. It's going to make a mint regardless. But it won't be on my dime. Looking forward to STAR TREK next week. I hope all y'all who actually claim you're not going to see it stick to your guns. Only we can ensure Fox Fails and Fails Epicly.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 6:07 a.m. CST


    by Hannaha_Montanas_Clit_Blood

    I've been a long time fan of your site, in fact, my roommate my freshmen year of college showed me your site back in 1996. I continue to check the site almost every day, sometimes more than 5 times a day. I enjoy your site, most of your writers, and the reading the talkbacks. I know there are a lot of whiners out there, but I just wanted to say thank you for doing what you do. I'm glad you do what you do, and that you enjoy it. I think it is rare these days for someone to truly love their jobs, and for that I envy you good sir. Cheers, and keep on doing what you're doing! <p> I'm sad that X-Men Origins: Wolverine is getting terrible reviews, I had really wanted it to be a good movie :( <p> At least I have Star Trek to look forward to :)

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 6:09 a.m. CST


    by The Dark Shite

    You got shit on your chin mate.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 6:11 a.m. CST

    We know you've seen the workprint H. Just review that.

    by Stuntcock Mike

  • May 1, 2009, 6:13 a.m. CST

    "The guy playing Stryker can't act"?!

    by Stuntcock Mike

    Nice review idiot. Total fail.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 6:15 a.m. CST

    Harry, I'll send you the money to see it, hows that?

    by Stuntcock Mike

    You seem kinda depressed today.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 6:16 a.m. CST

    I'm more eager to spend my money on a film I do support, which i

    by TheManWhoCan

    But why anyone would pay to see a movie twice on the big screen, no matter how good it is, is beyond me. You say it’s to ‘support’ a movie like star trek (which I cant wait to see) but no matter how good it is, ill just wait to watch it again when the DVD comes out. A movie like star trek is going to make money and a sequel because the fan base is huge and when word gets out that its worth seeing all the better. Paying to see it a second or third time is sad, really sad. The type of movies that need ‘support’ are the (good) indie movies that despite rave reviews hardly break even and THAT is why cinema is so bad these days. I’m all for entertaining big budget action adventure movies but id rather see something different afterwards instead of going back to the end of the queue to watch it over (and over) again. Surely you could be doing something else instead, As Bill Shatner would say.. “Get a life!”

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 6:17 a.m. CST

    Star "Trek" Wars

    by LionelRL

    I'm sure 'Star Trek' will be a fun, entertaining movie but unfortunately "Trek" is now dead. We will get maybe a total of 3 movies with the current cast who will then move onto other things. It's unlikely we will get a TV show based on the movie and then its gone! This is just JJ's chance to do Star Wars - not Trek.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 6:18 a.m. CST

    Practising to decieve..

    by The Dark Shite

    You see Mr Knowles? Or can I call you Beyonce? <p> You tell one little fib, it leads to another, then another. Gradually it spirals out of control. Eventually you lose your own sanity & can't tell what's true & what isn't anymore. <p> The problem is, everyone else can, Beyonce, everyone else can.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 6:19 a.m. CST

    T4 Novelisation

    by LionelRL in the shops if you didn't know. Helluva a twist at the end I hear.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 6:19 a.m. CST

    All the angry people. Where do they all come from?

    by Amy Chasing

    Does anyone here or anywhere actually "depend" on Harry's reviews? I didn't think so. Your anger is as pointless as Harry saying "I just don't see the need wasting my time on a movie that is this badly reviewed by critics". The need is to make your own mind up. Obvious really. <P> But if Harry is strapped for cash then I totally understand. Movies really do lose priority when you have to balance a food and bill budget for a fortnight.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 6:20 a.m. CST

    Harry don't worry Star Trek will only be one week wonder...

    by Blancoshadow

    Kids won't see it but your 65 year old moms will cream in her pants when she sees Chris Pine...

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 6:22 a.m. CST


    by Hannaha_Montanas_Clit_Blood

    "But why anyone would pay to see a movie twice on the big screen, no matter how good it is, is beyond me" <P> <p> you're fucking kidding right? that might be the single fucking stupidest thing I've ever heard anyone say on the subject of watching movies......

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 6:22 a.m. CST

    God damn what a fat fucking load

    by IndyCollector

    And he wants to be seen as a "professional?" Oh he's a professional all right. A professional DOUCHE.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 6:24 a.m. CST

    What would Harry add to these existing reviews?

    by marcspector

    Do any of us think that there is an outside chance that Wolverine is actually good despite the reviews? What is Harry going to add at this point? "Yes, it was bad"? I really think the comic book geek community needs to start voting with its dollars and not just see something that we know is bad because it vaguely references stories that were great in the 80's.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 6:25 a.m. CST

    want to hear about SOLOMON KANE

    by palewook

    who cares about wolverine. tell us something about SOLOMON KANE. please.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 6:28 a.m. CST

    Time for Harry to Resign

    by TheKGB01

    Take the poll! ITs almost closed..results will be posted soon and sent directly to Harry! There is time for hope and change for this site..if he steps down.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 6:29 a.m. CST


    by TheManWhoCan

    seems we've found one of the many sad people i was talking about!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 6:30 a.m. CST

    by Blancoshadow

    Sorry Harry you lost me...

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 6:31 a.m. CST

    Hey Kris...

    by brokentusk

    Nice to see another Capetonian around these parts. <p> How long you been coming here for? <p> Shot for the review, by the way. I'm probably going to check it out this weekend out of morbid curiosity and because Tom Rothman is right... I'm compelled to see a movie called WOLVERINE, even if I KNOW it's going to be shit.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 6:32 a.m. CST


    by darthkat76

    the Fuck would you pay $30-$40 for a Blu-ray, rather than go see it for $9 when you're pretty sure you're going to hate it? That makes no sense to me. "I'd rather buy a Blu Ray I don't have."

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 6:32 a.m. CST


    by The Dark Shite

    They aren't reviews though! That's the thing. They're opinions, supposedly sent in by anonymous readers. One of whom is definitely NOT the mag writer it says he is. <p> If Harry or anyone else wants to have an opinion, they should see it. I'm speaking as someone who thinks it's a dreadful film. I can say that though, because I saw it. I'm not saying it because other people think so. If they even exist. <p>

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 6:33 a.m. CST

    Cop Out

    by Optimus_Chris

    It's your job as a movie reviewing, movie news website to go out and actually see the movies you cover, regardless if the assholes at Fox don't invite you to their precious screening. We, the royal we, want to know your opinion of the movie after you've seen it. Don't really care about those hack, faux-bloggers that write in. If this is some sort of campaign against Fox, then AICN is just a waste of time. Nut up, Harry.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 6:36 a.m. CST

    Couldn't care less. There's SOLOMON KANE!!!

    by spud mcspud

    I was never a fan of the X-MEN comics, and was never overwhelmed by the movies either - but I remember how pissed I was that they fucked over WATCHMEN (particularly the ending) so if you're a mad keen X-MEN fan, sorry for how these fuckers have fucked over your baby. Hit them in the wallet - it's all those FOX fucks understand.<P> On the other hand, Harry, I want EVERY SINGLE THING YOU KNOW about SOLOMON KANE as soon as humanly possible! I didn't even know they were close to finishing principal photography, let alone finishnig the movie! IT'S FINALLY FUCKING HERE!!!<P> Harry, don't hold back on SOLOMON KANE. Give us ALL the goods, please! We rabid Robert E Howard fans are due a great movie in lieu of that Kevin Sorbo KING KULL piece of shit.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 6:44 a.m. CST

    Herry is a jerk...

    by Banzai Rootskibango

    ...he doesn't recommend the movie because AICN didn't get invited to the party, so he trashes it. <P> I'm going to go see the movie and have a good time. Since when do I let critics decide what movie I see or don't see? <P> Never. That's when. I'll make up my own mind. That's what America is all about.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 6:47 a.m. CST

    Soloman Kane..

    by The Dark Shite

    Oh yeah, loved that "I'm the first American critic to see it" shit.<p> 1. Are you a critic or not, Harry? You seem to change your mind on that, to suit the circumstances. <p> "I'm a critic"..<p> "Oh, I'm not a critic, I'm just a geek like you." <p> If you're a critic, you need to see Wolverine before you can talk about it. <p> 2. Is this being the "first American critic" to see Soloman Kane, like the time you pointlessly boasted of being the first westerner to review Oldboy? <p> You know, the time when I said you weren't, BECAUSE I WAS & I COULD PROVE IT? <p> What did you do then? You ignored my post & moved on to ones below it, which proves you saw it. You just got caught out self-aggrandising again (if it's possible to aggrandise a monolith) & ignored it. <p> My thoughts on you are like a mini, one-man version of this site. Everytime you do something stupid, people point it out. Eventually though, we forgive & forget. <p> Everything's fine, then for no apparent reason (maybe some kind of mental illness/self hatred thing you have), you find a way to remind us. <P> Do your fucking job, man. hate on it all you like, but you need to see it, or not mention it at all.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 6:47 a.m. CST

    i love a well timed explosion

    by chipps

    so i'll be laying my money down. i think to some degree superhero movies should be cliched pop corn fests. my second favourite superhero movie had the tagline 'with great power comes great responcibility' how passe is that? i loved the comics, the series growing up. i'm not expecting the rewriting of the bible here, if it entertains me i'm happy.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 6:48 a.m. CST

    Harry, you're such a baby

    by Trazadone

    "I don't want to pay for a movie..." Wah, Harry. This is one of the most anticipated "cool" films of the summer and you're not going to review it because you did not get a free advance screening. I'm sorry that you feel that way your highness. It really saddens me that the spirit of this site has all but disappeared. "I just don't see the need wasting my time on a movie that is this badly reviewed by critics.." Really??? Since when do the opinions of others influence your desire to see a movie or not? Let's face it, you're being a baby because you didn't get yet another "freebie". Can you imagine if Robert Ebert said, "I'm not going to watch Wolverine because other people didn't like it"? Seriously, you're so transparent. You obviously watched the workprint a month ago and now you're throwing a temper tantrum because you're net getting special treatment. What a diva and how sad.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 6:49 a.m. CST

    I read this site for YOUR opinions, Harry

    by Jingle Dale

    I'm glad you've decided to see the movie. I really wasn't happy with your position at the top of the page. Posting other folks' reviews rather than your own was weak.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 6:50 a.m. CST


    by Trazadone

    Of course I meant "Roger Ebert"

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 6:51 a.m. CST

    Also, didn't Harry review The Spirit?

    by Amy Chasing

    How many bad reviews did that get?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 6:52 a.m. CST


    by chipps

    i don't think this is what motivates you, but a casual reading of that diatribe would suggest a big motivation of your hate is that you got boycotted. there is a saying in oz, better to be in the tent pissing out than out pissing in. but we come here cause it is a place for people outside of the tent. being boycotted should kinda be good.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 6:53 a.m. CST

    also looking forward to star trek

    by chipps

    looks like an interesting series of explosions.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 7 a.m. CST



    People don't really go to see a movie like Star Trek three times in the cinema to 'support' it. They go because they enjoyed it and wanted to watch it again.<p>I've never met anyone who, when asked what they're doing that night, looked depressed and said "I have to go to the cinema to watch that movie that came out last week for the third time. I'd rather do something else but if I don't support it, who will? What a fucking drag, eh?"

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 7 a.m. CST

    The Spirit at Rotten Tomatoes has...

    by Amy Chasing

    the current ranking at 14%, with only 4% of "Top Critics" apparently approving. Harry still reviewed this. I know it was a while ago but the critics weren't nice about it back then either. <P> Basically to "officially recommend skipping" Wolverine because of whatever reasons, without having seen it yourself, is just pointless to readers here. We may not "depend" on the reviews here, but it's the only thing this site has to offer.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 7:02 a.m. CST

    I'm still pissed

    by Hannaha_Montanas_Clit_Blood

    about how shite Phantom Menace was

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 7:05 a.m. CST

    well I agree it is cowardly

    by pogoonmyown

    Its cowardly and embarrassing to see someone would fancies himself as some sort film critic to tell people not to see a movie he has not has been apparent that Harry gives favortable reviews to every film maker that befriends hime..he may not glow about the film, but will absolutly minimize any critism....hell Blair Witch 2 sucked (as did 1), Watchmen was only decent, and Indy 4 was tripe...the list goes on. Harry has gotten worse over time, probably due to certain studios and directors bending over for him. He expects it now, and when he doesnt get it he pitches a serious fit.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 7:07 a.m. CST


    by The Dark Shite

    "It lacks etiquette, lacks graciousness, lacks respect, lacks honesty, lacks a backbone. You should be ashamed of yourself." <p> Actually, it sounds like he fits right in with the staff here. They'll probably give him a job.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 7:08 a.m. CST


    by stvnhthr

    So far all reviews have lined up perfectly with the story shown in the work print. What happened to the new reshot footage which was supposed to completely change the lame story elements of the leaked print? Was Fox lying? Was the weird no-mouth Deadpool with eye lasers left in the movie? How could that happen? If the workprint got such bad reviews why didn't Fox use the oppurtunity to actually fix the film? Why did they just keep saying the "effects were unfinished" when the fans were screaming, "Forget about the effects fix the story!!"

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 7:09 a.m. CST

    Harry - Reviewing films is your job...

    by Vonfolger

    Not one to call you out on something big guy.. been reading the site for ages almost daily, but as I read your rant here something popped into my head. It's your job to review films whether or not they invite you to a press screening or not. And believe it or not a few people WANT to know your opinion.

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  • May 1, 2009, 7:09 a.m. CST

    Amy Chasing

    by spud mcspud

    "All the site has to offer"... Well, apart from these Talkback free-for-alls. They're like free therapy and anger-management sessions all rolled into one for me. I think these TB's are a valuable public resource ;D

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 7:10 a.m. CST

    Paying to review...

    by TheCrouton

    Harry, you have caused a problem for yourself here, even if you go see the movie. If you hate it, then people will say you are just jumping on the band wagon. If however, you like it, then people will say you are saying this because you want to stand against the tide of bad reviews this is getting. I've no idea if Wolervine is as bad as the reviews are suggesting. In truth reviews, both good ones and bad, won't stop me going to see a movie I want to see. But Harry, let me ask this : Would you have paid to see Star Trek, if you hadn't seen it, and it had been getting as bad reviews as Wolverine has? Or would you have taken the same position? And if you had paid, then what would be the difference?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 7:14 a.m. CST

    Lame Harry, really lame.

    by HarryBlackPotter

    The film is gonna suck, sure, but why do you feel you have to 'comment' on a movie you have no intention of seeing. See it or don't see it. I couldn't give a rats flaps. The film probably sucks, but unless I see the film I can't say that for sure, and since I'm not going to see it...well, that's all I got to say about that.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 7:15 a.m. CST

    Big love for you Harry...

    by cripeman

    But, it really does sound like sour grapes.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 7:17 a.m. CST

    Harry u just went low,really low

    by ominus

    u havent reached the bottom yet,but u r almost there.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 7:21 a.m. CST

    On Headgeeks and reviewing

    by Kizeesh

    Harry is just a guy. <p>Just a guy who likes films a lot and made a website. <p>Made a website that did well and became popular. <p>Became popular and propelled him into the internet consciousness.<p> That doesn't actually mean that there is ANY reason that his opinions of movies need by in any way unbiased or open. He's allowed to hate on actors, directors and even studios for ludicrious reasons if he likes.<p>That is because this is his site, that he started, which became popular. He runs a site, and occasionally writes reviews, it doesn't mean his opinions are particularly noteworthy or should be taken as anything other than one guy's point of view.<p> I just felt that needed said, it gets forgotten here a shit-ton.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 7:22 a.m. CST

    harry harry harry. bad form, sir.

    by thekylegassproject

    just listen to yourself for a minute in this article. it is so emotionally charged.<p> you pretty much come out with it in the first paragraph about how fox did not invite AICN to the screening, immediately after which you begin to TRASH the flick WITHOUT EVEN SEEING IT.<p> don't get me wrong, the negativity from the masses is probably spot on. but you have a responsibility, sir - as a journalist and as a geek - to tell it like it is and not let some company (especially one as shitty as fox) get under your skin. otherwise, THEY WIN!<p> another day, and a little bit more of my respect for AICN slips away...<p> tisk, tisk

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 7:26 a.m. CST

    I really don't know

    by Abominable Snowcone

    what people were expecting out of this movie. I didn't think it was all that bad, save what they did with Deadpool. Jackman and Schreiber were good, I felt. And a couple of the peripherals like Gambit and Blob are fun. It's a superhero movie, after all, and while Dark Knight and Iron Man have showed us what a superhero movie CAN be, it's a very high bar. Wolverine was fun for me, and I'm not going to pee on it just because everyone else has chosen it to be the tree in the woods to leak on

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  • May 1, 2009, 7:27 a.m. CST


    by thekylegassproject

    WANTS TO IMPERSONATE DANNYGLOVERS_DICKBLOOD.<p> wow. i mean that SCREAMS "I HAVE NO FRIENDS, LIFE, GIRLFRIEND, OR EVEN STRANGER IN MY LIFE TO AT LEAST GIVE ME A TUG."<p> that is really just strange.<p> but what about the real DGDB. was he banned? what the fuck? everyone loves that guy (well, either loves him OR loves to hate him). he should come back. the man AT LEAST speaks from his heart without being swayed by FOX...

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 7:28 a.m. CST

    So what's the purpose of this site?!

    by eule

    Yeah, the movie was pretty mediocre, but you can't always have dark knight material to review. This isn't really about the movie, it's about a hurt ego.

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  • May 1, 2009, 7:31 a.m. CST

    DannyGlovers/DBlood's Imposters! WTF!!!

    by HarryBlackPotter

    Now we've got little imposter Danny's running around on this site and cursing and insulting people. That's just weird. Really. That's not right at all.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 7:33 a.m. CST

    AintitCool Is No Longer Cool...

    by AWE4ONE1

    This is the final straw for me. I've been a long time lurker and supporter for almost 10 years. The workprint fiasco and now this has just reinforced my belief this site has jumped the shark. Time to get my geek fix at one of the other, many, movie sites where they actually appreciate and don't give a shit about what the studios think or do.'s become apparent, whether you realize it or not or true or not, this site has become a shill for the studios and is ireelevent to everything this site once stood for...

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 7:34 a.m. CST

    Harry Sickens Me

    by radruss001

    Reader since the beginning, 1st time talk-backer. Harry – the fact that you started your rant with “Fox refused to invite one the AICN editors to an advance screening…” shows me you are like all the other critics out there who do not get advanced screenings and let it taint their perceptions. You should give WOLVERINE a chance and quit whining when you cannot get a “blessed” advanced screening. You are so spoiled by freebees (DVDs, and who knows what else) and “God-like” treatment in the geek world that you let it get you all resentful and such because of a slight by the studio. It sickens me.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 7:35 a.m. CST


    by LaserPants

    Thats the GREATEST AICN name yet. Sorry, Danny. You created the Celebrity Genital Blood meme, but this one takes the cake, and by cake I mean pie, and by pie I mean "hair pie."

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 7:36 a.m. CST

    Jesus, why are we all so worked up over this? Just ignore it.

    by dr sauch

    Fox does NOT care what you think. You're actually helping them by making this relevant.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 7:36 a.m. CST


    by TheManWhoCan

    I was just making reference to Harry’s article and tried to paste the whole sentence in the blue section but it got cut off, sorry. Anyway, what Harry said was “I'm more eager to spend my money on a film I do *SUPPORT*---WHICH IS WHY I have bought tickets for my THIRD watching of STAR TREK next week” I realise that normal people pay to see a movie a second time because they enjoyed it. I have done this myself in the past, I just stopped bothering to do so, especially since DVD releases are now so close now to the theatrical release also there have been so many theatrical releases overlooked over the years. For example, think about the times you have seen a movie on TV or video for the first time and thought to yourself “Wow I really enjoyed that! Wished I caught that on the big screen a couple of years ago”

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 7:37 a.m. CST

    Well spud, you got me there.

    by Amy Chasing

    Of course AICN does other things than reviews, but in a way all the set visits and rumor mongering and film politics stories usually seem to culminate and find their end in a review. What's the point of learning all this stuff about a film's production (and telling everyone about it) if you don't in the end see the film and tell everyone how it turned out? <P> As for the talkbacks. I thank AICN for the white-space they provide everyday. :)

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 7:42 a.m. CST

    if Jackman had called Harry

    by dynomint

    and invited him to see the movie, you'd be reading a fucking glowing review of this film right now. period. AICN is crap for reviews

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 7:43 a.m. CST

    Don't Go...I stand by your original decision

    by OpticNerve

    Why would you want to waste 2 hours of your life entering into an entertainment based transaction with a company that doesn't care? When work becomes a chore, it's time to pass.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 7:44 a.m. CST

    Personally, I don't remember Stryker from X3.

    by Johnny Smith

    ...but that's probably because he wasn't in it. :)

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 7:47 a.m. CST

    why let talkbackers...

    by antimcgyver

    force you to see a movie? I wasn't planning on catching it either. 10 dollars is money!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 7:47 a.m. CST

    Harry's still pissed he wasn't Blob

    by Blancoshadow

    Still irate he wasn't asked to read for the role...

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 7:48 a.m. CST

    Well if he'll pay to see it...

    by radruss001

    After finally reading the talkbacks Harry has gained a little more respect in my eyes for saying he will pay to see WOLVIE like all the rest of the people in the world. Sounds to me like he realized how much his whining has infuriated the loyal readers. But still – to not get a screening and to go all crazy and girly and resentful – still sickens me and taints AICN in my eyes – forever.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 7:48 a.m. CST


    by WavingFlagsInSpace

    "AICN is crap for reviews". Amen to that, buddy. This place is sheeeiiiittt for reviews.<p>The best thing about this site is the talkbacks...and as far as Harry compromising his deeply rooted values in exchange for some Hollywood sycophancy - exactly. Fucking precisely. Harry will talk up anyhting that he deems good or is coerced into presenting as good because of Hollywood schmoozing.<p>The view may be great from the high moral ground, Head Geek, but the air sure is thin.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 7:50 a.m. CST

    So Harry, you gonna post a Wolvie review later tonight?

    by Galactic

    Fuck what other critics say, how can you claim to be a geek if you don't even watch a movie about Wolverine? Even if it DOES end up sucking, you have to watch it! The geek inside you demands it! Unless of course, you already saw some form of it or another...

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 7:51 a.m. CST

    I called it.

    by ecm

    A while back I said that I wasn't expecting anything greater that X-men 3 (which wasn't great...AT ALL!). I'm not sure I said that here or elsewhere, but I said it. And apparently I was right. I'm not seeing this because 1: It's gonna suck and 2: I already knew it sucked. Thank you for alarming me to not waste money that I wasn't going to waste in the first place. Useless information from people that I expected to be smarter. *sigh* I'm disappointed in filmmakers.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 7:52 a.m. CST

    Why are comic books allowed to change stories around

    by Jor-El23

    But when a movie does it everyone freaks out? I haven't seen Wolverine and I'm not hearing good things about it. But how many times in all the years of us geeks reading comic books have they changed the story on us? It happens EVERY YEAR! Maybe every month. Somewhere, in some comic book, the story gets changed. Someone who's dead is alive, someone who's alive gets dead. Someone loses their powers, someone gains new powers or someone else's powers. Things are retconned and unretconned, people travel back in time to change the future or travel forward in time. I'm not defending Wolverine because again I haven't seen it. Based on the reviews from mainstream critics, who may not have much knowledge of Wolverine's story, it sounds like the movie is a technical nightmare. A boring, stilted, typical summer action movie.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 7:53 a.m. CST

    Wolverine has already provided great entertainment

    by Stan Gable

    It caused Harry to make one of the biggest douchebag moves I've ever seen from him in 12 years of coming to this site in throwing a bitch fit because he wasn't invited to the screening. Then he stayed up all night arguing with and trying to justify himself to all the talkbackers who are calling him out for this infantile move. Face it Harry, no matter how many examples you provide of movies that you have given bad reviews, there are an equal number of horribly shitty movies you have reviewed positively because the studio threw you a bone to make you feel legitimate. How many gallons of Mountain Dew did you guzzle in the last nine hours to keep you going with your talkback war? HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 7:55 a.m. CST

    Harry Says "I'm Not a Journalist"

    by whitty

    Harry says, "I'm not a journalist."<br /><br /> Yep, that's pretty much what he's saying. "I'm not a journalist, because if I were, I'd actually go find the story myself instead of just relying on what others have already written about it. If I were a journalist, I'd never try to stop people from watching a film I'm professing to not have seen and, thus, couldn't possibly have an opinion on it."<br /><br /> Harry also says, "I'm not a professional."<br /><br /> Yep, that's pretty much what he's saying. "I'm not a professional, because if I was, then I wouldn't trash a movie I supposedly haven't seen--that would be unprofessional."<br /><br /> Harry says, "I'm a complete sell-out and am boldly proclaiming it to the world."<br /><br /> Yep, that's pretty much what he's saying. "I'm a complete sell-out, because I've finally admitted that I won't go to see a review unless I'm given free tickets. Since that removes all pretense that I offer unbiased, un-paid-for opinions, I am boldly proclaiming to the world that I am a sell-out."<br /><br />Harry says, "I'm just a big baby."<br /><br /> Yep, that's pretty much what he's saying. "I'm just a big baby, because I'm going to go into a corner and refuse to play with other kids, crying like a petulant child because I wasn't invited to Hugh's birthday party. Waah, waah, waah. See? I'm crying."<br /><br /> Harry says, "I'm no longer qualified to run this site."<br /><br /> Yep, that's pretty much what he's saying. "I'm no longer qualified to run this site, because I've completely forgotten why I started it in the first place--which was to be a fanboy. Now that I've got banner ads for crappy movies I don't even want to see, I've gone corporate. Now that I've got people giving me free tickets and other graft in order to get positive reviews, I've gone soft. Now that I've deluded myself into thinking hot women like ScriptGirl would ever want to associate with someone like me, I've gotten way too full of myself to be a fanboy anymore. Now that I've got studios paying attention to what I say, I've somehow convinced myself that I'm a writer, even though my writing is typically some of the worst on the Internet."<br /><br /> Harry says, "I'm a liar."<br /><br /> Yep, that's pretty much what he's saying. "I'm a liar, because I'm still claiming that I haven't seen Wolverine. And EVERYONE on this site knows I saw the workprint. I'm also a liar because I'm claiming I don't see a need to review a film with a low score--even though I've already given positive reviews to many films with RottenTomatoes scores that are far lower than those for Wolverine."<br /><br /> Harry says, "Fuck you, AICN."<br /><br /> Yep, that's pretty much what he's saying. "Fuck you, AICN. If I cared about credibility, or fact-checking, or quality editorial, or consistency, or the perception of objectivity, or journalistic ethics, or the interests and opinions of the site's visitors, or my wife's self-image every time I praise ScriptGirl's body, then I'd change how I do things around here. But I don't. So fuck you, AICN. Fuck you, Hollywood jerks who won't give me free shit so I can hock your crappy wares. And fuck you, readers, about whom I couldn't give a high-flying crap."

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 8 a.m. CST

    I have to Agree, Harry

    by The Brain Machine

    Even though the possibility of this movie sucking is great - this is a film you should go see and review for the site. A lot of us come here because we are curious about your thoughts on the BIG tentpole movies. For you to complain about having to pay for a movie - even if it's one you think you might not like is kind of weak. The Spirit had even LESS positive reaction, and you gave us a spiffy review of it. Are you saying if you had to pay for The Spirit you would not have gone? The majority of us all have to pay for movies all the time. Many of us have paid for movies on your reccommendation and have been burned by some mediocre films in the process. You OWE us this one - take it for the team! <br> <br> While I love reading about the films you are passionate about, I also love reading reviews of films that you don't like - sometimes that is even more entertaining. <br> <br> Wolverine is a big movie - If you hadn't been granted advance screenings of Star Trek, Drag Me To Hell, UP, and Dr. Parnassus - like the rest of us - this would be the beginning of the summer blockbusters, and as such is pretty much a "must review" for you and the site. <br> <br> Looking forward to your review.

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  • May 1, 2009, 8 a.m. CST

    Naah, I don't hate him.

    by whitty

    I don't know him personally. I just think he's pretty pathetic, and am calling him on it.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 8:02 a.m. CST


    by Johnny Smith

    I know. That's why I was correcting one of the e-mails Harry got, talking about how you "might remember Stryker from X-Men 2 and 3".

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 8:02 a.m. CST

    Bad news Harry...

    by Blancoshadow

    X-MEN OUTSELLING IRON MAN As of Wednesday, is reporting that “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” is currently outpacing ticket sales for “Iron Man” 3-to-1 at the same point in the sales cycle (nine days prior to the film’s release). Both films boast release dates during the first weekend in May during the last two years. “X-Men” releases Friday, May 1, 2009. “Iron Man” released in 2008 on Friday, May 2.”

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 8:05 a.m. CST

    Harry manned up for once

    by ZoeFan

    Job well done. Don't take shit from studios. Especially one's who have movies whose main Demographic go to sites like AICN.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 8:12 a.m. CST


    by Arteska

    The amount of piling on alone makes me curious enough to find out the true level of bad (or not) for myself but I have to agree that a review of this movie here would generally mean more to me than nearly all those at rotten tomatoes so it's kind of disappointing (especially on the context of what is reviewed and recommended here on a regular basis). All the coverage of this movie just feels tainted anyway and even if it's as horrible as people say it is (and it very will may be) I have a hard time believing it's getting a fair shake at this point. That doesn't mean Fox didn't probably screw this up royally because it sounds like they sure did (again).

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 8:13 a.m. CST

    Reminds me when Harry didnt got an invite

    by ominus

    for Matrix 2,and he started pummeling the movie.not that it was good,but still it shows how much of a blackmailer this guy is. <p>'Give me free info,tickets,dvds and bonuses,otherwise i am going to rape your movies and make them sink in the B.O.,since i own the no1 film site in the net,and i can influence opinions with my reviews.'

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 8:16 a.m. CST


    by RobertCrane

    The movie is terrible and I am done with Fox.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 8:21 a.m. CST

    the imaginarium of doctor parnassus

    by damned

    is good, yes?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 8:21 a.m. CST

    That is the most...

    by Oomlot

    Weak ass bullshit I ever heard Harry. Whatever happened to watching movies to make up your own mind? Now you're saying 'If I don't get invited to see a movie before the release, it automatically means I won't see it at all because it must be horrible'. That's officially enough to make me stop coming to this site. If there were a more official way to do it, I would, but, well there isn't.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 8:21 a.m. CST

    Harry and Brett Ratner

    by PaddyIrishman

    Hey guys, Nice to see some of you are begining to see that Harry is nothing more than a sad, bitter fat guy holding a grudge. This isnt the first time this has happened. Harry had personal sour grapes in the past and continues to with Mr Ratner who he has bitched and complained about so much since, that most of you swallowed the shit Harry shoveled. Seriously, how many people here hated Brett Ratner before visiting this site? Is he really that bad a director(Family Man, After the Sunset)? I think too many people have given Harry too much credit as a credible unbiased reviewer.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 8:24 a.m. CST

    true - y'all are right

    by radruss001

    And because of this fiasco - this will be the last time visiting AICN. Adieu!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 8:24 a.m. CST

    I have to say that I kind of liked it...

    by godric

    I had been away from the internet for awhile and hadn't heard all the negativity. Saw a screening last night here in the UK, and enjoyed myself. It's probably better than X3. Don't see what everyone is whining about.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 8:24 a.m. CST

    Harry- you are such a fucking industry pissant

    by Jugdish

    You afraid to review a movie now! Why ? Cause Fox won't send you any more free screeners? You make us ill...Grow a pair and stand your ground. So what are you doing- instead you are throwing everyone else under the bus? At least these guys and other critics have the stones to admit how they feel. You are a big freakign baby hidign behind you daddy. you big puss.

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  • May 1, 2009, 8:26 a.m. CST

    Doesn't matter...

    by BlueHawaiiSurfer

    In this case it doesn't matter what Harry thinks. This movie is crap, just like the rest of the X movies. I for one didn't think it was as bad as X3, but that's not saying much. There ya go, I paid, it sucked. Bring on something good.

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  • May 1, 2009, 8:30 a.m. CST

    You should be honoured that they blacklisted you!

    by zapano

    it's an indication of your sway and Fox knows they have a stinker on their hands. They were scared. It might have a decent opening but Star Trek is going to shit all over it. Star Trek is going to be the blockbuster to beat. Oh and with regards to impostor, just by reading him you could tell it's not the real danny. The real danny has a decent flow to his writing despite some of the contrary crap he sometimes comes out with.

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  • May 1, 2009, 8:31 a.m. CST

    Hey, Harry's just excitable.

    by spud mcspud

    It DOES come off as a dick move on the Headgeek's part (admit it, Harry, the way you wrote this article kinda makes you sound like you'll only review a movie if you get a free ticket, even if that's not what you meant). But you know what? It's Harry's casa, we just get to visit it. True, AICN's loyal TBers are its lifeblood (its dickblood, if you will) - but Harry's not beholden to us. He could just say "Fuck it" and shut it all down if he chose to. It's his gig.<P> That said - Harry, you're also kind of known for your tendency to hyperbole. That review for TWILIGHT (and I'm sure you meant it, and enjoyed it) was a bit 10 year old fangirl, and this WOLVERINE ORIGINS embargo has that same girly shrill about it. With the greatest respect, I tend NOT to go with what Harry says about movies precisely because he IS over-enthusiastic and excitable - I'm not saying it's a bad thing (God knows, I'm prone to being over-excitable about this stuff - I had an 8 hour row with Mrs Spud-To-Be when she said she enjoyed LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENTLEMEN. I'm amazed we're still together!) but it DOES make your opinion carry less weight, unless you've given yourself a day or so to calm down and revisit your opinion. WATCHMEN is a good example of this.<P> All I'm saying is - it's a dumb move that's made Harry look a little foolish. Perspective says it ain't the end of the fucking world. I'll still read Harry's reviews, I'll still make up my own mind about what to see or not see, and I'll always come back to these lawless TBs. This, too, shall pass. Let's all just chill a little, mmmkay?<P> But reinstate DICKBLOOD, Harry, 'cos he's just too damn Professional to kick off here for good. Help a brother out!

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  • May 1, 2009, 8:31 a.m. CST

    Harry has of course ignored other 'tsunamis of negativity'

    by quantize

    when it suited him this is the most whiny pissant pathetic shit Harry has ever written here

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  • May 1, 2009, 8:32 a.m. CST

    And I'm not bothering watching ORIGINS anyway.

    by spud mcspud

    Hugh just ain't butch enough to be a great Wolverine. Not when you remember that, back in the day, it could've been Russell Crowe or Dougray Scott.<P> Oh, and I fucking hate Ryan Reynolds. So ORIGINS is a no-go.

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  • May 1, 2009, 8:35 a.m. CST

    LMAO at the fatguy.

    by Chest_Rockwell

    I sure wish he'd have adopted this, "Imma go with what OTHER critics say" before he told us all how great Godzilla was. What a fucking crybaby sellout.

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  • May 1, 2009, 8:35 a.m. CST


    by spud mcspud

    I can't begin to tell you how much to NOT worry about that flu. Like the bird flu bollocks over the last few years, it'll be over and done with in a few weeks. If it were that dangerous and virulent, half of us would be dead NOW. Don't panic, yo.

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  • May 1, 2009, 8:35 a.m. CST

    Harry's official position on Wolverine...

    by Fa_Tass_DinoMolester

    would have to be doggie style. That's the only way Wolvie lets anyone near him who isn't Phoenix, Rouge, Storm, Mystique, or about three dozen other people.

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  • May 1, 2009, 8:36 a.m. CST

    Most people who post in these TB's are full of it

    by andrew coleman

    And just look for excuses to bitch. So harry says he's not seeing the movie and thinks it's going to be bad without seeing it. THAT'S WHAT EVERYONE DOES IN TB'S. Look at the hate for Transformers 2 or Terminator 4 on TB's. Now most of you guys are bashing Harry for doing the same. Some of you guys are full of shit. I'm the worst though I know this movie will suck balls but I'm seeing it anyway. It's like I'm paying to get punched in the face. I'm with Harry though I'm going to see Star Trek like 4 times (yes I have money) just to support a good movie.

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  • May 1, 2009, 8:37 a.m. CST

    Harry, you are FUCKING BULLSHIT

    by D.Vader

    Danny's right. You're a fucking coward for not seeing this movie. Not only that, but you're a GD hypocrite. Did you pay for X3? Batman and Robin? Haven't you EVER paid to see a movie that got negative reviews before you saw it? This is a pansy-ass decision. <p> Oh, now I see you've decided you WILL go see the movie. Well, goooooooooood for you. Time to start acting like a GD professional. I can't believe how much respect I've lost for you over the past 12 years.

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  • May 1, 2009, 8:37 a.m. CST


    by Stuntcock Mike

    The imposters are about to be banned

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  • May 1, 2009, 8:38 a.m. CST

    BTW, my favorite moment in this movie

    by Fa_Tass_DinoMolester

    is when the bartender sees a guy with FANGS clawing a smiley face into the bar with one of his retractable CLAWS, and his reaction is "You're not from around here, are you?" A stunningly stupid line in a film bristling with stupidity. (And yes, I know it was a joke, as was Hugh Jackman becoming a producer on the X-Men franchise).

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  • May 1, 2009, 8:38 a.m. CST

    Anyone else think that Harry...

    by kayleefan

    is still sore from the ass-kicking he took over his Emma Frost rant? I think he's still reeling from the boxoffice on that clunker Watchmen and is using this to slam Fox. Harry, please, stop calling yourself a journalist. You fucking jerk.

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  • May 1, 2009, 8:40 a.m. CST

    Damn, Ebert is hardcore

    by Grammaton Cleric Binks

    I think the last time he bashed someone of something like that was Rob Schneider.

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  • May 1, 2009, 8:43 a.m. CST

    I like Jackman. I like his Wolverine. But this film sucks.

    by juice willis

    Fox apparently doesn't learn from their mistakes. What else can I say that hasn't already said?

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  • May 1, 2009, 8:44 a.m. CST

    DGDB For President

    by Jugdish

    At least he has an original thought and backbone. .And Quint should run this site

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  • May 1, 2009, 8:45 a.m. CST

    My last post is a conjugatory nightmare

    by juice willis

    I blame it on my disappointment in the film and the Colorado homegrown.

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  • May 1, 2009, 8:46 a.m. CST


    by The Dark Shite

    What's H1N1? <p> I'm kinda out of the loop new-wise. <p> Been too busy infecting Mexicans with this cool pig flu stuff I found in the woods.

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  • May 1, 2009, 8:47 a.m. CST

    I don't know which fall is more dramatic...

    by zacdilone

    ...the "X-Men" films fall from cool to joke, or AICN's fall from cool to joke. Harry, you review films. Or you used to. And your petulant excuses for not reviewing an "X-Men" film just don't cut it for me.

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  • May 1, 2009, 8:50 a.m. CST

    Apparently, you're all heartbroken

    by lowmankind

    Guys, that last review was by me, and I find it kinda surprising that I've written the most positive review this film will EVER get. The friends I saw it with agreed with my comments that it was, well, kinda ok, if you squint like *this* and ignore some of the crap. It pays little or no service to the true Wolverine, but the film would be 'so bad it's good' if only it were just a bit crapper. Anyways, I don't understand why everyone is so down on Harry. You've all been talked out of seeing films, every last one of you. I know that we all come to the site to see what Harry & Co think of films, to help us decide what we wanna see. Ah, fuck that, who am I kidding? Most of you come here, good and ready to disagree HEATEDLY with what's written. That's the nature of the net-beast we all worship. Sure, I woulda liked it if Harry had gotten good and angry at a film that deserves it. But I understand why he didn't bother. There seem to be plenty of retards who can't see past the "FOX didn't invite me" aspect of the article. Somehow, that is the sole reason why Harry broke your heart and tore it into shreds. And ate them. And shat it out. Then put that shit into your (eager) mouths. It seems that these same people are unable to see that Harry was willing to pay $10 for the film until THE ENTIRE WORLD TALKED HIM OUT OF IT. So now he's, I don't know, he's let you all down. Now, as some of you grow older (I don't care about your physical age: immaturity is your crack), you may learn that even the most obsessive cinephiles miss a film or two. A workmate has the most encyclopedic knowledge of film I've ever met -- it's scary! And yet ... he's never seen Shawshank Redemption. Why not? Because he doesn't like Stephen King (who wrote the original short story that the film was based on). So who gives a fuck? That's no excuse to boycott a modern classic. Wolverine is no such film, which should be pretty goddamned apparent by now. Harry missed one. He explained why. Somehow, that transcribes into such notions as "FOX wouldn't give him his gift basket"; "dereliction of duty"; and "you've let me down, your site sucks, this ain't cool anymore". Well, then fuck off to other websites. Or better yet, start up your own and compete. But you won't do that, will you? You're still here, pissing and moaning. Which is where my pissing and moaning ends. I have no doubt that I will be flamed into oblivion for saying all of this. Go for your lives; I won't read any of it. Oh no! I just broke your heart......

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 8:51 a.m. CST

    Tomorrow, this post will be retracted.

    by Bjornegar

    Fox will threaten Harry with something, and he will prove, again, that he is ball-less, as he did with the Clone Wars cartoon.

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  • May 1, 2009, 8:51 a.m. CST


    by ballyhoo

    You are in no way obliged to see or review Wolverine. Why would you spend time and money on a film you feel will be terrible? Just because some talkbackers are yelling 'hypocrite'? Fuck them.

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  • May 1, 2009, 8:53 a.m. CST

    Wolverine will suck like the other 3

    by hipnosismag

    Hollywood took the X-Men franchise in the toilet wit these films. I'm an X-Men fan and I think the films are only very, very loosely based on the comics...with them changing powers, origins and alliances so easily, its like the writers maybe saw one episode of the cartoon before writing the script. I would like to see someone like Zack Snyder do a X-Men film, because he is one of the few directors who really loves the original material and painstakingly follows the original stories. I mean, if the material is so good that it deserves a movie, than why does some hack writer think that he needs to change everything? It makes no sense. Why change Deadpool???? What possible reason could the writers have? They should be blacklisted from doing another script because they SUCK!!!!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 8:54 a.m. CST

    Fareal..combination of bird and swine flu?

    by The Dark Shite

    So pigs might actually fly? <P> Oh fuck. Swine flu=past tense.

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  • May 1, 2009, 8:55 a.m. CST

    You can't complain about a movie you haven't seen.

    by Bjornegar

    Unless you are an arrogant, stupid fuck. I am now going to pay for three showings of WOLVERINE, even though I'm not going to actually sit through any of them, just to contribute to its opening box office, in the hopes that it crushes DAWSON'S TREK.<P>

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  • May 1, 2009, 8:57 a.m. CST

    WOLVERINE? It's no worse than X3

    by palimpsest

    A couple of hours of 'splosions and fights and angsty superpower malarkey. Anonymous direction, variable acting (though I thought Jackman put a lot into it - he knows he's selling a bit of a turd here), effects varying from the splendid to the shonky. Pointless in story-terms and weak line-by-line writing. A late sequel purely for the money.

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  • May 1, 2009, 9 a.m. CST

    HARRY, I'm with you brother...

    by DoctorWho?

    I will not plunk down the cash. <p> And I second your "fuck you" to Kenneth Turan who is an arrogant prick of a movie reviewer.<p> I'm comming from the same Claremont/Byrne era X-men you are...a bit old school but that is where my heart is. I'm not unwilling to check out some of the newer era charaters portrayed in this flick... but it's not a big draw for me so I can't really feel as 'let down' by Fox like others. I suspect you have the same antipathy.<p> I just find it astonishing that Fox can't see how Marvel is proceeding and see what kind of longevity they could get out of these characters. It's a cash cow and a no brainer and should/could be a win/win for fans and Fox alike. <p> Go figure.

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  • May 1, 2009, 9:02 a.m. CST

    Well, you've convinced me.

    by rbatty024

    I think I'll skip this one. I was momentarily exited when they came out with the first trailer, but since then all I've heard is negativity about this film. Maybe I'll download the workprint, but in all honesty I just don't have the time to waste two hours on a shitty film.

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  • May 1, 2009, 9:02 a.m. CST

    Kenneth Turan

    by jawsfan

    Turan wasn't giving the film a pass. He was criticizing it for being nothing more than a film with explosions in it -- a film where more attention was paid to pyrotechnics and making things go "BOOM" than having a decent script. He was being facetious and cynical. How could you possibly misread that?

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  • May 1, 2009, 9:03 a.m. CST

    The movie is shit... Plain and Simple

    by DarfurOnTheRocks

    The utter disregard for the material is pathetic. Next.... they should co-opt all of the other X-Men's powers into Wolverine...

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  • May 1, 2009, 9:05 a.m. CST

    I'm a HUUUUUGE Wolvie fan . . .

    by adiehardfanwithalethalweapon

    . . . but I won't pay to see this damn flick. So I can't rightly blame Harry for doing the same. My family thought I was insane. You should have seen the looks I drew when saying, "There's no way I'm watching that, looks like shit." I would have gotten less attention if my dead exploded like in Scanners. I made my decision from the trailers and those god awful character spots. No, huh-uh, I'm keepin my eight bucks.

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  • May 1, 2009, 9:06 a.m. CST

    Don't Know Which Is Funnier

    by cymbalta4thedevil

    Harry saying he won't review a movie because he wasn't invited to a Free Screening, so he'll wait for a DVD which he also won't review unless they send him a Free one. <br /><br />Or: <br /><br />A bunch of Angry Geeks complaining because Harry won't pay to see a movie most of the Angry Geeks saw for Free by ILLEGALLY DOWNLOADING a workprint?

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  • May 1, 2009, 9:07 a.m. CST

    How did Harry become the target?

    by zapano

    I really don't get it. Shouldn't people be ripping into Fox for obviously making a crap film (i say Fox cause it's obviously pure studio product) and not having the guts to let Harry see it and judge it? Also if Harry doesn't want to watch it or review it, that's his perogative, cause its his own site. He's not beholden to newspaper standards. Also why do people criticise Harry for not wanting to fork out the ticket price when clearly that's not the issue. He said he'd buy the blu ray in in own time. Some people really lose all perspective.

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  • May 1, 2009, 9:08 a.m. CST

    Manchurian Candidate sucked ass? WRONG!!!!

    by Stuntcock Mike

    Great film. Get over it.

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  • May 1, 2009, 9:10 a.m. CST

    Professionalism, Harry. Ever Hear Of It?

    by A-COD

    No pouting dude. Writing you won't see Wolverine because you have a hard on against Rothman and Fox is 4th grade. Then you encourage us to save our ticket money for Star Trek, who hosted you an advance screening? Tsk, Tsk. Be professional, Wolverine sucks but we have to watch it because we like this crap. You will probably actually like this crap. You liked Daredevil, didn't you? I can't remember if you liked Ghost Rider because the search engine on the site is terrible.

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  • May 1, 2009, 9:12 a.m. CST

    You really should review this, Harry

    by Beezbo

    You should be flattered that many people who frequent this site (including me) are interested in your review of this. Do I think it looks awful? Yes. Am I going to see it? Probably not until I Netflix it. But I don't come to this site to read what other critics think of a movie.

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  • May 1, 2009, 9:13 a.m. CST

    Believe me, I've criticized Harry, but I don't see...

    by rbatty024

    how he is to be blamed in this situation. If anything it's Fox's fault.

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  • May 1, 2009, 9:17 a.m. CST

    NO, Harry, DON'T see it (or maybe you should)

    by Right Bastard

    1) Don't see it. I am so sick of this idiotic faux-geek/fanboy mentality that EVERY comic, toy, sci-fi movie has to be seen no matter how awful it looks. "You want to go see that movie? It looks like it's totally going to suck". Next monday: "See, I told you it would suck. I wonder why it made $100,000,000?". Idiots. <p> 2) ...or maybe you should. You know, for a movie review site, you hardly review ANYTHING. Get your ass in the theater, big boy. You are not helping dispel the stereotype that obese people are inherently lazy. Maybe you should up the count to more than 2 reviews/month, considering at least 4 movies open every weekend.

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  • May 1, 2009, 9:18 a.m. CST


    by nerosday

    Well Summer 09 looks to suck for comic flicks, but the Geek movies are still hopeful looking with Star Trek, and Terminator. The plain truth of the matter is this; I love X-Men always have, but aside from X2 the films have never done it for me. Let this fail, let the stink of it rise to the heavens and with luck Fox will drop the rights to the franchise in a few years and X-Men will revert back to a Marvel Studios property and be done correctly for once. I don't want a reboot or a continuance of any of this shit. Look at the track record, more than half of Marvels films released by other studios have been utter Dogshit: Ghost Rider, Daredevil, FF, FFRSS, Spidey 3, X3, and now Wolverine. My only hope is that DC will fare better with their properties at Warners. Time and box office have shown that the more respectful the adaptation and choice of direction and writing, the better the box office, Fox is a studio that is completely fine putting out complete horse shit and making a small fortune when they could just put a little more time and effort into something and make a mint. I'm waiting for this on DVD so I really don't give two shits anymore about this and believe me it pisses me off to even be able to say that.

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  • May 1, 2009, 9:19 a.m. CST

    Silly Billy Harry

    by MikeOutWest

    Harry, as the editor of a movie review site myself, I understand your position. There are loads of movies out there which you are more likely to be enthused by, that will compel you to sit in front of the computer and type away so you can tell the world just how awesome that movie is. Then there is the likes of Wolverine which has managed to dredge up a whole load of bad karma, and the fact that you're actually having to pay to see the movie just to review it must make the whole prospect seem like looking forward to eating the contents of an ashtray. However I feel you've missed a trick here. Rather than tell everyone you can't be arsed to see a movie which has garnered bad word of mouth, why not just say nothing and let one of your other talented writers, who've actually seen the movie, provide the official AICN review?

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  • May 1, 2009, 9:20 a.m. CST


    by Right Bastard

    don't you get to write off movie tickets as a business expense since you're a "critic"? If so, then quit bitching.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 9:22 a.m. CST

    Let's all get a load of pitchforks and torches...

    by Kid Z

    ... and show up outside that s**tbag Rothman's mansion. Seriously that assclown HAS... GOT... TO... GO!!!

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  • May 1, 2009, 9:22 a.m. CST


    by Bjornegar

    Fucking Keeee-rist!<P> Who holds this fat fuck's dick when he pees?<P> "I don't know. I want to see this movie, 'cause it's a geek movie, but the geek's don't like it, maybe I'll check out Rotten Tomatoes, first, I'll see it when it comes out on Blu-Ray, it's really just a money thing in these tough economic times, what do you guys think, am I being a pussy, am I, am I, I'd hate it if you guys think I'm a pussy, I will not pay a dime for this film, but I'll pay a dime for this film if you guys tell me I should, 'cause I'd hate it if you guys thought I was a pussy, when I was five, I fell through a hole in the ground, and I thought to myself, golly, self, wish I had my action figures in this hole with me, maybe I'll be journalist when I grow up, what do you guys think, would I make a good journalist, GHOSTS OF GIRLFRIENDS PAST made me weep because I thought about all of my own girlfriends that I've imagined over the years, Matthew McConnahuggahuey was soooo nice to me when I met him, what do you guys thimk, I'll abide by the results of a poll because I'm so principled."

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 9:23 a.m. CST

    Harry, you are upset you can't see it for free?

    by jkaiser

    That's what it sounds like plain and simple. Opinions are like you know so until you see it, stop being such a b. For what the film was, it's the best action film so far this year.

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  • May 1, 2009, 9:25 a.m. CST

    harry dont see it...wait 4 weeks

    by Six Demon Bag

    if you hear from thousands of people that passionately say it SHIT, then why bother? go and find out they're in fact right, then you are the sucker for giving FOX money..theyll only do it again. show some backbone.

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  • May 1, 2009, 9:26 a.m. CST

    Not bad at all.

    by TheLastCleric

    If you hated the Singer flicks and X3 then I can understand why you would hate this but as a film, removed from all that convoluted comic continuity fanboy bullshit, it's a decent little flick with some pretty good action, including one scene in particular with Ryan Reynolds that alone is worth the price of admission. True, they seriously fuck with the Wolverine Origin story but let's be honest here: Singer's films seriously fucked with the established mythos as well. Truth be told, people decided a long time ago if they were going to hate this film so any debate at this juncture is futile. The loud, overbearing geek population has already declared this one an epic fail but from an objective standpoint I really think it was fun, certainly watchable and easily mid tier in terms of comic book films.

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  • May 1, 2009, 9:26 a.m. CST

    I've always liked Harry, but seriously...

    by Purple_Tentacle

    What the fuck is this shit? Way to spit the fucking dummy.

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  • May 1, 2009, 9:29 a.m. CST


    by The Dark Shite

    If anything, Harry should be reviewing it BECAUSE of the "bad Karma" as you put it. <p> After the shit storm it caused on this site a little while ago, it's probably THE movie he should be reviewing. <p> It's the one a lot of people have been waiting for, the issue a lot of people wanna see a resolution to, in the form of his final opinion AND frankly, it's probably gonna get more hits than any other TB. Which makes sense if you own the site.

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  • May 1, 2009, 9:29 a.m. CST

    Harry simply can't stop being an idiot

    by Vesuvio_Swaney

    Sad because the big bad studio didn't invited you? Boo whoo fucking hoo hoo. Won't see movies that gets bad review? Way to grow on a personality, fatfuck. But I kinda agree with you. I really take with a shitload of salt any movie that gets a good review from you.

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  • May 1, 2009, 9:30 a.m. CST

    To: everyone

    by Right Bastard

    Entertainment critics are NOT journalists. <p> Talk show hosts, news anchors, pundits, commentators, reviewers, and opinion writers are NOT journalists. <p> "Journalism: the gathering and dissemination of information about current events, trends, issues, and people while striving for viewpoints that aren't biased." <p> Harry may be the first to agree that he is a (biased) reviewer (which was kind-of the point of AINC), and not a news journalist.

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  • May 1, 2009, 9:33 a.m. CST

    I just hope they don't make X-Men: First Class

    by eule

    Really have no interest in seeing teenage Cyclops and company.

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  • May 1, 2009, 9:36 a.m. CST

    And as for Deadpool and Gambit...

    by nerosday

    I don't want spin-offs...period. Not one handled by any studio other than Marvel, if a character that great because of his shear simplicity cannot be gotten right as a cameo character we all know we'll be bitching up a storm in two or three years at the spin-off and how badly that will be handled. I really wish that marvel could just raise the funding to buy back all their properties, but I'm sure there is no way they could ever afford that or the legal wrangling it would take to even attempt it, so we will continue with decades of bastardized and continually redundant and stupid properties that will drive the genre of the comic film into self parody and completely out of the cinemas after the public has been inundated with too much crap over substance. Comic movies are the new westerns they will be the main form of entertainment for the better part of a generation, but will hit their stride in quality and numbers, but will be drowned out by the utter shit quickies that will follow, and the public will loose interest in them over time leading to their all but disappearance from film for decades, with only one or two popping up over the years that make people remember their heyday, but they will be anomalies, for every Unforgiven and Tombstone and Silverado, there will be a Quick and the Dead that will make audiences groan and it will never achieve it former luster as a genre.

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  • May 1, 2009, 9:38 a.m. CST



    I'm gonna catch WOLVERINE tonight, but, truth be told, I'm not expecting much. Once again, someone seems to have found a way to bastardize a Marvel property. Marvel should just get all of their properties back and do them right, ala IRON MAN and INCREDIBLE HULK. Alas, that doesn't seem to be in the cards. So I guess I'll just have to check being a comic fan at the door and try to enjoy it as best I can. Maybe if I go in with low expectations, I'll be mildly surprised. But I also have to say something that has been said many times before. It's easy for filmmakers to piss off comic book fans when they mess with the characters and continuity that we are all familiar with. That's why you can't expect them to do it PERIOD. But the filmmakers should realize that treating the characters with respect is paramount to making a good film. DON'T TOSS WHAT HAS MADE THESE PROPERTIES SO SUCCESSFUL FOR SO MANY YEARS OUT THE WINDOW. If you need to tweak something, so be it, just don't toss decades worth of stuff into some sort of semi-creative blender, hit the high-speed mix button, and expect the goo that results to be satisfying. Chances are that goo will stink. Oh, and HARRY, YOU GO MAN!!!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 9:39 a.m. CST

    How is not wanting to see a movie because...

    by rbatty024

    it received poor reviews a bad thing? Isn't this the sane decision. Sure, it is a geek film that belongs on the site, but it's not like Harry reviews many films anyway. I think it makes complete sense for him to skip this one.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 9:39 a.m. CST

    Right Bastard

    by The Dark Shite

    Critics are indeed Journalists. I worked as an Arts & Ents for years as a sideline. They're journalists. That's a fact. They don't have to be good ones, but they ARE journalists.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 9:41 a.m. CST

    Apathy for Star Wars, Apathy for Wolverine

    by ThusSpakeSpymunk

    This isn't Harry-specific. But consider - Harry is one of the most enthusiastic filmgoers on the planet. Really, I love 'ya, Harry. But welcome to the future, everyone - where Star Wars and Wolverine have gotten SO DESPERATELY LAME that not even the most enthusiastic filmgoer in the world wants to bother with either for now.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 9:44 a.m. CST

    Harry stand up and be a man.....

    by Yoda's Ball Sack

    Or as close as you can come to one. I find it more insulting that you have now flipped flop on your decision to see the film. Stand by your words. No invite, no review. Since when have you ever cared what other critics and film sites say? I am calling bullshit on that excuse.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 9:45 a.m. CST

    Wow Harry...

    by Mr.FTW

    I need a better reason that you didn't get to see a movie for free to not go see it. The viewership of this site has a bizzare love/hate for you. Why would you dig yourself a hole like this that only invites your harshes critics. This just damages your already suspect credibility in the eyes of the lovers and the haters a like. It your are a reviewer/critic then you see the good stuff and the crap then report on it. If you're not why bother posting on it at all?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 9:45 a.m. CST

    Pressed send by mistake..

    by The Dark Shite

    Was gonna say about your quote "Journalism: the gathering and dissemination of information about current events, trends, issues, and people while striving for viewpoints that aren't biased." <p> That applies to Entertainment critics too. The exact same code. The only difference is that they're allowed to be biased. <p> The bias part comes into it for critics, in trying to not pre-judge something or go into something without an open mind. <p> Funnily enough, your quote backs up people's annoyance at Harry. A critic should never pre-judge or form a biased opinion before witnessing the artform in question.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 9:47 a.m. CST

    Harry's Official Position on Wolverine Is...

    by KosherWookie

    ...Sitting on him, thereby crushing his Adamantium skeleton to powder. Thank you, I'll be here all week; try the veal!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 9:47 a.m. CST

    Whats your official position....?

    by conspiracy

  • May 1, 2009, 9:48 a.m. CST

    Remember When SARS Was Going To Kill Everyone Too?

    by LaserPants

    Yeah... not worried about Swine Flu, sorry. All you have to do is wash your hands and keep them away from your face. Thats it. Everyone has COMPLETELY LOST THEIR MINDS ABOUT NOTHING with this latest "Global Pandemic" which has affected, oh, like a couple dozen people. So, a couple dozen people out of BILLIONS = pandemic? Um. No.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 9:50 a.m. CST

    Wait, now he is going to see it?

    by rbatty024

    Et tu Brutus? I was just supporting your decision to skip the film but now you turn around and kick me in the balls. Great going. Now everyone will hate you.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 9:51 a.m. CST

    swine flu...

    by ecm

    i think my sister might have it. I hope not.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 9:52 a.m. CST


    by Kizeesh

    People read Harry's review because they like him as a critic? I read them because he occasionally makes an interesting point, but 75% of his opinions are fanboy wankery and hold little real basis outside of his own wants and ideas projected onto whatever he's watching.<p> That said Harry's always talking about how much he likes Roger Ebert, the man who genuinely believes that Donnie Darko is a about a schizophrenic who is in love with his sister and fantasises a pretend girlfriend. Then goes on to beat up on other movies after he mis-understands the plot, either intentionally so he can straw-man it in his review or because he's an old douche.<p> All critics are morons. I would know.<p> I'm a critic.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 9:52 a.m. CST

    Don't hate on Harry!!

    by shonin

    He doesn't review every movie that comes out, so why should he review this? AICN has posted loads of articles on Wolverine, supporting it pretty much from the start. At least Harry is being honest about why he won't post a review. I'm sure he'll write up a review when the Blu-Ray is released. Chill the fuck out!!!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 9:54 a.m. CST


    by The Dark Shite

    "Yeah... not worried about Swine Flu, sorry. All you have to do is wash your hands and keep them away from your face." <P> Your hands, or swine?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 9:55 a.m. CST

    BTW, speaking of Harry...

    by shonin

    ..I'm no Harry fanboy. I think his current view of Transformers 2 is way off, it looks shit just like the last movie.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 9:58 a.m. CST

    But! But! But! Are they still going to make X-Men Origins: Magne

    by Amy Chasing

    Surely Sir McKellan wouldn't do it if the script were crap, right?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 9:58 a.m. CST

    WOLVERINE was done by an artsy fartsy director

    by dioxholster

    thats why we need people like Michael Bay. they know their shit.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 9:59 a.m. CST

    The Daily Mirror in the

    by drunkenmonkey73

    United Kingdom gave a good review of this movie by: David Edwards. I picked the newspapr up this morning and turned straight to the movie review section. I was expecteing maybe 2 stars and bad review, but hey, 5 stars and a really good write up. But you were right to stay away Harry, never let your emotions get in the way. But watch in the not so distant future and give us your thoughts. I'm stilling thinking about WALL E, blu ray, last night, Disney at its best.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 9:59 a.m. CST

    Your Hands, Dark Shite

    by LaserPants

    You can keep the pigs as close to your face as you'd like.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 10 a.m. CST

    Harry, about Kenneth Turan, from the LA Times

    by NotVeryFunny

    Maybe what he means by "film like this" is "a piece of shit movie", not a comic book movie. Maybe he's referring to the film itself, not the genre.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 10:01 a.m. CST

    nerosday, what if I enjoy Quick and the Dead too?

    by TheLastCleric

    I love Unforgiven but I can also enjoy the silliness and fun of Quick and the Dead. The same applies for comic flicks: I worship at the alter of TDK but I can still enjoy something like Wolverine, flaws and all. Now, if you want to drag truly awful shit into the mix, like Elecktra, then you might have a point, but Wolverine isn't anywhere near that bad.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 10:03 a.m. CST

    Oh, thank fuck for that LaserPants!

    by The Dark Shite

    You had me worried there!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 10:05 a.m. CST

    Quick and the Dead rules

    by Droid

  • May 1, 2009, 10:06 a.m. CST

    Hugh Jackman in Chicago

    by RobertCrane,hugh-jackman-wolverine-chicago-amc-050109.article

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 10:08 a.m. CST


    by Tiberius_Prime

    Thank god I read this crap, all the bile pointed at this flick made me think I was walking into another Spider-man 3, I feel like I got Citizen Kane by comparison!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 10:12 a.m. CST

    Harry SHOULD review the movie

    by misnomer

    but I do agree with all the points here. I have seen, or am interested in seeing any X-Men films but I can feel the fans pain. Alien and Predator are my babies and seeing what Fox have done to them (and may be about to do) sends chills down my spine. Fox is an awful studio and Rothman needs to go. Its for this reason I think Harry should review this movie. I feel for Jackman - a very talented and committed actor imo.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 10:13 a.m. CST

    Fed up with people who keep saying...

    by berksbear

    ... "all I've heard is negative reviews so this must be shit!" You are only reading negative reviews from tossers who follow each other around like sheep! If everyone watched this movie in isolation, they would emerge with their own views instead of letting themselves get 'programmed' on a site mostly populated with underachievers and losers! At least allow others the personal freedom of actually liking this movie or, at least, certain aspects of it.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 10:13 a.m. CST

    by misnomer

    ^should be haven't seen or am interested...wish they'd get an edit button on these tbs! been like this for years!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 10:15 a.m. CST

    oh and do you know what else I really liked?

    by misnomer

    The X-Files. Could've made a great movie series. FUCK YOU FOX

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 10:15 a.m. CST

    I have to admit Harry...

    by robert.thekilled

    The entire way you managed this fiasco (from beginning to end) was cowadly, self-seeking and an insult to your readers. You protected yourself from the very beginning at our expense. First the lecturing about piracy when FOX was out to fuck us from the start, the blatant disregard for the repeated lies from FOX (work print versus final print) and now this obvious suck up to your readers. This is not the AICN I trust and love. I'm not writing that you are a hack, but your actions in this mess sure were that of a hack loser. You could have done the right thing but instead we get this sugar coated crap. Thanks but No thanks. I'm off to where I won't get played.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 10:18 a.m. CST

    Do is it better than X3?

    by Wee Willie

    I actually liked X3 better than X2, so will I like Wolverine?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 10:22 a.m. CST

    Conspiracy's official positions....

    by conspiracy

    1.The swine flu thing is just propaganda, the boogeyman of the day.</p><p>2. Sasha Grey is the finest actress in the world today, bar-none. As for her Position...anyone she likes.</p><p>3. Fuck the "man"; grow pot to protest them shackling your natural rights even if you don't smoke it.</p><p>4. I am not paying the ticket I got yesterday...Speed laws are arbitrary, nothing but revenue generation for the evil state.</p><p>5. Roberto Orci is the second worst writer in Hollywood, Benioff and Woods just usurped his position in the #1 spot.</p><p>6. Yes...Wolverine Sucked...But I at least watched it so I could give a firsthand, informed opinion...not just take someone else word on it.</p><p>THOSE are my official positions as of 05/01/2009 8:22am PST.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 10:24 a.m. CST

    AICN sells out

    by jamestewart007

    Harry you crack me up. I loved this review. But then I go back to the main page and a a couple of claws rip towards my face from the screen. WTF? You take their advertising money, but slam the film. The irony...

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 10:25 a.m. CST

    I love it when Harry gets his ass...

    by IAmLegolas

    ...handed to him. Good times.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 10:26 a.m. CST

    Harry is Too Big to Fail....

    by DarfurOnTheRocks

    Just ask Chrysler!!!!!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 10:26 a.m. CST

    Right Bastard

    by whitty

    You're missing the point, Right Bastard. Harry, Drew and others have repeatedly claimed to BE journalists, even though there's nothing journalistic about this site or its writers.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 10:27 a.m. CST

    by stefan2789

  • May 1, 2009, 10:28 a.m. CST

    lol yep Sharon Stone was kinda hot back then...

    by nerosday

    True Cleric, too true. But I just worry about flooding the market with crap and its effect on the average joe wanting to shell out $80 bucks for their family of four to see a comic flick. Fan boys like me will always say "Fuck it" and go for it. The nonFanboy will reach a point where they have just felt like they pissed away too much cash and will stop going due to poor quality. And I don't think there are enough of us Fanboys out there to justify a studio putting any time and effort into what they will then begin to see as a fetish property over a true moneymaker. Remember for all their appeal as modern mythology the average guy sees comic flicks as just another action movie, all be it one that the lead characters can get away with being alot more badassed. It doesn't hold any sentimental or nostalgic value to them. I threw the Quick and the Dead out there not so much because I thought it was a bad movie, but because when I watch it I see it as an action movie that just happens to be set in the west and not a Western, if that makes any sense. Too many comic flicks start to feel like that and we've got a real problem. Because then they could just go see some other auctioneer and feel just fine passing up the comic flick. A good comic movie has a grandeur to it; seeing Spidey swinging around NY for the first time, Superman taking flight, Wolverine trying desperately trying to get the kids out of the mansion and mowing down anyone in his path with adamantium fury, The Joker walking out of a hospital dressed as a morbid nurse/clown with a detonator, The pencil trick, The pan shots of a real batman on a real skyscraper in a real city, those scenes feel as epic as the panoramas in a John Ford western at times or as bluntly harsh as a Sam Peckinpah shootout. The western died when most westerns became mediocre and lost their feeling of that nostalgia as being intrinsically part of that genre. Bad comic flicks have the same effect on their genre. I just don’t want them gone too soon; the western took nearly 60 years to die from the nineteen teens to the late 1960’s. I only hope comic movies can hold out so long.

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  • May 1, 2009, 10:29 a.m. CST

    But you did recomend GODZILLA...

    by christian66

    Love ya Harry, but none of your reasons make sense. It's weird especially for you to use other critics and reviews as your deciding factor given some of your questionable choices in the past. People are bringing the anvil down because it's justified. Step up!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 10:35 a.m. CST

    I didn't get invited to an advance screening either...

    by TheReal_JasonNicholl

    You say you have no 'formed opinion' yet you are basing your assumptions about the film on what other critics and friends are telling you. Sorry to tell you but that is forming an opinion. What do you mean you won't review this movie because Fox didn't give you a free screening? Aren't you a critic or not? This is one of the most anticipated movies of the year, and for you not to weigh in because Fox slighted you is pathetic. How did your site get to be the top dog afterall. So basically unless the studio pays you, you don't feel like you should review movies? Really? I guess thats why we usually only see positive reviews from you...because the studio paid you for it. As for me, I wasn't given a free screening either, but I reviewed it on my website ( But then again I don't get freebies to review...I do it because I love movies.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 10:36 a.m. CST

    Gotta love self-importance!

    by cooterbrown

    Harry - the site is cool. But understand the majority of viewers don't live and die by what is said on the site. This is another site that thinks, somehow, it holds dominion and sway over a multi-billion dollar industry. You are the MacDailyNews of the movie industry. Hopefully will stay humble - I'm running out of sites! Tone it down a bit - I think your a good dude. Sorry about Forrest Ackerman (I didn't comment back then) - he was a friend to all of us growing up.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 10:37 a.m. CST

    Eagle Scout

    by The-Warrior

    Greeting Knowles. I just read you won't pay for one movie and see another. Didn't you write a review where you paid for that Christian Bale dragon movie and see something else? Also, after abotion-master Brett Ratner's shitcan X3 and the trailers featuring a cavalcade of fruit-basket takes on every mutant ever, why would any thinking person think this movie wouldn't suck the ass-juice out of a diseaed street urchin? It's Fox. They hate comic movies the way evil wizards hate do-gooders. See you in Hell.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 10:42 a.m. CST

    Harry Thinks He's Ebert....

    by mistergreen

    Sorry man, you're not as powerful or articulate as Ebert.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 10:42 a.m. CST

    you've made me sad that i read this site

    by themastadon

    harry if you don't want to see the film that's fine, i'd rather not hear you whine and cry about it anyways, but don't start the review complaining about not getting in for free and make that the basis for people not going to the film or reviewing it. i myself went last night to the midnite screening and am happy i did. was the film a perfect representation of wolverine or the x-universe? no, far from it actually. but i went in saying i wasn't going to nit-pick and be the comic book nerd i actually am and just try to enjoy the film for what it is, and you know what? i loved the hell out of it. sure there were faults, but i was able to sit there and enjoy myself for an hour and fifty minutes. i didn't listen to these other "critics", i formulated my opinion and i'm glad i did.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 10:44 a.m. CST

    I really always wanted Wolverine to be about...

    by nerosday

    Wolverine. If he is not with the X-men it is always best to have Logan be one man alone against the world. I always thought Marvel giving him a solid origin weakened the character, it took away his uncertainty, his lost and searching nature, he didn't know if he was more man than beast and the turmoil it made in him was his strength. Japan was such a great backdrop for him because he was Ronin; a Samurai devoid of a master, a man of honor capable of great deeds of good or wickedness with only his honor as a guide, without that he's just a dude who can't die with claws and an attitude. So far the latter is all the character they've been able to grasp in the films and it really sells him short.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 10:45 a.m. CST

    Luv The Internet

    by 420 Boylston St

    Because AICN don't an invite to Fox' Wolverine they feel the need to post slams of the film. LOL!!! When I think the media is getting more and more like William Randolph Hearst, it's a shame readers can't rely on real news anymore. Instead we get schoolboy, adolescent, rants and bias because they can't see a movie for FREE! It's pathetic. Plain and simply pathetic. I hope FOX never invite you MANCHILD's to a screening ever again. I don't think what you're doing is right.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 10:48 a.m. CST

    LOL cymbalta4thedevil

    by DoctorWho?

    "A bunch of Angry Geeks complaining because Harry won't pay to see a movie most of the Angry Geeks saw for Free by ILLEGALLY DOWNLOADING a workprint? "<p> Bravo. So true.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 10:50 a.m. CST

    Oh and one more thing...

    by 420 Boylston St

    I wasn't thinking of seeing the film until your slam of it or your attempts to, Harry. Now after this rant of pure unprofessionalism, I will see the film. Media WILL NOT DISSUADE ME TO WATCH A FILM they can't see for FREE! Thanks. And I will review the movie after I watch and I'm sure it's not nearly as bad as you and rest of the interweb mankids wish it could be!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 10:51 a.m. CST

    Since it all boils down to $$$$

    by skimn

    Is it okay to ask for a refund for films I WILLINGLY PAID to see based on Harry's pant-staining review of a movie generally reviled by the general critics?<p>Harry, your rebuttals are meaningless and full of hot air. Re-read DGDB's posts. He hit the nail squarely on the head.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 10:51 a.m. CST


    by SylarTheCylon

    It's true, the movie sucks. It's a disaster! My God... But honestly, a movie reviewer writes his opinions on good and bad movies. Part of the fun in reading reviews is having your favorite writer bash a given film. Look, you could even publish a book with your reviews of bad movies, for laughs. What I'm saying, and as far as i can tell, the whole of your "fanbase" on the talkback is saying, is: If the purpose of this site is to review movies, in a credible manner, where the reviewer goes to the cinema without checking rottentomatoes beforehand, and doesn't let his opinion be swayed by others, then the manner in which the review, or lack thereof, of this "Wolverine" is being handled is terrible. And, it's absurd to have us do a poll on whether you should review the movie or not... one would expect you to do so, after all the coverage you've had of it on your website. So Harry, really, make up your mind on your own, this is just ridiculous.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 10:52 a.m. CST

    People are complaining...

    by berksbear

    ...that the movie fucks with the comics' history but sometimes the comic history is unsatisfying. I remember reading Origin and thinking that, at last, the relationship between Logan and Sabretooth was finally (and logically) revealed only to find out later that the writer never intended for Dog Logan to be Victor Creed!!!! The movie makes more sense by having Dog/Sabretooth be one and the same!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 10:52 a.m. CST

    Deadpool also has a wise crack mouth

    by most excellent ninja

    that's not all, in fact that's his charm.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 10:53 a.m. CST

    Invasion of the drama queens

    by irritable

    Could this be more trivial?<p> Harry's sulking and some people are treating it as the end of civilization as we know it.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 10:57 a.m. CST

    Wasn't I not supposed to see this

    by jabbayoda

    because of something to do with a squid? I can't remember the specifics anymore, but I know I'm supposed to boycott Wolverine.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 10:58 a.m. CST

    DICKBLOOD is banned??

    by MattmanReturns

    I'm done. This whole Wolverine hypocrisy has pushed me over the edge with AICN. And now you ban the funniest motherfucker on here?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 10:58 a.m. CST

    Harry has no answer......

    by DarfurOnTheRocks

    The blowback is wonderful isn't?! It is like Dr. Frankenstein getting his ass handed to me by this creation..... TBers unite!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 10:58 a.m. CST

    FOX should stop making movies, tv... well, anything.

    by MrFloppy

    They're bad at their job.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 10:59 a.m. CST

    Wow. I go to bed. I wake up and...

    by My friends call me Killjoy

    this talkback is still going, just like that annoying Energizer Bunny. And Harry Responded to my posts...twice! It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood...<p> Harry,<p> I'm sure you're correct about the Internet landscape shift from 1996 till now. I doubt, however, that you're as okay with it as you seem. This site was on top back then, when you were "...the Wolf Blitzer of the Internet" (Quentin Tarantino)<p> As for's not good, but it's not unwatchable. My gripe with you wasn't that you saw it, only that you told us that you didn't see it. Then you told us to not see it as well based on one-line blurbs from Rotten Tomatoes? Now you seem to have caved and will be seeing it? Fine. I think that what you did here was unprofessional. Having said that, it doesn't make you a douche, jerk, sellout, baby, or anything else that has been spoken above. It just means that your judgement was off in this case. <p> I will still be a reader of the site. You aren't losing my business, but a customer has the right to bring issues to the Management. Thanks for the responses above. I'm sure we'll talk again soon.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 11:02 a.m. CST


    by most excellent ninja

    Have you even read a deadpool comic? He's a merc with a mouth who breaks the fourth wall because he knows he's in a comic. fucking idiot.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 11:02 a.m. CST

    Fuck You Harry

    by dogstar69

    I never get angey reading AICN, but you just fucked me off on this one, HArry Won't watch a film due to a 33% score on rotten tomatoes!?! that says it all about this fucking site, when AICN it is leaving it up to other sites to do their reviews.No wonder no fucker will invite you to screenings when you oopenly refer people to RT. I'm outta here. I've been fucked off at your double standards for so long now. PLEASE BAN ME YOU FAT FUCK

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 11:08 a.m. CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    Harry stay true to what you said - financially support the studios and filmmakers who respect the source material and the fans. Not Tom Rothman who said "fuck the fans." I don't even support you paying for another movie to sneak into Wolverine. Save that money for a movie that's worth your time. So again, NOOOOO. Take a stand!!!!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 11:14 a.m. CST

    Christian Bale: Terminator rant recording a violation of trust..

    by Thanos0145

    UK article link: Film Crew=UNPROFESSIONAL

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 11:17 a.m. CST

    Harry - respond to this talkback

    by cant_stop_yawning

    Wait, you recommend skipping this after you have been going on and on about since it was first greenlit? I don't think a week has gone by that you haven't posted something about this thing and now you get all pissy at the last minute because didn't invite you? WTF? And then you resort to giving it a shitty review by proxy? Coward. If you don't muster some courage and respond to these complaints, then you are officially a douche.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 11:18 a.m. CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    The enemy of my Savior is my enemy.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 11:19 a.m. CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    Why in the fuck would anyone, especially a movie geek, waste their money on fucking Foxerine?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 11:22 a.m. CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    Harry's already responded to the criticism. See black boxes above posted by Headgeek.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 11:22 a.m. CST

    Harry's seen it

    by Series7

    I bet you dicks to doughnuts he has.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 11:26 a.m. CST

    I loved it!

    by Sith Witch

    It's exactly what I always wanted out of a Wolverine origin movie. Now bring on Wolvie in Japan as Patch, squaring off against Bloodsport and Rough House for part 2!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 11:26 a.m. CST

    Switch back to the won't see it column

    by rbatty024

    Fox didn't invite you because they could give two shits about those who are invested in these characters. They figure they're going to get a decent turn out over the weekend no matter what, and even if the film sucks so long as they kept the overhead low they should turn a buck. Why play into their hands by seeing this film?

    Reply to Talkback

  • Why not give us a review of Battle For Terra then? Looks pretty cool.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 11:30 a.m. CST

    Aw Poor Harry didn't get Invited

    by johnnfla

    "Fox refused to invite one the AICN editors to an advance screening" ************************************ You crybaby piece of shit you. I really don't even care about Wolverine, might pick it up on dvd, might not. But you are such a worthless turd Harry. You get the hollywood types to feel sorry for you because your fat virgin ass is in a wheelchair and you pout when you don't get your way. Damn, I don't wish bad things to happen to anyone but you are in desperate need of someone smacking you in the goddamned face with a hot iron.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 11:30 a.m. CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    His doppleganger did. DGDB's posts are still here, he aint going nowhere he's an institution.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 11:30 a.m. CST

    Here's a job for someone with time on their hands

    by Hawaiian Organ Donor

    Go over Harry's reviews from the past 3-4 years and cross reference them with RT to see just how many movies he's geeked over that were critical bombs.<p>I'll get the ball rolling.<p>Rise of the Silver Surfer? 35% on RT.<p>Fast and Furious? 27% on RT.<p>Semi-Pro? 21% on RT.<p>Speed Racer? 36% on RT. Admittedly this movie deserved to be 100% but the almighty, all knowing RT says otherwise.<p>Anyone else want to keep digging?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 11:33 a.m. CST

    BSB, I'm surprised you're siding with Harry on this one

    by D.Vader

    Considering he's acting SO very amateur.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 11:35 a.m. CST

    My quetion is.....

    by MJDeViant

    Why even say you aren't going to review it? Just don't review it. I'm personally not seeing it therefore I will not talk about it. Why even have a page here, just link to Rotten Tomatoes if it's so damned accurate. I am getting the feeling here that I get when an NBA star whines about some bullshit even though he makes millions upon millions. No, you're probably not making a ton of money, but you have an awesome job of watching movies FOR A LIVING! I'm not gonna ask you to go see Wolverine, I'm not, but don't post on here why you're not going to even though I know you've seen far worse movies then it probably is ...because it's your job! This is one of the rare posts where I will say, and I know nobody including you cares, that I'm gonna just have to stop coming to this site because it gets less informative and more childish every day. I think Dark Horizons does the best job of keeping things short and informative. Whah whah whah, I know. For the record, I do think Rotten Tomatoes is a decent base when there are enough reviews in, but I always go with my gut instincts. However, if it was my job to watch movies, then I would see it regardless.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 11:35 a.m. CST

    My question is.....

    by MJDeViant

    Why even say you aren't going to review it? Just don't review it. I'm personally not seeing it therefore I will not talk about it. Why even have a page here, just link to Rotten Tomatoes if it's so damned accurate. I am getting the feeling here that I get when an NBA star whines about some bullshit even though he makes millions upon millions. No, you're probably not making a ton of money, but you have an awesome job of watching movies FOR A LIVING! I'm not gonna ask you to go see Wolverine, I'm not, but don't post on here why you're not going to even though I know you've seen far worse movies then it probably is ...because it's your job! This is one of the rare posts where I will say, and I know nobody including you cares, that I'm gonna just have to stop coming to this site because it gets less informative and more childish every day. I think Dark Horizons does the best job of keeping things short and informative. Whah whah whah, I know. For the record, I do think Rotten Tomatoes is a decent base when there are enough reviews in, but I always go with my gut instincts. However, if it was my job to watch movies, then I would see it regardless.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 11:37 a.m. CST

    Double post, with a typo in the first, count it!

    by MJDeViant

  • May 1, 2009, 11:40 a.m. CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    That may be, but in the overall scheme of things, this is all about a deserved punishment for scumbag Rothman. I've never taken Harry's hyperbolic reviews seriously anyway, as there are a number of other AICN editors and talkbackers whose opinions I rely on, but on the X-Men, I see things eye to eye with Fatshitfuck.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 11:42 a.m. CST

    The problem with going back and forth...

    by rbatty024

    is that you look like a flip-flopper (cue picture of Harry trying to windsurf). If you had stuck to not seeing the film then you would have received more respect, whether or not it was the right decision. Now it looks like you just can't make up your mind.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 11:43 a.m. CST

    Just a movie, kiddos

    by DennisMM

    It can't shit on your memories if you don't let it. <P> That said, can everyone who rhapsodizes over the first miniseries please remember that the Frank Miller art was nice, but it was written by Chris Claremont? Thank you.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 11:44 a.m. CST

    wolverine is a great movie!

    by softie hotpants

    my wife and i loved it finished or no! they're getting our money at the theatre and i hope you all go too! it seems to me like far too much negativity has been projected onto this project (and others in these forums) with many people dissing movies they haven't even seen! i hope for hugh jackman's sake he doesn't read the stuff that you're posting on this site! don't you love the guy? he wanted to make this movie fun and great for you! he sunk a whole bunch of his own money into it in the hopes that it would be a success and that possibly you might get one or 2 more out of him before he's too old to do it anymore! Now go on repent and drop your bucks down! if you like half the shows that get reviewed positively on this website you're gonna love it! even if it is just a damn tune! Long live Hugh and wolverine! Gripers be damned! otherwise fellow geeks, your dreams are not going to come true anymore and no one's going to be making these movies for ya'!!! hugs and kisses- hotpants!

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  • May 1, 2009, 11:44 a.m. CST



    WOLVERINE will probably make some big bucks this weekend, but just wait and see. This film ain't gonna have legs.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 11:46 a.m. CST

    nice burst of honesty from AICN

    by HaterofCrap

    very refreshing...cathartic like a strong cup of coffee.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 11:46 a.m. CST

    I agree that Rothman needs to eat a dick and get fired

    by D.Vader

    As he has been just plain bad bad bad for Fox Production the past couple of years. <p> But Harry is acting equally like a dick. He has a point in the "I'm not gonna pay to watch crap," statement, but its BULLSHIT. It comes across like some whiney fuck who is upset he didn't get an invite to a free screening (which he freely admits is the case). <p> If Harry wanted to be professional about it, he'd say "I have no interest in seeing Wolverine- I never did. And since I didn't go to a screening, I'm not planning on seeing it." <p> Instead, his whiney rant sounds like some petulant man-child trying to get back at the big bad studio man who wronged him. And its not like Harry is a big X-Men fan anyway, after that bullshit he pulled last week with the Emma Frost debacle (they fucked her up!!! Gave her powers she doesn't have in the comics! Oh wait, she does have those comics? Well still, I'm not wrong, they are! Nyaaah nyaah!"), in which he was flat-out WRONG and he still couldn't man up and admit his mistake. <p> Harry just loses respect with this kind of bullshit. He should act like a professional and say "I didn't want to see it anyway, sorry guys, if you're looking for a review from me, I won't have one." <p> But to act like he's never paid to see crap before? To act like he's EVER let what other critics have said affect his decision to see a movie? Fucking flat out LIES.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 11:47 a.m. CST

    As for Harry ...

    by DennisMM

    He's either a professional or he's not. That he makes money off this site and doesn't appear to have other work makes him a professional. Professional reviewers see movies, no matter how loathsome they may find the policies or politics of actors, directors, writers, producers or studios. Suck it up, PAY to see the goddamm picture and review it. That's what Roger Ebert would do.

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  • May 1, 2009, 11:47 a.m. CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    because he was inundated with e-mails asking him whether or not he was reviewing it. I mean, you guys have a lot to slam fatty for, chocolate covered pussy juice for one, but why pick on shit he already addressed?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 11:49 a.m. CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    Fox plants sprouting everywhere ... right, hotpants?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 11:49 a.m. CST

    They really did lose me at Adamantium Bullet...

    by TheMarineBiologist

    I was near ready to leave after they first mentioned that... and perhaps I should have given what came after that scene...

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 11:53 a.m. CST

    But honestly, BringingSexyBack

    by D.Vader

    I do NOT believe Harry when he says he does not want to see the movie. Simply don't buy it.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 11:55 a.m. CST

    Like I've ever listened to Peter Travers

    by drewlicious

    Pretentious aging hipster in a magazine that lost its social relevancy years ago.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 11:58 a.m. CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    In a way, the legion of Harry's critics here are doing him a favor by calling out his faults, which, if you strip away the obscene insults, can be taken for constructive criticism. Like your post right there. True, if Harry wants to be respected as a leading edge movie geek, he should heed your advice. <P> I can only speak for myself - I read most of the 'pro' reviews here, and get a lot of good leads for movie recommendations from TBers, but I've never relied on a Harry review ever. His taste and mine don't always intersect. Not that I don't read him, just that I take him with a grain of salt. That's why I don't get worked up about him. Now if a fellow Baleiver has repeatedly led me astray, then I would be angry about it. Because I consider the House of Bale to be Famiglia.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 11:59 a.m. CST

    It's not THAT bad

    by THT3000

    Although I have to agree with one critic that said you wouldn't understand it if you weren't a total X-Men comics nerd, and would hate it if you were. Luckily for me I'm only a "fan". I give it about 3/5.

    Reply to Talkback

  • genre picks as the quality has waned. I can no longer afford to spend two hours not enjoying myself. If Harry was a reviewer who reviewed every film, good and bad, then I think you would have a duty to see this one as well, but since he's less of a movie reviewer and more of a mascot he has no such duty. I think the decision not to see the film is the right one. At least wait until DVD when you can get drunk and be as loud and obnoxious with your friends as you would like.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:02 p.m. CST

    What's funny is, by next week Star Trek

    by skimn

    will pick this film up by its curly hairs and wipe its ass with it.

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  • May 1, 2009, 12:03 p.m. CST

    Gayest talk back Ever created

    by Mr.LordBronco

    It makes me giggle-and DGDB-I'm looking at you lols! OK-I didn't watch any blead tralers, but it doesn't take a magician to know this movie sucks. The Fox imgregiliio notwithstanding... Hee hee-between Watchmen and This bomb-maybe the studios *will* stop raping our childhoods once and for all... Have you actually re-read the original run of X-Men? They are kind of embarrassing to even mention at a Star trek convention looking back... And yes, the Claremont/Byrne run. -MLB

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  • May 1, 2009, 12:09 p.m. CST

    Simn, as much as I hope that's true...

    by rbatty024

    I won't hold my breath. I'm not one-hundred percent convinced that Trek can escape its geek stigma. I think that is going to eventually hurt its box office. That being said, I'll see Trek opening day while I might download Wolverine, if I'm bored.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:10 p.m. CST


    by D.Vader

    Yeah, I don't *really* take Harry's opinions and reviews seriously anymore, like I did when I was younger. Honestly, I'm more curious nowadays to see what he likes and dislikes. The best thing about Harry is that he'll drop references to all sorts of other films I've never heard of. <p> So in the end, I don't really care if he reviews Wolverine or not (I'm only mildly interested, like I said, to see if he says yea or nay, considering his penchant for liking absolute crap and for hating Fox and Rothman- which hatred will win out?). I only care when he starts bullshitting us- his fans and followers. It started (and continues) with the ScriptGirl shit. It went on with many other cases (too numerous to mention here), and in most all of them, I vocalized my anger and criticism in the hopes that he, and AICN in general, would realize just how much they are hurting their fanbase. Its just as you said- constructive criticism- though I will admit that lately its contained more vitriol because it seems Harry doesn't listen and doesn't give a fuck about his readership. And that pisses me off. <p> So I complain and I call Harry out on his lies because I'm tired of hearing them. I've been coming here since I was 14, I've been a huge fan of the site. And 13 years later, it kills me to see Harry completely dismiss those who built him up, who lifted him onto their shoulders as Headgeek. It kills me to see him act like a douchebag and lie to us to save his own skin or for another agenda. <p> This is just another case of that. Man up and say the truth, Harry. Reclaim the respect you once had.

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  • May 1, 2009, 12:13 p.m. CST

    is it that bad

    by dioxholster

    it cant be the trailers were okay

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  • May 1, 2009, 12:14 p.m. CST


    by dioxholster

    swine flu

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  • May 1, 2009, 12:15 p.m. CST

    Damn. Everything's been said.

    by Traumnovelle

    This site fucking blows.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:16 p.m. CST

    AICN has officially bottomed out.


    Telling people to avoid a movie you haven't seen?!?!??! Mortal sin, IMO. This may be the beginning of the end of AICN.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:19 p.m. CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    You practically grew up here. Your outrage makes sense, as AICN was a big part of your formative geek years. That's an interesting perspective.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:23 p.m. CST


    by MundaneHymn

    I can say nothing that hasn't been said...

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  • May 1, 2009, 12:25 p.m. CST

    i think its safe to say

    by dioxholster

    that wolverine will never get a sequel or something

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  • May 1, 2009, 12:27 p.m. CST

    The following sums up Tom Rothman...

    by DoctorWho?

    ...and countless others in Hollywood. It's a quote by Paul Hannon:<p> studio execs: "... believe me, the vast majority of them do not give the tiniest of shits about the quality of the films they release. Good, bad, mediocre - who cares? Just so long as it's marketable, and profitable. That observation comes from someone who worked within the studio system for well over a decade, by the way. In fact, I distinctly remember that the first shock I had when I initially started in the system was how so very, very few upper echelon studio execs really cared about movies. Or even knew much about them. It was like working alongside a corporation of plumbers, you know? It was just another job to them."

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:28 p.m. CST

    WOLVERINE shoulve been a side character

    by dioxholster

    cyclops was the leader

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:32 p.m. CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    That's a pretty good indicator o maximum suckage. You don't need Harry to tell you that. <P> Unless it's a Bale movie. I would love to suck Slurpee out of Christian Bale's cup.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:32 p.m. CST

    This idea that he's "obligated"

    by gotilk

    to review the films YOU DECIDE he should review is kind of funny. Because I read a few papers, visit many sites, and I seem to remember those "professionals" deciding for themselves what to review and not review. This shit is just BEYOND goofy. And then to say he's lost integrity because they run ads for the film? NO SITE rejects ad revenue unless the ads are offensive, false, misleading or linking to malware or their ilk. I reject this whole thing. Think harder, maybe you can come up with something valid to crucify him for. But until then, STFU or make sense.

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  • May 1, 2009, 12:33 p.m. CST

    studio execs are awesome then

    by dioxholster

    they let us judge the movie and good movies are popular

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:36 p.m. CST

    Disappointed in Headgeek

    by timbal339

    I have been visiting this site for over a decade, and this non-review has me extremly disappointed with Harry. The bias due to not receiving a free screening screams of unprofessionlaism on Harry's part. This site is for all of us "geeks" that cannot get enough of films like Wolverine. The film should have been reviewed fairly by your Harry, whether you had to pay or not. I'm sure this site has given you the opportunity to spend $10 on a possible shitty movie once in a while.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:38 p.m. CST

    proof harry watched the workprint

    by cool_britannia79

    i mean, come the fuck on people. i'm not watching wolverine either, cause i know it's crap, i've seen it!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:38 p.m. CST

    AICN has to be invited to an advanced screening?

    by Heckles

    Little high on the nerd horse these days, eh? Come on back to reality.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:41 p.m. CST

    Yeah BSB, I've been here a long time.

    by D.Vader

    When I was 14 I got online and started searching for pics from the then upcoming Star Wars Special Editions. It led me here, and here is where I became a true geek and was able to embrace that side of me, as high school wasn't really the place for that. That year I started here, as a 14 year old, I did have a few friends who were huge Star Wars geeks like me, but the following year, in high school, I was sort of on my own, and this site became a friend and teacher. I still keep up with a lot of the Forumers from the original AICN Forum, before that iteration and message board model was destroyed for the new (less intimate and friendly) one they have now.<p> And it was that next year in high school where I decided I was going to become a filmmaker (whereas before I was toying with paleontologist or animator), and I have to say that decision was influenced by AICN and Harry's love for movies and his online community. <p> So it is incredibly disappointing to have someone I once respected and looked up to as a film and geek teacher of sorts turn around and act like an asshole, tell lies, tell us he doesn't give a shit what we think, etc. I've lost a LOT of respect for him over the past couple of years, and like you said, my formative geek years were spent here. So when I chose to become a filmmaker based on my experiences here at AICN with Harry, and then to see Harry just... well fall apart like he has (and for no other reason than his own bone-headedness), its not like it throws my career choice in to question. It just makes me a bit sad.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:43 p.m. CST

    Another sad thing i

    by TheKGB01

    harry wont respond to any of his critics...he is too chickenshit to fess up he is a sellout and incapable of runnin this site like it was. Please resign Harry!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:47 p.m. CST

    Solomon Kane!!!!

    by Matthew Martinez

    I would also like to throw in my support for you to write up Solomon Kane as soon as humanly possible. Weirdest thing, I was just thinking about those stories again--and how awesome they are--yesterday, and I found myself wondering if the movie was actually going to be made. (I think the last time I'd read anything about it was when Bassett became the writer and director.) In a perfect world, the Solomon Kane movie would be awesome beyond imagining and would lead to a slew of great Robert E. Howard adaptations (none of which would involve Brett Ratner in any way, shape or form).

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:47 p.m. CST

    Man you mother fuckers really dont get do you.

    by IndustryKiller!

    The guy is finally, and puublically, taking a stand against the vile garbage that studios give us every summer and you fucking chastise him for it??? What a bunch of imbeciles. His quest and his reasoning are both perfectly valid. He knows hte film is going to be awful so hes not seeing it, HOW THE FUCK IS THAT A BAD THING??? Maybe if some of you here havent been watching movies all your life I guess I can see how you've managed to not develope a barometer for summer garbage, but for actual fans of film its stunningly easy. For instance, I know I won't like Transformers 2, so I wont give my money to crap. Same goes for GI Joe. I've done the research, I've seen the footage, and anyone with half a fucking brain can figure out what the score is. If you can't that just means you're a little lower on the film analysis totem pole, not that the rest of us are uninformed.

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  • May 1, 2009, 12:49 p.m. CST

    Blame swine flu for poor ticket sales, Rothman

    by Chuck_Chuckwalla

  • May 1, 2009, 12:51 p.m. CST

    D. Vader, how is Harry "dismissing" us?

    by IndustryKiller!

    In fact hes taking our criticisms to heart. And publically taking a stand so maybe someday we will get a decent X-Men movie. THis is literally one of the worst comic book films ever. In fact it probably doesnt have any more going for it than the David Hasselhoff Nick Fury. I would think you would be glad harry wont see it.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:53 p.m. CST

    nerosday, I understand what you are saying

    by TheLastCleric

    and while I enjoyed Wolverine it really was a step back when compared to TDK, Iron Man, or even the most recent Hulk flick. I think the problem with comic book films is that they've come so far in the last few years (TDK, Iron Man and Watchmen all within one year) that what was acceptable 5 or ten years ago would get shredded now. I think if either of Singer's XMEN were released today, they would take considerable flak.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:55 p.m. CST

    Harry how about calling out the producer who lied to you?

    by milesdyson

    Because all of this turned out to be bullshit. "Now - I've been talking to John Palermo, one of the producers on the film - ever since this story broke. The word I've gotten is that the print you can see online is several months old - and is in fact the version of the film that drove FOX to spend untold millions on a couple of weeks of additional shoots. That things have been edited out and that even with that - the film now runs 20 minutes longer than that which you see online. That there was stuff they didn't like and they took aggressive and costly steps to correct that."

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 12:56 p.m. CST

    'Deadpooled' is now an official term.

    by WickedJester

    Definition:<br>To be poorly conceived and received and destroyed for all future incarnations. Deadpooled.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1 p.m. CST

    13 Years D. Vader?

    by Continentalop

    Shit, I feel bad for not giving you a proper shout out as a Professional. You are an Uber-Professional.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1 p.m. CST


    by TheCrouton

    It's not that he's taken a stand against the so-called garbage from studios that has got the readers fired up. It's that he's recommending we don't go see it based on the review it's getting on other sites, and also the suggestion that he's saying this simply because he didn't get to see it in advance. A favourite critic of mine in the Uk, Mark Kermode, has often had to pay to see movies that weren't press screened. That won't stop him from giving an honest opinion of the movie when reviewing it later. Harry should bear in mind, that if he wants to be respected as a critic, then throwing the toys out of the pram when he doesn't get his own way (an advance screening), ISN'T the way to go about it. Having said that, I do agree with you that there will be a lot of summer movies that will be awful.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:02 p.m. CST

    Stop demanding Harry to resign fuckin amateurs!

    by Six Demon Bag

    its his fucking with it or fuck off!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:05 p.m. CST

    IndustryKiller- you've seen it?

    by D.Vader

    What, did you download the film illegally? Living up to your name I suppose? <p> That aside, I don't care if Harry watches the film or reviews the film. I said that. What I don't appreciate is when he lies to us. I don't believe for one second that he's taking a stand against crappy films being made (based on the amount of crap films he's pimped). That's bullshit. He's taking a stand against a studio not inviting him to a screening. And when did he EVER care what other critics said? Don't buy into the crap he's selling with this.<p> He doesn't take any of our criticisms to heart. If he did, you wouldn't see any ScriptGirl around here, for one. You might also see a list of rules for TalkBack etiquette (which MANY have asked for) instead of leaving everyone to blindly feel around and guess at what's grounds for banishment (since each mod has different tastes and temperament levels, what flies here might not fly in another TB). So yeah, I stand by my comment that Harry doesn't really care how his readership feels. And I really believe that Harry IS interested in seeing this controversial film.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:09 p.m. CST

    Harry - You should link to those reviews you quoted

    by Squashua

    I don't think it's proper to quote like that without citing a link.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:10 p.m. CST

    Harry's behavior = priests molesting children

    by jrb

    That's right. I said it. Why? Because they are both betrayals of trust. You don't want to watch Wolverine? Fine. I don't even are why. But to give a review or opinion without having seen the film is an obscenity. It's the worst thing a "critic" can do, just like a priest molesting a child.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:10 p.m. CST

    Continentalop= PROFESSIONAL

    by D.Vader

    Its all good, no worries man. I know in your heart of hearts you meant to include me. Professionals are like that.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:12 p.m. CST

    I sad this D.Vader, is you've been here 13 years

    by Continentalop

    And I am probably still older than you.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:13 p.m. CST

    Thanks you AICN for the help!

    by dittos

    I cannot believe it but somehow I had never been to until I started reading these follow-ups to Harry's tantrum about not getting advanced tix. It's a great site, and I saw no indications of writers wearing diapers there. Just bookmarked it as my first site of the day to read. I guess we must admit that Harry still has SOME good impact on the genre and its fans.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:14 p.m. CST

    Why pay $$ when you know film is shit?

    by Six Demon Bag

  • May 1, 2009, 1:14 p.m. CST

    A sad day

    by bentlemp

    I don't comment much but I read everything at AICN and I need to put this out there to get it off my chest. I know it's been said many times, but Harry, you are doing yourself, the industry, and your readers a serious injustice with your post today. Yeah it's generating traffic for your site. Yeah it's drawing attention to your feud with Fox. But, you just took a SERIOUS hit in the integrity department. Will I keep reading here? Yup. Will I take your reviews with a grain of salt now? You better believe it. Where as before I gave your overwhelmingly positive reviews for what I would consider to be a mediocre film the benefit of the doubt, now as you have revealed it, we know your motivations lie elsewhere. I hope I'm wrong, but you've done a bang up job proving that those who think you review based on industry commitment to you and your site correct. A sad sad day for AICN indeed.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:20 p.m. CST

    No one is depending on your reviews, Harry.

    by IL_Deuce

    They're fucking garbage. You sound like a very retarded, giddy school-girls with the movies that you like and with the ones that you don't, you sound like a know-it-all pompous, name dropping asshat. You've lost touch with the rest of us. <BR><BR> Although... I've never really relied on reviews to begin with, though. If a movie feels like it's worth watching, I'll fucking watch it. Word of mouth is much more influential to me than what some overgrown fanboy has to say. <BR><BR> and quit acting like you didn't watch the workprint, bitch. You know you did. Just sack up and admit it. <BR><BR> Most lame attempt at foreshadowing in the movie, btw? "Wade, you'd be the perfect soldier if you didn't have that mouth..."

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:23 p.m. CST

    You're going to call the movie out because he forgets about it a

    by westwood13

    I'm pretty sure that it's common knowledge that Wolverine has no memory of where he came from, so I don't see how the fact that he's not going to remember this adventure as being much of a surprise. I would have assumed that to be a foregone conclusion.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:24 p.m. CST

    Just admit it asshole, you saw the workprint...

    by IL_Deuce

    and you can't be arsed to watch the actual theatrical cut. You just don't want to sit through it again. It's cool... I feel the same way. Just pull the fucking Ho-Ho's out of your face hole and admit it.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:24 p.m. CST

    I used this same rationale, Mass ripped me a new one...

    by Rhinosaur

    "...I just don't see the need wasting my time on a movie that is this badly reviewed by critics..." I said pretty much the same thing about Mass's review of, ugh, Ghosts of Girlfriends Past. He calls me out. I'm looking on here for him calling you out, not seeing it.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:25 p.m. CST

    Glad Harry is seeing this movie.

    by antonphd

    I agree that if he'd just said that he has decided not to watch the film it would be a dissapointment considering how fun his reviews are for Superhero movies, but it's a respectable position. If you want to say that you heard the film sucks and that's what made you decide not to watch it, that's cool, that's half the reason to read reviews after all. But to officially recommend skipping a film based on other reviews... the 'official recommend' is where it goes over the line. You can say you were swayed by other reviews, but you don't, especially as a pro film reviewer, say that you 'officially recommend' based on other reviews. And if you are going to do that you don't start out saying you are pissed for not getting invited to a press screening of the film. Now... if one follows the line between Rothman's 'fuck you' to fans and this snub of AICN at the screening... it's not hard to see that this has turned into a fight between Rothman and Harry. And considering that I can understand why Harry wrote this piece. To tell everyone to skip this movie without seeing it is a slap in the face to Rothman. But this is me having taken the time to think this thru. Last night I was just worried that Harry had lost his shit and crossed a line he would regret. And I was right, but after some thought I can understand why it happened. Harry wasn't being spoiled or petty... he was defending the fans in the only way he felt he could... and in hte heat of the moment... saying fuck you to Rothman by dissing the film was the most potent way to defend fans. I respect Harry alot more than I did before this... and I had a lot of respect already... especially since I found the site during the whole Batman and Robin affair. So, good on you for defending fans, Harry. And good on you for going to the movie today. I don't know what to expect from your review. Which is why I look forward to it.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:27 p.m. CST

    Still gonna bank

    by JoeSixPack

    Sorry Harry

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:27 p.m. CST

    Harry you fat ugly hypocritical fuck

    by whothefuckcares

    You won't review wolverine but you fucking liked transformers? Get the fuck outta here. You're as hypocritical as it gets. You hate one piece of shit movie but you like the other?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:30 p.m. CST


    by Son of the Suns

    Film critic site - "don't download illegal copies of a movie (unless it's on a dvd from someone else)" Film critic site - "I won't pay to watch a film to critique it" So you'll only do your job, of critiquing films, what 1000's of people come here for, help fund your site, as long as your sure you're going to watch a good movie. Please don't ever refer to your self as a critic, reviewer or say you run a site for film fans.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:30 p.m. CST

    That's what I love about Harry

    by m_reporter

    He already makes up his mind on what deserves his man fluids and what doesn't even before he sees the film. I love reading his stuff, but I'll never regard him as a real critic.<p> Oh, and I'm not defending Wolverine. I saw the film and it's utter crap.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:31 p.m. CST

    Yes I did see D.VADER

    by IndustryKiller!

    I'm fucking STOKED that the film was available for download. It couldnt have happened to a more deserving movie. This film just doesnt deserve to crash, it deserves to be made an example of. Whatever you think harry is doing to us is NOTHING compared the cynical piece of shit that is Wolverine. it insults the audience and fans of comic books in general at every single turn. From teh eprformances (I could swear liev Schreiber hates comics and is just making fun of us with his Sabertooth and should be shot for ever thinking he can act) to the writing in which every single line of dialogue could have been lifted straight out of the worst soap opera ever written. Its a repugnant piece of trash that represents the worst hollywood has to offer.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:31 p.m. CST

    Yes I did see it D.VADER

    by IndustryKiller!

    I'm fucking STOKED that the film was available for download. It couldnt have happened to a more deserving movie. This film just doesnt deserve to crash, it deserves to be made an example of. Whatever you think harry is doing to us is NOTHING compared the cynical piece of shit that is Wolverine. it insults the audience and fans of comic books in general at every single turn. From teh eprformances (I could swear liev Schreiber hates comics and is just making fun of us with his Sabertooth and should be shot for ever thinking he can act) to the writing in which every single line of dialogue could have been lifted straight out of the worst soap opera ever written. Its a repugnant piece of trash that represents the worst hollywood has to offer.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:37 p.m. CST


    by gavdiggity

  • May 1, 2009, 1:37 p.m. CST

    Olivier said ...

    by DennisMM

    "Actors act." That's one reason he was in so many crap movies the last twenty years of his life. He wanted the money and he wanted to act and he took much of what was offered him that he thought would be entertaining to make. Reviewers REVIEW, especially those devoted to genre. Don't say you're devoted to genre and review tons of utter crap, then skip one of the biggest genre films of the year because you feel insulted that you didn't get a free screening. Buck up and act like a man, Harold. You're nearly 40.

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  • May 1, 2009, 1:37 p.m. CST

    You're all idiots.

    by Zarles

    Why are you bothering Harry to write a review? So you can trash it and call him fat? If his refusal to write anything about Wolverine pisses you off that much and lowers your opinion of this site, here's a solution - leave. Just log off right now and don't come back. After you do that, kill yourselves.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:38 p.m. CST

    This is seriously the worst site on the internet.

    by whothefuckcares

    The only reason for a LONG time this site has been worth anything is the talkbacks, and ONLY the talkbacks. The reviews he gives for BAD movies, SHITTY movies, anything by Del Toro, Tarantino, or anyone else from Texas, and blatantly admitting (or rather making up a bullshit excuse he wasn't even half-assed to attempt to make a decent reason out of) to not reviewing a movie because he wasn't invited to a screening of it. Who the fuck does that? Who the fuck SAYS that? Who actually admits to saying that?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:40 p.m. CST

    This is the weirdest feature ever on this site

    by Emperor_was_a_jerk

    No "official" review of one of the biggest releases of the summer because critics don't like it and FOX didn't allow some no-name editor of a two bit geek site into a showing of the movie? That is weird. And would people STOP using the word "cynical". It is usually used incorrectly and even when it is used correctly, it is based on a very narrow opinion.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:40 p.m. CST

    Harry's "recommendations" mean exactly SHIT.

    by FleshMachine

    you don't seriously think your opinions are relevant do you? No fucking cares anymore..we come to this site for "cool news" not you...You've endorsed really shitty films, you've dismissed good ones. Your taste in film has proven to be as dubious as your journalistic "skills".

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:40 p.m. CST

    Harry, you don't have a shred of integrity left...

    by TurdontheRun

    Once upon a time, in the land of Austin, Texas, a fat ginger man sat in his room, bedridden, crying himself to sleep. His back had been crushed due to the unfortunate circumstances of a 400 pound trolley, laden with movie memorabillia, having rolled over the top of him. Never the most likely of fellows to succeed, this flame haired behemonth now quaked with sorrow at the prospect of a life with no hope, no love, no prospects.<P>Yet, fate sometimes smiles fortunately on those in dire need, and due to his dicovery of a new-fangled invention called the inter-webs, this man - Herr Harry Knowles - thus christened himself Headgeek and began rebuilding his life, building up a mighty empire from his room, fuelled by his dizzy love of the moving pictures. A naive, sometimes ignorant love, but few could deny his dilettante enthusiasm and cheerful deameanor.<p>In time, his back healed, and Harry's life was on the mend, recruiting other, similar social outcasts to his daring crusade, suchs as messrs. Vespe, McWeeny, and Hallenback. These were giddy times for this merry band, as they took on the might of the evil empire of Hollyweird and won (or so they thought in their youthful enthusiasm). It seemed as though sometimes, just sometimes, social retards, nerds, and geeks, COULD have their day in the sun.<p>But like all mighty (and even minor) empires, the success couldn't last forever. Harry was growing lazy and disconnected from his original impetus for his pursuits. The existential pain of those lonely nights, with only a half-eaten donut and a Chewbacca doll to cuddle at night faded from his memory. He lost his drive. He became a shill for big businees. He became lax and arrogabt towards his faithful readership. He bought a mail-order bride over the interwebs, and experienced intercourse with a woman for the first time. But he was slowly losing his soul...and like all emperors in decline, he was too consumed in his hedonistic pleasures to even be aware of it...<p>Harold, if fate can smile upon, it can also smite you. It would the best thing in the world for you to be crushed by another laden merchandise cart. I hope it happens. Yoko will leave you. You will be crippled. You will realise the error of your ways. But it will be too late...You will only be able to cry out in the darkness, as you did so many years before, praying for another chance...But you will be met only with the resounding thud, deep in the pocket of silence, of your own cholestrol-clogged and diseased heart, as you reach for that comforting, and omnipresent, bag of potato chips......

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:42 p.m. CST

    The sad thing is, IndustryKiller

    by D.Vader

    The illegal downloads aren't going to hurt the box office one bit.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:43 p.m. CST

    What did you expect?

    by jsm1978

    Fox Exec #1: "Hey, there's this website, Aint It Cool, who wants us to invite some of their reviewers to a test screening. Over the last several years, this site and its owner have launced a number of personal and professional attacks against us. They've ripped us on everything imaginable and called us things I can't even repeat. Should we send them the invite?"<p> Fox Exec #2: "Uh, durrrrrr, uhyeah." *laughs dopily*<p> Seriously, you spend a lot of time on this site savaging Fox, much of it personal attacks to the people running the place, and then you're surprised that they don't invite you to a screening. Of a movie you've already been badmouthing?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:43 p.m. CST

    Zarles take Harry's dick out your mouth

    by whothefuckcares

    Like transformers fans hate transformers being raped, movie fans hate when a guy like Harry praises bad movies and shits on good ones. He won't review wolverine, which sucked his ass, but likes shitty bullshit like bayformers or star trek or any other movie coming out or that has come out. the people here hate hypocrites, and ONLY come because of the talkbacks. that's the only sign of intelligence on this site. He whores that half-chink script whore's bullshit youtube links, and admits to not reviewing a movie because he wasn't invited. Fuck outta here. You mean to tell me, a guy who hates fox so much, HASN'T seen the bootlegged workprint version of a fox movie? Am I supposed to fucking believe that bullshit? Can you be fuckin' serious?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:46 p.m. CST

    So Harry is not reviewing the movie

    by SilentGunman

    Must be nice to decide NOT TO DO YOUR FUCKING JOB and get away with it. Where's The Confessions of a Shopaholic Talkback?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:47 p.m. CST

    Harry you delusional arrogant fuck..And I quote:

    by FleshMachine

    re: Fighting "I knew writing a full review hating on the film would actually encourage more people to seek it out" you really are completely fucking delusional.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:51 p.m. CST

    Exactly, westwood

    by jsm1978

    Wolvering not remembering his past is a key point of the character. The first X-Men movie had him trying to find it and remember. So we shouldn't tell any stories from his past because he doesn't remember then? <p> "Hey you, person with amnesia, I just want you to know that since you can't remember anything, your life was worthless garbage and not worth thinking about."

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:52 p.m. CST

    Lost ALL respect for HARRY and AICN

    by FleshMachine

    this is just more fucking pathetic amature shit right here. Harry you need to get away from the keyboard forever.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:55 p.m. CST

    Wow.....I mean, just....WOW!!

    by benlinus

    This has been one of the BEST talkbacks in recent history. I usually like to come on here to point out all of Ginger's failings and contradictions, but everyone has beaten me to it. Theres really nothing left for me to say! On a side note, Ive checked out your Twitter page Harry, thats gotta be some of the dumbest most retarded stuff Ive ever read! PLUS, you are Twittering while you are IN the theatre. What an ass. Also, you call a guy, Jeff, "adorable"?? You wanna come out of the fucking closet Harry, because that shit is seriously for those who smoke pole. Anyway, not to get off on a tangent, let all understand, that Harry CRAVES attention, we all know that. So what does he do now, he starts FlameWars with every column he writes. He did it with SG and now with this. Harry loves all this talkback, it gives him the attention he wants. Anyway, theres not much left to say about this, but, Harry, people come here to mock you, make fun of you, insult you. They do it on a daily basis. Is that HOW you really want to be remembered? If so, then carry on sir.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:55 p.m. CST

    My friends all said that Mona Lisa chick was fugly...

    by thubbard76

    So you can't make me look at it. Now I'm an art critic!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 1:58 p.m. CST

    DIGGING deeper with every post HARRY

    by FleshMachine

    seriously..stop. you are ostensibly a professional movie reviewer...and you won't see one of the top genre films of the year because of bad buzz, because of other people's opinions????? and then change your mind?? FIND A NEW JOB!!!! AND STOP USING THE WORD "LITERALLY"!!! YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT IT MEANS!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:02 p.m. CST

    Oh yeah and one more thing......

    by benlinus

    Stop with the right wing/left wing crap! Yeah FOX slants to the right and has a bad habit of fucking up movies, so did Orion. MSNBC slants left, who cares. Dont let you left wing politics or your hatred of all things FOX affect your ability as a reviewer.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:05 p.m. CST

    I dissed D. Vader in the transformers talkback

    by whothefuckcares

    and now I'm siding with him here, and dissing Industry fucking Killer on top of that! IndustryKiller, how can YOU, of ALL people, side with Harry? When has he ever given a FUCKabout what other reviewers think? You, YOU "KNOW" he has a beef with Fox, and then he publicly/openly states that he won't see a movie because of not being invited to a press screening and yet you have no problem with that? What does this have to do with a shitty movie? X-men fuckin' 3 was shit. Half those Tarantino and Del Toro and Rodriguez movies were shit. Did he pimp those to high hell? Did he like half the other shitty movies and praise those? You of all people have had issues with what he's said, and now you stand by his side and defend him, thinking he's actually taking a stand? Are you being sarcastic seeing who's falling for the bait? No way in fuckin' hell you seriously think he is not seeing this movie on merit. Ain't no way he didn't download it by now. Harry Knowles has NO scruples or principles or guards he stands by.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:10 p.m. CST


    by D.Vader

    Strange how AICN TBs work out sometimes, eh? One day you're agreeing with someone, the next you're raging and cursing at him for being an idiot... <p> A tale as old as time, really.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:11 p.m. CST

    FleshMachine's on the money, lardy

    by phoenixflames

    Dude, try to remember back, I don't know, before you got corporate and bloated, maybe 10-15 years back -- try to remember what you would say to a movie reviewer who slammed a film he HADN'T SEEN because he had a beef with the studio's politics or the tickets weren't in the post, or whatever. You've lost a lot of credibility over this, Harry. See the movie and then disrespect it. Or love it. Whatever. See it first. Peace.

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  • May 1, 2009, 2:16 p.m. CST

    phoenixflames I have to disagree with you

    by whothefuckcares

    He's lost ALL credibility, or he's BEEN lost all credibility. He never had none to begin with. The shit movies he's endorsed. Movies he's endorsed because someone from his state or someone he's buddies with makes it. The countless shitty movies he's liked, but "slamming a film he HADN'T SEEN because he had a beef with the studio's politics or the tickets weren't in the post" is not surprising to em in the least. Patrick Sauriol from Coming Attractions and other webmasters warned about this shit AGES ago. Talkback is the ONLY reason worth visiting this site for.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:20 p.m. CST

    The real irony here...

    by Hugh G Rekshun all you fucking teabaggers bashing Harry for passing judgement on a film he "hasn't seen"...when you cockmongers pull the same shit several times a day. And I don't a rat's left nut that he should be above that...he gets pissed off at being fucked-over just like the rest of you colon corks.

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  • May 1, 2009, 2:24 p.m. CST

    Harry's right....and this movie FUCKING SUUUCKS!

    by Brians Life

    The only way to stop Fox from abandoning their "we don't need a good story so long as we got lots of 'splosions" mentality is to completely fucking ignore a movie like this.<br><br>It's bad. It's Showgirls bad only without the tits.<br><br>I don't like what AICN has become, I've been reading this site since back in the DAY and it's gotten way too "wanna be an insider, but still look from the outside" for my taste. <br><br>But in this stance, Harry is right on. Anyone that understand the way the industry works will say that a critic (regardless of which one) saying "The word of mouth is SO BAD that I'm not even gonna bother reviewing it." THAT FUCKING STINGS!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:26 p.m. CST

    Let Me See If I Get This Right...

    by edgreen86

    AICN doesn't get an invite to a screening. So, you're not going to review the film. You'll just run as much negative press as possible on it. Payback? Naw, couldn't be...

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:29 p.m. CST

    Solomon Kane!

    by Sulla

    I'm far more interested in SK than this piece of garbage. Anything based off REH stuff is/should be very interesting. I want THAT review!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:31 p.m. CST

    "Fox refused to invite one the AICN editors to an advance screen

    by Glory_Fades_ImMaxFischer

    Sorry knowles..keep digging yourself that big hole

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:32 p.m. CST

    I will see Wolverine.......and enjoy it for what it is.

    by Yoda's Ball Sack

    Fuck your Watchmen..............and Star Trek. I'll wait for the blu ray..................

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:33 p.m. CST

    Deeper hole.

    by TheCrouton

    Re-reading Harry's comments, came across this one. Quote: "Personally, I'm more eager to spend my money on a film I do support, which is why I have bought tickets for my third watching of STAR TREK next week..." So, he will spend money on a movie where the film company has bent over backwards for him (the surprise screening in Austin before the premiere remember??), and not one on a movie that was made by a company being trashed on the site time after time (sometimes deservedly so - the Watchmen lawsuit) because you didn't get free tickets for an advance screening?? Sorry Harry, this is one you won't be able to talk yourself out of.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:34 p.m. CST

    I love that a studio Harry hates so much ENDED his cred.

    by Glory_Fades_ImMaxFischer

    seriously man.. you are a complete fucking joke. You have absolutely no integrity, you STILL haven't backed off your Emma Frost complete fuck up (which was epic..btw) and you and your staff who downloaded movies turn and critic. a fox reporter. Jesus you are such a fucking joke and here's the truth buddy, 90% of the reason anyone comes to this site anymore is because the talkbackers ARE Aint it Cool news. OH! and hey fat time you decide to call something "YOUR OFFICIAL STANCE ON WOLVERINE", here's a novel idea..MAKE IT YOUR STANCE..all you did was post everyone else's official stances....Jesus I'm so glad Fox fucking ended you

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:38 p.m. CST

    Harry doesnt waste his time reviewing movies that get bad review

    by Glory_Fades_ImMaxFischer

    THE MUMMY...FAST AND THE FURIOUS...10,000 BC..CRANK...CLONE WARS???...Should I keep going?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:39 p.m. CST

    "Fox refused to invite Harry to an advance screening"

    by Yoda's Ball Sack

    Can you blame them? You have no one to blame but yourself my red headed friend. And please don't go posting a review from Mori. That would be a cop out. Stand by your words and not turds.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:40 p.m. CST

    Harry like free shit... pure and simple.

    by IL_Deuce

    Fly him out to your movie, set him up in a hotel, maybe get him some poon... the praise will flow like nacho cheese and spittle down Harry's chin.<BR><BR> God save you, though, if you don't even so much as invite Harry or his cronies to your screening. THERE WILL BE HELL TO PAY! A big, fat, gingery hell to pay.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:41 p.m. CST

    Well, if a guy named Yoda's Ball Sack...

    by Brians Life

    is gonna go see it and "enjoy it for what it is." then we're ALL clearly mistaken.<br><br>Hey, Yoda's Nut Bag...what exactly "is it"?<br><br>A comic book movie? An action movie? <br><br>I'm just curious 'cause if I follow your logic you're basically saying that a good example of what "it is" cannot be made. That it CANNOT (as some of you so brilliantly put it) "be Shakespeare" simple due to the source material it's adapting.<br><br>Please, tell me what "it is"...

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:44 p.m. CST

    lol @ Harry's official position on Star Trek is "bending over"

    by Glory_Fades_ImMaxFischer

  • May 1, 2009, 2:44 p.m. CST

    Any SWANEY sightings?

    by S-Mart shopper

    Or was he too scared of the AICN stalkers to show his face?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:45 p.m. CST

    So much fucking venom...

    by Brians Life

    Are the people needlessly calling Harry a "fat fuck" Fox employees or are you guys the strain of fanboys that I can't stand. (and I myself am a PROUD fanyboy)<br><br>That strain would be the holier than thou douches that automatically love anything with a comic book or toy company stamp on it.<br><br>I'm not saying Harry has integrity or any such shit like that...I don't really give a fuck...<br><br>but for a film THIS BAD that the studio micro-managed the shit out of IGNORING it is an apt response.<br><br>and if you think that all of this venom and shit is NOT gonna make people say "well, shit now I've gotta go see it" then you're retarded.<br><br>This movie needs to be forgotten like the abortion that it is.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:47 p.m. CST

    Yep..Bookmarked NUKE THE FRIDGE.COM

    by Glory_Fades_ImMaxFischer

    Bye Harry

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:47 p.m. CST

    Get off your petty soapboxes

    by Magnum Opus

    This movie is a festering sweaty turd. Harry is right not to spend money on it. Rarely does you all sound more like the fat guys in mothers' basements than in this TB. You're obviously just grasping at the chance to bash someone who is in a position you're bitter about not having.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:49 p.m. CST

    Max Fischer...nothing you have said...

    by Brians Life

    ...has been For The Win. You're either 14 and think you're funny or you're so deluded that this will be a good movie that you're willing to act 14 and bash anyone with an opposite opinion. OR you're a band wagon junky and you like having company. either way...nothing you've said is For The Win.<br><br>I hate defending Harry, but I'm willing to bet that the movies you listed above he got to see for free.<br><br>And what IS wrong with that? Like it or not he DOES run a site that people in the industry know about. They may not pay much attention, but it's a well-known site. <br><br>This movie is REALLY bad. The best response to a movie this bad is ignoring it.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:50 p.m. CST

    Introducing "Ryan" AICN newest, only reviewer

    by Glory_Fades_ImMaxFischer

    "Today...GOOD DICK"

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:51 p.m. CST

    The real irony

    by Lloytron

    Of this story is that Harry is kicking up a big stink and making a statement - yet is precisely towing the corporate line.<p>If Fox didn't invite anyone to advanced screenings, it is because they didn't want them to review the movie. So the logical protest is to pay to see it and review it objectively, not to do exactly what they want and to not review it!!<p>Then assuming that the review would be negative the irony would be that you would be using Fox's money taken from their advertising to see their movie in order to encourage others not to do so.<p>Not reviewing it at all is just churlish, and doing what they want in the first place.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:53 p.m. CST

    Magnus Opus FTW

    by Brians Life

    Dude, it's almost frightening. I rarely chime in on Talkbacks anymore but the absolute level of blind hate on a decision by Harry is crazy.<br><br>I don't even fucking like Harry.<br><br>I can't figure out if it's driven by the fact that it's a Wolverine movie and the World is populated with some fanboys that CANNOT dissassociate the good from the bad or if it is just people bitching at a FILM CRITIC (a bad one, but still...) that decided not to pay to see a movie that everyone has told him is shit...

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:53 p.m. CST

    hey Brian..scroll up

    by Glory_Fades_ImMaxFischer

    I didn't make that comment..someone else did..and was fucking funny...Next time come to the talkback NOT being the last idiot in the back of Harry's ass fuck line.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:55 p.m. CST

    Lloyton...I thought the issue was not...

    by Brians Life

    ...that NO ONE saw an advanced screening. I mean, there have been advanced there are a good amount of BAD reviews from them.<br><br>the issue was that Harry was not invited to one.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 2:57 p.m. CST

    Why this movie is a failure-NO Warwick Davis

    by Samuel Fulmer

    Or the kid who played Rufio from Hook. That's who you need to make a successful film nowadays.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 3 p.m. CST

    Glory Fades....Max Fischer...I'm done scrolling.

    by Brians Life

    You said..."THE MUMMY...FAST AND THE FURIOUS...10,000 BC..CRANK...CLONE WARS???...Should I keep going?"<br><br>then you said...."FTW!" with the subject line about Harry position on Star Trek being "Bend Over"<br><br>So I attributed an unfunny line to you when it should've been to some one you haven't even contributed THAT!?!<br><br>And if you think it was funny you should check out the Carlos Mencia boxed set on Amazon.<br><br>But thanks for proving my greater point with the last line. Eat your Wheaties.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 3:03 p.m. CST

    Err...Brian..hello retard

    by Glory_Fades_ImMaxFischer

    Do you see ONE person on this talkback saying Wolverine is A GOOD MOVIE? Do you even read them or just scroll to the bottom of the TB after jerking off to some retarded meagan fox pics Harry posts? NO ONE HERE IS SAYING IT'S A GOOD MOVIE...and if you need to come here to "seek" Harry's advice about what to and what not to see..than are either retarded and drooling or just an all around incompetent asshole. ...Harry says I'm not going to see a movie thats getting bad reviews...LOOK AT HIS LAST 5 MOVIES HE REVIEWED ON THIS SITE...christ man you are fucking amateur..NO ONE is defending harry except for maybe you and one giant turkey leg..oh shit..scratch that..Harry just ate the turkey leg

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 3:04 p.m. CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    Think I'll just keep it to myself.

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  • May 1, 2009, 3:04 p.m. CST

    Love how all people NEEDING Harrys review say his reviews suck

    by Six Demon Bag

    pick a side ladies. and for all you people saying this site sucks now..FUCK OFF THEN. who needs ya. pay yer own money go see wolverine and any other shit the studio throws at you and write yer own review

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 3:05 p.m. CST

    Harry, wait for the HD-DVD

    by Samuel Fulmer

    It's a superior format.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 3:08 p.m. CST

    Who cares when Marvel vs. Capcom 2 will

    by Samuel Fulmer

    rub our fingers raw on PSN/X-Box Live this year.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 3:09 p.m. CST

    Glory...I'm trying hard NOT to defend Harry

    by Brians Life

    What I'm attacking is the insane amount of venom that children like you are throwing at him for what I consider to be a good decision.<br><br>A point that you are proving so well I don't even need to be typing this.<br><br>I think Harry is a fucking HORRIBLE film critic, I just happen to think this is a good decision.<br><br>I don't buy into the "corporate shill" bullshit because I happen to live and work in Los Angeles and I know a little bit better than I'm assuming you do.<br><br>Harry didn't say he doesn't review bad movies or movies that get bad reviews...he said he doesn't PAY to see them.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 3:09 p.m. CST

    Glory hole...

    by Six Demon Bag

    theres a big diff between going to a film fresh and the outcome might be bad/good...with wolverine, there has been nothing but BAD reviews and word of mouth, snowballing since the workprint..Harry might not have seen it (i havent) but im sure hes gotten the gist of it (i have). NOT GOOD! further insult is that the studio (FOX) has blatantly lied and said this new (8th?) version is completely different, suckering millions of people into going. Hence, no free screening cause the fans wouldve called BS. I hope if Harry sees the film his review looks like this---"Sucked" he neednt waste anymore time on it and we should all thankfully move on to next week. praise Bale.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 3:10 p.m. CST

    "..because I just happen to live in Los Angeles"

    by Glory_Fades_ImMaxFischer


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  • May 1, 2009, 3:11 p.m. CST

    Didn't Hugh Jackman send this site an e-mail?

    by Samuel Fulmer

    The least he could do is show up to Harry's house and act out the entire plot of Wolverine in a song and dance number like the one he did for the nominated films for the Oscar opener this year.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 3:13 p.m. CST

    Six Demon Bag

    by Glory_Fades_ImMaxFischer

    Um..I don't think I've ever personally been "suckered" into seeing one movie my entire life have you? Well ok..there was Striptease..but that's about it. No does one get "suckered" into seeing a film? Please enlighten me

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 3:14 p.m. CST

    Glory--did you see wolverine thinking it was gonna be good?

    by Six Demon Bag

    after the studios say otherwise?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 3:17 p.m. CST

    Deadpan Clooney "Hi Freeze....I'm Batman."

    by Samuel Fulmer

    Arnold "Cool Party!"

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 3:18 p.m. CST

    Professional Behavior?

    by Toonol

    If Harry acted professional, tried to behave like a journalist, this site wouldn't even exist. If it did, it would be some piss-poor untrustworthy and uninteresting pretentious wannabe gloss site, like a thousand other sites on the net.<p> Harry's just a guy who likes movies. I disagree with him half the time, and he's a terrible writer, but that's what keeps this site alive.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 3:20 p.m. CST

    This just in- Naomi Watts to play Wolverine

    by Samuel Fulmer

    In X-Men Origins remake. Will shortly go into production as soon as Tim Story finishes directing the Videodrome remake staring Jaden Smith and Taylor Swift.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 3:22 p.m. CST

    Has Christian Bale ever played Dig Dug?

    by Samuel Fulmer

    And if so, would he be interested in optioning the rights so I could write a script for it.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 3:22 p.m. CST

    Six..Here's my "Official Stance on Wolverine"

    by Glory_Fades_ImMaxFischer

    A friend of mine got the workprint and we watched ..I don't have anything invested in it..I could care less..I could serioulsy give 2 shits if they bent whoever Deadpool is over a pile of dead babies and ass fucked him for 2 hours. Was it complete shit as a big budget tentpole film (theres a "LA" term Brian..Yes..but with the cables still showing and the unfinished CGI and green screen..It was like the greatest Sci Fi Channel movie ever shit..I don't read reviews, I don't care what a studio says and I sure has shit have never been "suckered" into seeing it..ok well like I said..except for

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 3:23 p.m. CST

    harry = bitter douche

    by Bobba Phat

    "My site didn't get an invite to a screening so I'm going to pan the movie." The movie might suck, but Harry's approach is bitter and full of douche baggary

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 3:23 p.m. CST

    Good Movies

    by igotmonkeys8

    Now while i didn't see the leaked workprint i was able to catch a few scenes here and there, and that plus the trailers cemented my belief that i am never ever going to watch this film. And honestly i don't think anyone else who genuinely enjoys comic books should either. I think we can all agree that the number of quality films produced each yeah is disparagingly low, and i have a theory as to why this is and it goes as follows: People will watch complete and utter garbage if it has a hot chick in spandex (coughs: fantastic four) or pretty explosions in it (coughs: T3) becuase the population at large doesn't demand more quality from the film indusrty. This is the reason were now what 5 deep into quite possibly one of the worst horror series ever made? i am of course talking about the sh*tstains known as the SAW films. If the viewing public stops wasting thier time and money on bullsh*t movies hollywood will have to go back to relying on talented writers to come up with good and fascinating ideas instead of raping everything that i enjoyed from my childhood, and hopefully we won't have to experiance any more turd sandwiches like i don't know... Hotel for Dogs or beverly Hills Chihuahua. To quote G.O.B Bluth, "COME ON!!!!" oh and p.s every single one of the spiderman movie sucks bigfoots d*ck

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 3:23 p.m. CST

    I'd see a Dig Dug movie

    by Glory_Fades_ImMaxFischer

    just sayin

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  • May 1, 2009, 3:24 p.m. CST


    by Six Demon Bag

    dont apologize for striptease demi needed the widescreen to be fully appreciated.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 3:25 p.m. CST

    Glory--so you only see good movies?

    by Six Demon Bag

    youve never walked out saying "whoa that was not what i expected" or do you accept pretty much anything shovelled down your gullet?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 3:26 p.m. CST

    Dig Dug movie idea

    by Samuel Fulmer

    It would be similar to the Prestige where it would star Hugh Jackman and Chrisitan Bale, except this time they are rival gardeners. Michael Caine will show up as a turnip and whoever did the amazing CGI work for Wolverine Origins (the mind blowing stuff in the release print)could do the monster effects.

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  • May 1, 2009, 3:28 p.m. CST

    Sounds Like Harry hit the Nail on the Head...

    by uberman

    I could smell this turd comming a mile away.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 3:35 p.m. CST

    Six..My Gullet

    by Glory_Fades_ImMaxFischer

    I'm actually very selective about what I (ahem) shove down my gullet..therefore when I pay to see a movie I'm generally pleased with it...but I also "Live and work in Los Angeles, so I know more about the business than you pressume to" - Brians Life (ftw)

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  • May 1, 2009, 3:47 p.m. CST

    Brians Life, it is the small fleshy sack......

    by Yoda's Ball Sack

    ........that hangs just below my green penis, between my small legs. That is what it is. Or were you referring to the comic book movie wolverine?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 3:52 p.m. CST

    Can you imagine if an actor died making it???

    by Blancoshadow

    Would it be better than the Dark Knight which was 45 fuckin minutes too long...Like "No one could take the place of Liev Schrieber as Sabertooth!!!!" They won't committ to a Dark Knight sequel because they haven't found a actor that will off himself...

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 3:57 p.m. CST

    Joking people!!!! Bad joke of the day!!!!!

    by Blancoshadow

  • May 1, 2009, 4 p.m. CST

    Harry you should have stuck to your guns

    by georgecauldron

    You shouldn't have listened to people on here. You will regret paying to see this movie and supporting Rothman's unending quest to spoil entertainment for all.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 4:16 p.m. CST

    Monty On The Run (C64 80s game) movie idea!

    by spud mcspud

    *I WANT TO CHEAT<P> YESSUM BOSS!<P> If you don't remember that game - move on, loser.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 4:17 p.m. CST

    Harry it's not that bad...

    by teddanson37

    seriously. if you don't go see it I will loose what little respect I have for you. Just keep an open mind. It's a not as good as the first two x-men films but I think it's a little more fun.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 4:19 p.m. CST

    Ozymandias sabotaged it

    by xile1c

    Fuck you, Fox. This is comeuppance for the shit you pulled on the 'Watchmen' people.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 4:24 p.m. CST

    What if he had boycotted "Star Trek"?

    by DennisMM

    What if Harry didn't get a pass to see "Trek" and threw a fit? Would the response here be different? I suspect as much. People are supporting Harry's decision not to see "Wolverine" because the film is not good? What? Film reviewers EXPECT to see bad movies. It's part of the job. Because Rothman is an unmitigated ass? There goes half of US film production, boycotted because companies are run by assholes. <P> Anyone who calls himself/herself a reviewer and will skip a major film to pay his/her own cash for a THIRD screening of a competing movie is a joke who ought to hang up his or her laptop. Become the site's managing editor, Harry, and stop pretending to be interested in reviewing.

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  • May 1, 2009, 4:36 p.m. CST

    but harry liked TWILIGHT the gayest thing ever!

    by muri71

    i mean if wolverine is like x3 or worse it still be better than this chick flick twilight which harry liked very much!:) so about him saying he waits for the dvd and watch it then, its not much of a straight thing! if you dont wanna watch because you think it sucks, then dont watch it man, but dont tell you will watch it on dvd and say everyone says it sucks and thats why i watch it on dvd, thats pretty gay! if it sucks never watch it! if its about u didnt get free tickets...well welcome to our world and if its ur job to make reviews well make one and watch it. but if u do reviews about chick and kid flicks and they suck ass like twiliggt dont tell us how cool this movie was! i prefer hugh jackma over robert would rather go beserk with hugh on a silly story& directing than go smoochie with gay vampire edward, which harry dig much!;)

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 4:37 p.m. CST

    Oh my i wonder whats gonna happen when AVATAR comes out

    by standundermyumbrella

    Will harry behave the same if FOX gives him the middle finger???

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 4:42 p.m. CST

    Harry insulting journalistic standards = LOL

    by shaneo632

    Positive Godzilla review, rofl.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 4:43 p.m. CST

    My reaction would be the same if the film was Trek or Avatar.

    by rbatty024

    Look, if Harry didn't feel it was worth his time to see those films, or didn't want to support them for whatever reason, then it wouldn't bother me in the least. He isn't a professional film reviewer since he only intermittently reviews film when he feels like it. <p> Besides, even though I enjoy the amateurish fandom of his reviews at times, I still trust them about as far as I could throw him. In other words, not very much. There are other reviewers who I take the time to listen to. In fact, there is a pretty decent Wolverine review on this site right now, so if Harry never gets around to seeing this thing, then there is very little lost.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 4:43 p.m. CST

    oh cry me a fucking river harry

    by Gungan Slayer

    I mean, honestly. Out of all the bullshit articles posted on AICN, this quite possibly is the most BS of them all. What the hell was the point of this post? If you're not going to review it, fine, don't, that's your right, but golly, why even bother and tell us? Just fess up already, everyone knows damn well all you AICN guys saw the bootleg.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 4:45 p.m. CST

    I felt this was going to be

    by DirKonkle

    unfortunately it seems I am right. Its a shame. Missed opportunity for franchise and for Hugh. See Safety Geeks: SVI web series

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 4:45 p.m. CST

    I felt this was going to be

    by DirKonkle

    unfortunately it seems I am right. Its a shame. Missed opportunity for franchise and for Hugh. See Safety Geeks: SVI web series

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 4:45 p.m. CST

    I felt this was going to be

    by DirKonkle

    unfortunately it seems I am right. Its a shame. Missed opportunity for franchise and for Hugh. See Safety Geeks: SVI web series

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 4:46 p.m. CST

    Safety Geeks: SVI web series

    by DirKonkle

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 4:46 p.m. CST


    by muri71

    how many times i have read bad reviews about movies from all over the place and then the movie rocked like "JOHN RAMBO". i really cant imagine it will be as bad as x3 and if... x3 was still better than spidey 3 in the end it didnt had gay dancing and singing scenes in it! dont listen 2 harry he is just a pussy who wnats to have free ticket...if hugh would call him and invite him he would write the best review. like tarantino allready did with pussy "besterds" shit. if u are a moviemaker invite harry and you get good reviews. harry since u read somany comics...maybe u lost someting there in real life...ur corrupt now, not one of the heroes anymore, ur one of the bad guys these days! so people the truth is still out there...make ur own opinion!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 4:53 p.m. CST

    They Need To Stop Making Comic Book Movies

    by My_Horse_Got_Fucked_On_Jeopardy

    And comic books in general.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 4:54 p.m. CST

    Never Thought I'd Say This...

    by HapaPapa72

    But...REBOOT! Keep Hugh...he's in good shape for a few more years I'm sure, from what it sounds like Liev did okay as Sabretooth....let him grow his hair out a bit... get somebody who'll fight for the R-rating...someone who can write a decent screenplay...who should direct it? I've heard enough of the bad. Let's focus on righting these cinematic wrongs. Hell, it worked for Batman.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 4:58 p.m. CST

    Yeah Harry & Avatar is going to be interesting.

    by Glory_Fades_ImMaxFischer


    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 5 p.m. CST

    how did fox get the rights to <p>deadpool?

    by alice 13

    hes not an x-man is he?<p>if not fuck marvel. <p>its marvels own fuckin fault then.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 5:05 p.m. CST

    People want your take Harry...

    by Darkplanet

    ...that's why they come here. What they don't want is an opinion pulled out of the ether based on other reviews and opinions. Drop a dime and go see the movie old-school and stop worrying about studios inviting you with a red carpet.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 5:08 p.m. CST


    by DennisMM

    Beyond the sort of theorizing and more highfalutin stuff I've been tossing about, there is hitting the nail with the hammer in a simple, straightforward manner. You just did.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 5:15 p.m. CST

    NO FUCKIN' WAYYY--you can't even see the STREET--

    by Sal_Bando

    --from up here! THEY'RE LYING TO USSS!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH---WHERE ARE THEY?!!?!?!?! FUKKKKKKK...<p> As I said earlier---Harold has a massive amount of hypocritical actions, outright favoritism and lord knows WHAT else-in his past front and center.<p> C'mon Harold-go see the Movie. THEN trash the shite outta it, it's only fair. <p> You'll like and respect yerself in the morning for it. Yessir.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 5:16 p.m. CST

    Please take that giant fucking Wolverine ad off the site

    by smackfu

    every time I load a page it covers the ENTIRE FUCKING THING for like 10 seconds, whether I've mouse-overed it or not. Seriously though, WHO THE FUCK in the ad industry thinks that covering up what you're trying to read with a giant, all-obscuring billboard that doesn't go away until it feels like it is an effective way to win favor for your product? Yay, I can't read anything on this website without Fox spitting in my face. I should totally buy their product, you thank them for SPITTING IN MY FACE.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 5:18 p.m. CST


    by johnnysunshine

    If you're not interested in watching Wolverine, that's fine, I get it. I just don't understand the constant stream of posts on this site hating on a movie you haven't seen. The post where you went off on how lame a seemingly decent photo of Gambit was and then the one where you threw a fit because they gave Emma Frost a power she has had in the comics for years just didn't make any sense to me. Even though I liked X3 better than you did, I appreciated your review because you actually saw the movie and had some valid reasons for hating it. As for my thoughts on Wolverine; I saw it last night and enjoyed it. Yeah, Deadpool was really really stupid, but he's only in it a little bit as Stryker and Sabertooth are the real villains of the film and I can at least say Sabertooth was a lot cooler than he was in X1. The movie is nothing compared to X2, but it's definitely not deserving of the hate this site has been leveling on it for months.

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  • May 1, 2009, 5:19 p.m. CST

    I guess they assume that the cattle are so fucking stupid

    by smackfu

    That they'll actually go see a movie they didn't already want to see simply because the name of it flashed in front of their eyes. Fuck, I already downloaded this piece of shit and hated it, but now I pretty much have to go see it in the theater because the pop-up add thinks I should.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 5:28 p.m. CST


    by BirdMcMonster

    Don't go see it! How else will we be able to send a message to jackasses who only care about the box office take? BOYCOTT ANY FOX X-MEN FILM!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 5:36 p.m. CST

    I repeat


    Ok its time to admit that yes i am an imposter of the real DGDB and yes we can all admit it was funny and with due respect but i am really a long time lurker first time poster and this shit has go to stop. Lets go back to the fucking HUGE pile of shit that was War Of the Worlds!! Hmm AICN on set exclusive and makes harrys top ten ignoring the fact that it was a steaming hot pile of fucking garbage!!!! Jesus Christ Harry is THE worst critic ever and has - zero integrity. Twilight? Indy4? King Kong? speaking of i love how he goes back now and gives it the smallest criticism! Seriously!! Harry your a fucking HACK critic! You are the Carlos Mencia of Film Critics. HOw about Watchmen? Am i alone here when yeah it was ok and yes just OK at best but FUCK for the 3 months prior you couldnt come here without seeing the name in at least 8 headings on the main page! Its like product placement and ASS kissing at its worst and Star Trek might even be worse!! I am no trek fan by any means but enjoy a few of them and I am boycoting it simply cuz Harry sucks the dick of it so much!! Is this site Aint it fanboy cocksucking and let me get a set visit news or what?!! Fuck!!! If your not sucking a directors fucking cock for an exclusive than your just taking news from worthy sites like darkhorizons 3 days after they post it. Im drawing a blank here but what do they call in the radio business where they pay the dj to play their song more? Thats is exactly what this site is now!!! Its fucking ridiculous!! Some of the fucking absolute garbage that you endorse just cause you go to see how bad it was in person is fucking beyond ridiuculous!! Honestly i had no desire to see this movie baed on how bad X3 was but part of me wants to just to make it money to let fox. I'd be embarrassed if i were harry to write such a thing as i wont see a movie cause fox wont let me see it free. Fuck even though Fox put out suck a piec of shit at least they can say fuck you to harry and get a rise out of him! This site is a fucking joke plain and simple and this secures it in all its glory. Harry is a fucking Fag and i mean no disrespect to gay people cuz they dont deserve to be on Harrys level who will buy a film cell of the shittiest movie ever just cause the director let him see a snippet of a film. Your fucking pathetic Harry!! Im sick to my stomach about taking anything you ever said serious! God i could on and on! P.S. The whole time in my impersonating the real DGDB the only thing he ever banned or took down was when i said that being in a wheelchair was Profeesional! HAHAHAHA God you a are Fucking ginger loser whose to fat to fucking do anything but suck cock of directors who let you on set. UGH end o rant!!! Please dont ever let him live this down.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 5:36 p.m. CST

    I repeat


    Ok its time to admit that yes i am an imposter of the real DGDB and yes we can all admit it was funny and with due respect but i am really a long time lurker first time poster and this shit has go to stop. Lets go back to the fucking HUGE pile of shit that was War Of the Worlds!! Hmm AICN on set exclusive and makes harrys top ten ignoring the fact that it was a steaming hot pile of fucking garbage!!!! Jesus Christ Harry is THE worst critic ever and has - zero integrity. Twilight? Indy4? King Kong? speaking of i love how he goes back now and gives it the smallest criticism! Seriously!! Harry your a fucking HACK critic! You are the Carlos Mencia of Film Critics. HOw about Watchmen? Am i alone here when yeah it was ok and yes just OK at best but FUCK for the 3 months prior you couldnt come here without seeing the name in at least 8 headings on the main page! Its like product placement and ASS kissing at its worst and Star Trek might even be worse!! I am no trek fan by any means but enjoy a few of them and I am boycoting it simply cuz Harry sucks the dick of it so much!! Is this site Aint it fanboy cocksucking and let me get a set visit news or what?!! Fuck!!! If your not sucking a directors fucking cock for an exclusive than your just taking news from worthy sites like darkhorizons 3 days after they post it. Im drawing a blank here but what do they call in the radio business where they pay the dj to play their song more? Thats is exactly what this site is now!!! Its fucking ridiculous!! Some of the fucking absolute garbage that you endorse just cause you go to see how bad it was in person is fucking beyond ridiuculous!! Honestly i had no desire to see this movie baed on how bad X3 was but part of me wants to just to make it money to let fox. I'd be embarrassed if i were harry to write such a thing as i wont see a movie cause fox wont let me see it free. Fuck even though Fox put out suck a piec of shit at least they can say fuck you to harry and get a rise out of him! This site is a fucking joke plain and simple and this secures it in all its glory. Harry is a fucking Fag and i mean no disrespect to gay people cuz they dont deserve to be on Harrys level who will buy a film cell of the shittiest movie ever just cause the director let him see a snippet of a film. Your fucking pathetic Harry!! Im sick to my stomach about taking anything you ever said serious! God i could on and on! P.S. The whole time in my impersonating the real DGDB the only thing he ever banned or took down was when i said that being in a wheelchair was Profeesional! HAHAHAHA God you a are Fucking ginger loser whose to fat to fucking do anything but suck cock of directors who let you on set. UGH end o rant!!! Please dont ever let him live this down.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 5:45 p.m. CST


    by ReturnoftheCreepyThinMan

    Who the fuck do you think you’re kidding? You’re a greedy fat fuck and we know you fucking downloaded the workprint and watched it with your Twinkie filled feedbag attached to your cocksucker. You’re pathetically predictable and all this posturing doesn’t convince anyone because you’re a hypocritical, dishonest piece of shit and worst of all it makes you look, once again, like the fucking child that you are because Fox won’t kiss your considerably large gluteus maximus.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 5:48 p.m. CST

    Corona Coming Attractions

    by superduper

    Rindain and USA Gibson, Corona Coming Attractions came back online a few months ago. Same set up but now they also have daily news stories and you can vote on the hype level of movies. coronacomingattractions dot com. I saw Wolverine last night at the first showing and it had a lot of problems but overall I would still recommend it to fans that have been waiting to learn his origin story though I did not like at all what they did for Deadpool. Total waste of Wade Wilson's character.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 5:50 p.m. CST

    I'm enjoying the new Corona Coming Attractions

    by D.Vader

    Wish it still had the old setup from 13 years ago, but just having it back is like the good ole days.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 5:50 p.m. CST

    Wow ...

    by DennisMM

    I know you all have some strong feelings about this stuff, but I must ask a question. Do you folks regularly forget to take your medication, or what? Because I remember to take mine most days. All eight of 'em. They keep me rational and polite, unlike so many of y'all like that ThinMan fella.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 5:51 p.m. CST


    by DennisMM

    Thanks for the news. Yeee-haaa! Maybe I'll stop coming here. I only became a regular when Corona went away.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 5:56 p.m. CST

    Wow, I don't even know where to start

    by liljuniorbrown

    I plan on paying to go see Wolverine tomorrow night and form my own opinion.I've never counted on Harry's opinion before and I sure as shit aint about to start now. Nothing personal against him,but in the last two years what used to be an underlying issue(Harry loving and raving about movies he gets set visits to) to bold face print "AICN,Didn't get invited to the screening so I will not review this movie". Seeing or not seeing any movie is a personal decision,but to try and blast this film with out seeing it and push Star Trek down our throats at the smae time is bull shit . News flash man, you don't really hold any sway over the people visiting this site. You panning something won't make it a failure. Keep pushing Star Trek though, i'm sure JJ will pretend to know you when he see's you in public.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 5:57 p.m. CST

    Hold on

    by christpunchers2007

    If you've got the patience, stuck around until after the credit is rolled. "Bernice Ilg" pops up as a Japanese waitress (I believe she's half Czech half Japanese) serving Logan shots to "remember" his past. She might have the choice to be the next Jennifer Garnier for Vancouverites.

    Reply to Talkback

  • because you know at least some part of you would be starstruck. "Wow, HUGH JACKMAN is raping me! No one's going to believe this. If I could just reach that felt tipped pen, I could get him to autograph my back...

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 6:05 p.m. CST

    Don't you love

    by christpunchers2007

    how they included a super lame forced Superman-ish scene of fucking Logan running nude through a FARM into a BARN? The timing was right away he escaped from Stryker, and now suddenly he's no longer an animal anymore! A night with a friendly old man with his lovely wife with a few lame jokes sure heals the pain of having metal injected into your bones. Lol that was easily the LAMEST STUPIDEST most FORCED scene in the entire film. Why the fuck did they take 3 minutes to try and flesh out these no-name characters only have them killed moments later? Did they really think that people will cry or feel some sympathy for Logan or the old couple?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 6:09 p.m. CST

    Hang around

    by christpunchers2007

    for the babe at the end. But here's Roger Ebert's hilarious review: "His half-brother was Victor (Liev Schreiber). Their story starts in "1840 -- the Northwest Territories of Canada," a neat trick, since Canada was formed in 1867, and its Northwest Territories in 1870. But you didn't come here for a history lesson. Or maybe you did, if you need to know that Logan and Victor became Americans (still before they could be Canadians) and fought side by side in the Civil War, World War I, World War II and Vietnam. Why they did this, I have no idea. Maybe they just enjoyed themselves."

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 6:11 p.m. CST


    by christpunchers2007

    More from Ebert: "At least, you hope, he has an interesting vulnerability? I'm sure X-Men scholars can tell you what it is, although since he has the gift of instant healing, it's hard to pinpoint. When a man can leap from an exploding truck, cling to an attacking helicopter, slice the rotor blades, ride it to the ground, leap free and walk away (in that ancient cliche where there's a fiery explosion behind him but he doesn't seem to notice it), here's what I think: Why should I care about this guy? He feels no pain and nothing can kill him, so therefore he's essentially a story device for action sequences." Hits the nail in the head. All the fucking useless running away "gotta avenge my girlfriend!" and "I have to kill Victor!" felt so forced, none of scenes served any purpose other than to show off some cool coloring effects or action sequences.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 6:13 p.m. CST

    DGDB vs HaicK

    by ElvisPresLeeHorsleyHarveyOswaldOprahWinFreeJackHorkheimer

    They only fight for the first four pages then they team up. <br /> Harry, I'm still waiting for the Star Wars reboot with an all wheelchair bound cast. <br /> DGDB I'm waiting for the script for Weekend at Bernie's 3 in 3D. <br /> Quit slumming around these TB's and get to work. <br /> <br /> <br /> Wolverine is a junk-food movie.

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  • May 1, 2009, 6:23 p.m. CST

    This movie was so bad

    by christpunchers2007

    They might as well have Jackman putting on a pair of claws and slowly drag them across a large chalkboard for 2 hours. The end result would have been the same: annoying as fuck and disappointing to the senses.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 6:25 p.m. CST

    Fox will blame the bad box office on Swine Flu

    by christpunchers2007

    You heard it here first.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 7:13 p.m. CST

    Fuck all y'all

    by dioxtrollster

    All these fucking people who come on here screaming for Harry's blood, shouting about how he has no integrity and that he should gt someone else to take over the people are a fucking JOKE. You think Harry gives a fucking shit about what you douchebags have to say? Pathetic cunts like DannyGlovers DickBlood who truly believe their opinions matter a damn? You're fucking amusement for Harry, ridiculous, inconsequential insects. The readership of AICN is enormous, not just this whining, pathetic, vocal minority. Harry is very very popular and influential, he's a goddamn celebrity for fuck's sake! He has loads of famous friends! This website is bigger than the whims of (and let's be honest about the numbers here) a couple of 100 DOUCHEBAG know who you are. It amuses me so much when I see you fuckers bitching and moaning about stuff, thinking you're making a difference. I can barely believe that there's a website based on the Bale talkback...I mean how fucking PATHETIC is that? It's embarrassing. Do you guys actually tell your friends about that? Explain the reasons behind why you set it up? That it was based on a particularly long comments thread on a film fanboy website? I mean, fuck! That is just about the most pitiful thing I've ever heard. No wonder Harry is making comments like, "DGDB, did you get banned? Email me, I'll help you cos you amuse me." That's how fucking important you are buddy, a fucking joke. Let's all just grow up a bit here shall we? It's Harry's site, he has been running it for years and will continue to do so. No amount of whiny dickheads rallying for him to "hand his website over to someone else" will ever change shit. Fuck, I hate some of you people and would LOVE to meet you in person. By the way, Stargate rules.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 7:27 p.m. CST

    Harry still managed to pimp "Star Trek"

    by careyleefisher

    I find it amusing that Harry still managed to pimp out "Star Trek" while refusing to review "Wolverine". If you give Harry free gifts and publicity he will promote your film while whining about another studio's refusal to cater to him. Harry's motivations are as clear as saran wrap.

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  • May 1, 2009, 7:39 p.m. CST

    people please ignore that mothafucker

    by dioxholster

    ignore dioxtrollster that is, because he is nothing but a parody.

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  • May 1, 2009, 8:20 p.m. CST

    Kenneth Turan and way crankier, older and

    by crankyoldguy

    crustier than me. He's also a pompous ass. Told him once at a screening. "Well, who are YOU?" "The guy who could tear off your head and shit down your neck for the fun of it, 'Kenny.' " And this was well before Wolverine. Omigod crankoldguy killed Kenny. Applause.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 8:31 p.m. CST

    I actually thought it was pretty ok

    by RowanM

    I haven't read an X-Men comic in ages but that's okay. I knew going in that Deadpool has been a bit of an underground fan favourite but they obviously fucked up this character. They really did. Isn't he favoured for his wisecracks? But he ends up with his mouth sewn up. Hugh Jackman probably did what he could but all in all, me and my two buddies were actually entertained. It wasn't THAT bad. I came in in hoping to see a cool Gambit but that did leave me disappointed. I expected to see his cards act like a Magnum but they ended up like water pistols.

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  • May 1, 2009, 8:38 p.m. CST

    meanwhile, the 'let this person run AICN'...

    by crankyoldguy

    people are amusing, to say the least. Harry owns the site you ediots. This site is ....Harry Knowles. Registered trademarks and all. His sandbox to play in, inviting you to play, too. You wanna leave, go. But you have no say in who runs it, morons. You're not a board of directors, stockholders. Say I own a bookstore and you say Alfie the clerk should run it. F you, it's my store. Now if the store or in this case, the site withers away and dies, guess what, you won. But if it stays successful, awwww, too bad for you. As I've learned suffering multiple cutbacks in different companies, unless you own it, or the owner's empowered you as a company exec/whatever you don't get to say doo-squat about it. Sure you can complain, but don't be delusional. Be your own boss, if you can. Start your own site. Nuke the Fridge? Now there's a reference people won't remember in a few more years. Own something youself. I'm finally workin' on it, too many years later, though, I hope, not too late. In fact, it's never too late.

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  • May 1, 2009, 8:43 p.m. CST

    Oh bTW I agree with Harry about Manchurian Candidate

    by RowanM

    I happened to watch it on tv one sunday afternoon. It just happened to be on, so I sat down and watched it. I fucking loved it. Well before the remake was made. Brilliant movie. Seriously.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 8:44 p.m. CST

    I couldn't fit Harry's dick in my mouth.

    by Zarles

    I'd have better luck squeezing an old-growth redwood in there. Face it - you only want Harry to review this (which he did) so you can knock him down for it (which you did). For all I care, every single one of you twelve-year-old fucknuts can die in a chemical fire, but don't pretend you honestly wanted Harry's review so you would know his opinions on it. You wanted it so you'd have another place to yell fat jokes at him and bitch endlessly how much this site sucks. Own your hypocrisy, you pea-brained little turds.

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  • May 1, 2009, 9:04 p.m. CST

    Zaries....hahahah...that was excellent!

    by crankyoldguy

    "every single one of you twelve-year-old fucknuts can die in a chemical fire"...just add " or those of you with the arrested development of 12 year-old."

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 9:05 p.m. CST

    Don't see it Harry! Just stay home...

    by django_il_bastardo

    ...and FUCK YOURSELF, you petty, pompous, living embodiment of the swine flu...

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 9:07 p.m. CST

    No pwesents, no peace!

    by jdb1972

  • May 1, 2009, 9:15 p.m. CST

    TY for the heads-up

    by the podosphere

    I can wait and watch Wolvie on HBO.

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  • May 1, 2009, 9:26 p.m. CST


    by the podosphere

    You said, "Im fine with not giving money to shitty filmmakers, but dont get pissy because they wont give you free screenings or whatever." <p> The reason Fox didn't want Harry to see it is they knew they had a turkey on their hands, and they didn't want to hand it to the dude with the carving knife.

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  • May 1, 2009, 9:35 p.m. CST


    by RainesMaker

    I don't get this at all. I saw Wolverine today, and then I actually watched X1-3. Wolverine is better than X3 by a mile. It is on par with the original, and slightly better than X2. X-Men is not Batman or Iron Man or whatever, so honestly I wish you would all shut the fuck up. If you like the other X-men movies, you will like this. Go see it.

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  • May 1, 2009, 10:09 p.m. CST

    Roger Ebert misquote....

    by DrMorbius

    "Blah ba ba ba blah...Ironman, Spiderman and Iron Giant. I wouldn't even walk across the street to meet Wolverine. Should have read.....COULDN'T even walk across the street...unless someone was in front of him waving a SNICKERS or MILKY WAY!!!

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  • May 1, 2009, 10:16 p.m. CST

    "Thanks for saving me some cash"

    by DrMorbius

    Now when you see STAR TREK for the fifth time you can get the 55 gallon drum of popcorn and the 128 ounce soda. THAT will teach those bastards for not giving you a free pass to Wolverine!!!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 1, 2009, 10:31 p.m. CST

    See it...

    by gregrivera297

    ...whether you pay to see it or not, Harry. It would actually be good to see an honest review coming from you that (rightfully) bashes a movie that DESERVES to be bashed, unlike your review for The Spirit, in which you pulled serious punches. You know what's funny? It really does come off like you have a personal issue with Fox, which in turn, does create the perception that you are a crying, wailing, shit-diapered baby, because I remember the last time you wrote an honest review that was not gushing praise but actually hard, ON-POINT criticism of the movie's flaws. The name of that movie? X-Men 3.

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  • May 1, 2009, 10:38 p.m. CST


    by veritasses

    Hopefully Fox will relinquish the rights and we'll see a good version someday. Just add it near the top of the Hollywood Reboot List for now along with the rest of Fox's F-ups.

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  • May 1, 2009, 11:14 p.m. CST


    by DrMorbius

    What a MAJOR DOUCHEBAG!!!!! It's one thing to rag on Harry (most of the TBrs here do it) but its pretty low when the best you can come up with is insulting his mother. I repeat, what a DOUCHEBAG!!!

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  • May 2, 2009, 12:18 a.m. CST

    Didnt have high hopes for this one...

    by Laza-rus

    ...given X3 was a POS. Jackman plays about as a good role as a geek could ask for, but then, its not the faces that call the shots on how the story turns out. Anyway, I'll prolly wait till the VHS. Until then, make mine Pornhub.

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  • May 2, 2009, 1:20 a.m. CST

    Harry IS A HYPOCRITE...

    by StarUnlit

    ...if we all spent our childhoods avoiding poorly reviewed films for the sake of them being poorly reviewed, we would never have a goodly number of our genre classics of yesteryear... The mainstream is supposed to dismiss genre films in order to keep them vital.

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  • May 2, 2009, 1:39 a.m. CST

    Harry, I hate to be "that" guy, I do. But come on..

    by TheRealRatigan

    ...You have volunteered before that you will strategically pay for your ticket at the multiplex to support a movie that deserves it, or to spite one that doesn't -- in fact, your principle in exercising your consumer vote by doing so earned you another degree of respect from me. It helped to illustrate for me how seriously you look at your role as a member of the audience in the industry of making and selling movies. So I don't want to hear the Eagle Scout pledge.

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  • May 2, 2009, 2:19 a.m. CST


    by jedimast3r

    I wish more people would've taken a stand like this. This fucking movie is the 2nd aborted fetus in the NOW OFFICIALLY DEAD X-Franchise. <p>Harry, for the first time in years I applaud you. If we knowingly give dollars to something that trainwrecks the source material so disrespectfully, we as fans lose. This movie is honestly not worth seeing, I say that from the bottom most recesses of everything I can give, despite this movie sucking the life from me tonight. <p>I originally stated to my friends tonight that I would not see this movie for the same reasons, Harry, and now I feel completely ashamed that I supported it; back in '06 I waled out of X3, flipped off the screen, and said "FUCK THIS - this isn't XMen," and promptly walked out of the theater with my girl in tow when Jean 'killed' Xavier...I should have done the same thing tonight. <p>This movie is a real shame and should upset any fan (not just the comic fans, but any fan) of the franchise.

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  • May 2, 2009, 2:31 a.m. CST

    Harry watch out or the flying pigs

    by Miyamoto_Musashi

    Rothman us coming after you.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 2, 2009, 2:46 a.m. CST

    Fuck you Fox & people who C ur films!!!!

    by ProziumJunkie

    stop giving these assholes your money!!!!!!!!!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 2, 2009, 3:05 a.m. CST

    Who the fuck cares when AVATAR is fucking our eyeballs in 2009?

    by Motoko Kusanagi

  • May 2, 2009, 3:54 a.m. CST


    by Unnatural

    "I love to write and post my feelings and then follow the talkbacks as y'all tear me to pieces. Its a ritual of mine." Don't think for a minute what you do is "writing." Secondly, some of us don't even come here for you, we come here to read the talkbacks. So next time just put up a post, say "I don't feel like seeing this here's a talkback!!!! (because you love the !)" and a lot of us would get off your back. Waaaa you didn't see it for free. Get over yourself, you have proved time and again you aren't a journalist, but just a fanboy with a computer.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 2, 2009, 4:11 a.m. CST

    Ha, I just saw Hugh Jackman pimping Origins on Oparah today!

    by ganymede3010

    Shezus, he's pulling out all of the stops. Buying the fans Breakfast, going out of his way to sign every autograph possible. Poor Guy, he must know that he really made a stinker. No way he can be proud of this film. He was on Oprah for the entire show. Oprah must of plugged his movie 25 times during the show. I've never seen a movie marketed this heavily in my life (besides Watchmen).

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 2, 2009, 4:31 a.m. CST

    Fuck, it can't be worse than Superman Returns..

    by Stalkeye


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  • May 2, 2009, 4:36 a.m. CST

    Yeah, gany but unlike Wolverqueen..

    by Stalkeye

    ..Watchmen was worth the marketing dollars.No way am i gonna see this bullshit.This (once again) proves that,it's not downloads that hurt Hollywood, but shitty remakes, wasted IPs (Interlectual Properties/Franchises) and lame ass sequels.FUX sux!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 2, 2009, 5:26 a.m. CST

    Asimov...dude check out my response in the

    by southafricanguy

    other talkback

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 2, 2009, 8:49 a.m. CST

    Fuck Wolverine

    by mojoman69

    whats the scoop on Solomon Kane? is it any good?

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 2, 2009, 10:16 a.m. CST

    The bitching and the baby ass whining

    by porterdsgn

    on this site has gotten ridiculous after the whole Drew shit. Grow some balls Harry and keep doing what you do best; reviewing films for better or for worse. Quit whining for fucks sake.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 2, 2009, 3:23 p.m. CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    I'm sure you an your friends enjoyed Wolverine, I'm sure the brain freezes helped boost its appeal!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 2, 2009, 3:24 p.m. CST

    ganymede..the words "Pimping" and "Oprah"..

    by conspiracy

    should never be used in the same sentence. ;)

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 3, 2009, 12:37 a.m. CST

    needs more toby ziegler

    by chipps

    just saying

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  • May 3, 2009, 8:43 a.m. CST

    consider being SNIKT by the real fans harry!;)

    by muri71

    sad sad isnt it, that the film does well at the box office even u tried everything in ur powers to make an anti campaign againgst wolvi!:) for month you told the people not 2 see it and even at its starting weekend u said ur not gonna see it and in the end u saw it urself and still u write a no review about the movie ur a sad man and not commited to ur job, writing reviews about movies! u try to pimp ur treck shit with a storyline we have seen for over 20 years now on shows and movies and say how bad wolvi is. u know what i still pay my money on a comic movie that aint that great as tdk, but truly how many comic movies can even be in the same league, over a shity sci-fi franchise whos more dead than star wars. if a true comic fan wont see wolvi because of u and the studio realize comic movies are done because of u, what would we have then, no comic movies anymore. so i think it wont be as good as x2 but it cant be as bad as x3 and many real people and fans already written its better than x3 because they dont get to get free tickets like u, they just enjoyed the freaking movie! the real comic fans see it, the real fans know if we start to give up on high budget movies as wolvi studio bosses would stop making high bidegt comic movies someday. ur watchmen shit already bombed and if wolvi would bomb we would get one comic book movie in a year because of stupid farts like you! dont piss in the corner ur eating man the world didnt always got free tickets for everyone, so dont be such a bitch. u know u already wrote the best reviews over a movie that doesnt exist like this SHIT FEST of TARANTINO called PUSSY TARTS cus he gave u a free ride to berlin. if ur so true about the original stories like u were with wolvi. basterds should be a badass movie once with a badass cast like willis, sly, arnold etc and what is it now? yeah right a pussy cast with pitt and none actors like til schweiger, eli roth, m.myers and daniel brühl and this shit should be cool? u gotta be freaking kiddin me!!!! time that u be the guy u once were, uncorrupt, loving movies and dont tell us how great TWILIGHT was and then tell us how bad and lame wolvi is. u know i`ll pay twice 2 see a lame wolvie over a chick flick like twilight, only really gay guys and women dig edward the vampire shit. dont say INDY 4 is great and tell us wolvie is shit, stop loving every movie outthere, be critic in teh right way. u cant say how uncool a comic movie is with a great lead as hugh jackman is and say how great twilight is with a pussy cast, u really cant be serious about that man?! if a studio give u a free ride next time soon, stay with the truth to any coast, if the movie sucks then write its sucks, but dont tell as twilight is a great movie and wolvi aint, that can not be true if u are really a comic fan boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its time u`ll go back 2 ur roots man, be a fan, be a geek, be critic and stay to the truth without being corrupt, untouchable, be a hero again not someone a studio or moviemaker can buy! i`m really glad ur power in the industry is over and people make there own opinions about a movie and i already read al lot of good reviwes about wolvi or at least half of them say it is better than x3 and thats enough for me! i`m pretty curious how ur reviews about avatar or spidey 4 will be since we`re still talking about fox?!;)

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 3, 2009, 3:48 p.m. CST


    by kataklysmic

    A negative review from you is going to be taken a lot more seriously when you don't point out that FOX didn't invite you to an early screening. This is just a movie for fucks sake, you guys aren't curing cancer over there. So just tell us if you liked it or not and quit being so goddamned pretentious.

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 3, 2009, 4:55 p.m. CST

    HIS FUCKING BROTHER!?!?!?!?!?!

    by RickSlamu2

    That lame hollywood cliché is all the reason i need not to see this film!!!

    Reply to Talkback

  • May 4, 2009, 4:18 a.m. CST


    by theplant


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  • May 5, 2009, 2 a.m. CST

    I just lost all respect for AICN

    by Movie_Grinder

    "We didn't get invited to see the movie" Boo-hoo! What an awful excuse not to review the movie. If you're a true movie-fan, you'll want to catch this in the cinema and pay a few hard-earned bucks like the rest of us. And if you're a dedicated web-editor, you'll want to post a review for your regular readers. It would seem, you are neither. Too bad.

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