Announcing the 2012 API Community Survey

Adam DuVander, December 11th, 2012
Take the 2012 API Survey for your chance to win an 11″ MacBook Air or a Microsoft Surface Pro.

Help us spread the word.

Every once in awhile it’s good to take stock of the state of things and the end of another year provides a nice opportunity to look back on where we’ve been and where we’re going next. For the API community, this is an especially crucial time as the APIs we produce and consume are still relatively nascent. With that in mind, ProgrammableWeb has teamed up with 3scale, Layer7, Mashery and API Jobs to put together a survey of the community.

The survey focuses on both sides of the API equation: production/management and consumption. If you have interacted with an API in the past year in any capacity we want your input.

After the results are collected we’ll present the aggregate findings here on ProgrammableWeb for everyone to review. In order for this to be successful we need your help spreading the word about the survey. The more information we collect the more information we’ll have to share with the community.

To inspire you to give up 20 minutes of your time to take the survey, we’re going to draw a random submission and award the winner the choice of an 11″ MacBook Air or Microsoft Surface Pro. (Note: entering the contest is optional and is subject to your local laws. If it’s illegal for you to enter a contest or win a prize, do not enter. You can take the survey anyway, just skip the part where it asks for your email address.)

We hope to make this an annual tradition, giving us some historical context as the community around APIs continues to burgeon. Take the 2012 API Survey Now

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One Response to “Announcing the 2012 API Community Survey”

December 11th, 2012
at 11:37 am
Comment by: API Community Survey 2012 - 3scale3scale

[...] And even better you could win a Macbook Air or a Surface Pro for your troubles. Also look out for the data when it becomes available. See ProgrammableWeb’s additional info. [...]

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John Musser
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Adam DuVander
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