Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2030, Sept. 23, 2016 Amateur Radio Newsline Report Number 2030 with a release date of Friday, Sept. 23, 2016 to follow in 5-4-3-2-1. The following is a QST. Amateurs in Canada and Australia break a distance record on 630 meters. Hawaii hams prep for a tsunami that's unreal -- and the UK gets ready for its largest hamfest. All this and more as Amateur Radio Newsline's Report #2030 comes your way right now. *** BILLBOARD CART HERE ** RECORD BREAKER ON 630 METERS STEPHEN: We open this week's report with word of an amateur radio first - one that went the distance of several thousand miles. We hear more from Amateur Radio Newsline's John Williams, VK4JJW JOHN'S REPORT: Despite the 7,000 or so miles between them -- or perhaps because of it -- Roger Crofts VK4YB in Queensland, Australia and Steve McDonald VE7SL in British Columbia were able to accomplish a "first." On September 15, on 475.300 kHz -- that's the 630 meter band -- the Australian and the Canadian completed an unprecedented contact on the air using JT9 digital mode. The QSO was called "historic" by John Langridge, KB5NJD, who holds an FCC Part 5 Experimental license WG2XIQ. John, who was in touch with both amateurs, called it the longest two-way QSO ever conducted on 630 meters. That's not the only encouraging sign of success for 630 meters. In California, another amateur, Joe Lowe, NU6O, reported that Roger VK4YB had heard his WI2XBQ Experimental Service beacon on September 14, just a day earlier, while he was running very low power and a 43-foot vertical on WSPR mode. Although both Canada and Australia can operate on 630 meters, that frequency is not available for use in the U.S. -- a proposed new secondary allocation for 630 meters was proposed in an April 2015 FCC report. Action is still pending. For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm John Williams, VK4JJW (ARRL) ** HAWAII GETS REAL ABOUT TSUNAMI SIMULATION STEPHEN: In Hawaii, it's only a test but it's a disaster could really happen, as we hear from Newsline's Graham Kemp, VK4BB. GRAHAM: Imagine this: An earthquake with a magnitude of 9.2 sets off the The Great Aleutian Tsunami, putting the Hawaiian Islands at risk. The time it all unfolds is 9 a.m. local time. The date is Saturday, October 1st. That's right. October 1st, which means it hasn't happened yet, but that's the whole point: It could, if not on that date, then at some other time. So at 9 a.m. on October 1st, a Simulated Exercise Test will be held as if the tsunami were bearing down on Hawaii, a likelihood that has about a 9 percent chance of actually occurring in the next 50 years, according to the University of Hawaii. All hams are encouraged to be a part of the exercise, which concludes at noon local time. The exercise is designed to sharpen amateurs' ability to work with state and county officials supporting their emergency communications both on Oahu and the other Hawaiian Islands. Hams will pass damage reports, situation reports and requests for assistance. Obviously this will only be a test and, as if to underscore that, life will go on afterward: The Koolau Amateur Radio Club will hold its monthly meeting at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, October 8th and the Emergency Amateur Radio Club of Honolulu plans to hold its monthly meeting a little later in the month, on October 18th at 7 p.m. For more details, contact Clement Jung KH7HO, emergency coordinator for the ARRL's Pacific Section, at For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Graham Kemp, VK4BB. (ARRL PACIFIC SECTION) ** VOICE OF AMERICA'S BETHANY RELAY STATION MARKS ANNIVERSARY STEPHEN: The Voice of America Bethany Relay Station will mark its 72nd anniversary on Saturday, September 24th with Special Event station WC8VOA operated by the West Chester Amateur Radio Association. Be listening between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Eastern Time in the U.S. The station in Bethany, Ohio, will be on SSB on a number of HF bands if conditions permit. Send QSL cards to the bureau or directly to the club in West Chester, Ohio. The historic relay station, one of three that had been used by the Voice of America, was closed Nov. 14, 1994. ** AIR SHOW SPECIAL EVENT PUTS TECHS ON 10 METERS STEPHEN: Another special event station is taking to the air - this time at a Sonoma County, California, air show. Here's Amateur Radio Newsline's Skeeter Nash, N5ASH: SKEETER'S REPORT: On September 24th and 25th, the air over California's wine country in Sonoma County will be alive with planes doing acrobatic feats, jet demonstrations, vintage aircraft and warbirds. This year, it will also carry the voices of Technician class amateurs working their portion of the 10 meter band at Special Event Station K6W. The station is being operated by the Sonoma County Radio Amateurs at the Charles M. Schulz-Sonoma County Airport where the airshow takes place. The hams will be operating on 28.402 MHz to allow techs elsewhere to work them on HF, if propagation permits. Darryl Paule KI6MSP, the club's outreach coordinator, says although the club has had this Special Event station at the airshow for the past six years, this is the first time the Technician portion of 10 meters is part of the frequency lineup. It's a frequency familiar to the club's Tech class licensees because they've been using it for their new Tuesday night 10 meter Net, started earlier this year. Darryl says that everyone's hoping that once the Technicians get a taste of working a Special Event station on HF, they might just think about upgrading and joining everyone on the rest of the bands. Be listening for K6W on 20 meters and 40 meters, too. The station will be on the air from 10 am to 4 pm Pacific Time. For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Skeeter Nash, N5ASH. (DARRYL PAULE KI6MSP) ** SILENT KEYS: PATRICK DOHERTY VE3PD AND TERRY BARNES GI3USS STEPHEN: Two more losses hit the global amateur community. We hear from Amateur Radio Newsline's Jeremy Boot, G4NJH: JEREMY'S REPORT: A former president of the Radio Amateurs of Canada, Patrick George Doherty, VE3PD, has become a Silent Key. The Ontario native became a licensed ham in 1974 as VE3HFS and over the years, as he changed call signs and pursued related interests, he used amateur radio as a ticket to travel, especially to places such as Siberia or the South Pacific and for DX vacations. Patrick died on Sept. 5 at the age of 81. Radio Amateurs of Canada plan a tribute article about him in the November/December issue of Canadian Amateur magazine. Meanwhile, in the UK, hams are mourning the death of Terry Barnes, GI3USS, who had been president of the Radio Society of Great Britain in 1992. His election, which followed an extended period as a volunteer for the group, marked the first presidency by a GI amateur in 25 years. Terry had also worked as a radio technician for the police in Northern Ireland, where he had been Zonal Council member for the RSGB. Peter Chadwick, G3RZP, who was Terry's vice president and succeeded him as president, recalled how he and Terry pulled off a Radio Society "first" by going together to Dayton Hamvention. He wrote, on the RSGB website, that their presence at the Ohio gathering was such a success that it set a precedent for subsequent years. For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Jeremy Boot, G4NJH (RADIO AMATEURS OF CANADA, RADIO SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN) * BREAK HERE: Time for you to identify your station. We are the Amateur Radio Newsline, heard on bulletin stations around the world, including the Silvercreek Amateur Radio Association's 2 meter repeater, W8WKY, Tuesdays at 7:30 PM local time in Doylestown, Ohio. ** "LAST MAN STANDING" STARTS SEASON 6 STEPHEN: As ABC TV's "Last Man Standing" enters its sixth season Friday, Sept. 23, news comes that the popular show is now in national syndication and seen in markets around the country. Episodes featuring Tim Allen as a ham radio operator are now available on The Hallmark Channel, Country Music Television and Freeform, formerly known as ABC Family. Our thanks to the show's producer John Amodeo NN6JA for this good news. Now we have more ways to tune in and copy Mike Baxter KA0XTT. ** FALLING OUT with 100 WATTS AND A WIRE STEPHEN: The leaves may be coming down in some parts of the U.S., but the antennas are going up. Amateur Radio Newsline's Neil Rapp, WB9VPG, tells us how some amateurs are seizing this change of seasons. NEIL's REPORT : If you enjoy operating at 100 watts or even less here's a high-powered event to enjoy with your low-power operation: The 100 Watts and a Wire ham radio community wants everyone to grab their portable radios and head outdoors on October 8th and 9th and get on the air. The event is called FALLOUT. Operators are being encouraged to call "CQ 100 Watts and a Wire FALLOUT" on any and all bands. Whether the location is a city, state or national park, or somewhere else outdoors - and whether hams operate solo or as a group or club - the idea is to get outdoors while the temperatures are still friendly and listen for some friendly voices as well. If you're a member of the 100 Watts and Wire community, exchange your 100 Watts ID numbers with one another. If you're not a member of the community, participate anyway and collect QSOs with members. Fall will be getting under way - what better time to harvest a bumper crop of QSL cards? For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Neil Rapp, WB9VPG ** DATV QSO KICKS OFF 6TH ANNUAL QSO PARTY STEPHEN: A 6-year-old global tradition continues with yet another Digital Amateur TV QSO Party. Here's Amateur Radio Newsline's Paul Braun, WD9GCO. PAUL'S REPORT: The sixth annual DATV QSO Party kicks off on Friday the 23rd of September from Melbourne with VK-only contacts. This includes VK2, VK3, VK4 VK5 and VK7. VK3RTV will again be streamed in Standard Definition on YouTube courtesy of Ralph Parkhurst, VK3LL, who will advise on the link address beforehand. The YouTube link is considered the best way for viewing beyond VK3RTV's own coverage area. VK3RTV will also be streamed on the BATC website to provide additional coverage. The QSO Party will begin at 1000 UTC. Then, at 0000 UTC on Saturday, the 24th of September -- which is 8 p.m. U.S. Eastern Time on September 23rd and 5 p.m. Pacific Time -- the QSO Party will continue through the DATV repeater WR8ATV in Columbus Ohio. Shortly afterward, following a break, the W6ATN network in Southern California will join. If you are in Australia or the U.S. and wish to participate via Skype, send requests to the Skype name 'datvqsoparty.' Please only send requests and do not place any phone calls. Your call will be returned during a designated time slot. DATV QSO parties have been held since 2011, when the first one was organized to mark the 100th anniversary of Amateur Radio Victoria. For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Paul Braun, WD9GCO, in Valparaiso, Indiana (PETER COSSINS VK3BFG) ** UK PREPS FOR ITS LARGEST HAMFEST STEPHEN: Throughout the UK, hams await opening day for National Hamfest. It's a big deal, as we hear once again from Newsline's Jeremy Boot, G4NJH. JEREMY'S REPORT: Final preparations are under way for the UK's largest radio rally, the National Hamfest, which begins on the 30th of September and runs through the 1st of October. Attendees will gather at the Newark and Nottinghamshire Showground from around the UK, Europe and the Far East. The Camb-Hams, part of the Cambridgeshire Repeater Group, will again be on site operating their special event station GB16NH, operating this year from their Flossie Mk2 which was built this past winter to replace the original aging vehicle. Anyone attending the hamfest is welcome to operate with the club as GB16NH. If you wish to operate under your own callsign, you'll need to bring a copy of your license. For more details, visit For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Jeremy Boot G4NJH (UK NATIONAL HAMFEST) ** K2BSA ACTIVATING IN 3 MORE STATES STEPHEN: Back home the United States. Boy Scouts have three more activations of K2BSA and are prepping for Jamboree on the Air next month. We hear more from Newsline's Bill Stearns, NE4RD. BILL's REPORT: This week in Radio Scouting we have 3 activations of the K2BSA callsign in HI, NY, and OR, and a chance for a prize for sending in your post-JOTA report. Evan Esaki, WH6ECG, will be the control operator for the portable KH6 station at the Ko'olau KapioLani District Camporee at Bellows Air Force Station on the island of Oahu, HI on October 1st from 1830 to 2130 UTC. Scouts at the camp will be able to carry on conversations on IRLP (node 3197) or on DMR (TAC 310 and local Hawaii talk groups) through nearby UHF repeaters, courtesy of Carter, KH6FV. Michael Hartling, N8YHC, will be the control operator for the portable 2 station at the Twin Rivers Council 25th Anniversary Camporee in Schatighticoke, NY, on October 1st from 13:00 - 20:00 UTC. Karen KS2O, Mac W2VLT, members of the Troy Amateur Radio Association and Mike, will be operating 20 and 40 meters at the event where they are expecting around 3000 scouts.. Russ Michiewicz, N7QR, will be the control operator for the portable 7 station at the Webelos Woods event at Camp Meriwether in Cloverdale, OR, on October 1st. Russ will have a GOTA station likely on 20 and 40 meters. JOTA is the weekend of October 14th through the 16th. Last year we had about 50% of the registered stations send in a post-JOTA report. In an effort to encourage this follow-up to the event, Icom America and Ray Novak, N9JA, have incentivized BSA registered stations with a chance to win an ID-51A for their station for completing this step. For more information on K2BSA, JOTA resources, and radio scouting, please visit For Amateur Radio Newsline and the K2BSA Amateur Radio Association, this is Bill Stearns NE4RD. (K2BSA) ** KICKER: OKLAHOMA HAMS SEEK HELP WITH STORM REPAIRS STEPHEN: We end this week's report with a plea from Oklahoma hams seeking help restoring a tower and antenna following some serious storm damage. This isn't just any tower and antenna: They belong to the amateur radio club aboard the historic USS Oklahoma and USS Batfish in Muskogee War Memorial Park. Here's Newsline's Mike Askins KE5CXP. MIKE: The USS Batfish, a World War II submarine that sank numerous enemy vessels in battle, stood strong against one storm last July when it swept through Oklahoma, but the same cannot be said for the amateur radio tower near the vessel's home in Muskogee War Memorial Park. Winds, clocked at times at 140 miles an hour, took down the tower used by the USS Oklahoma & USS Batfish Amateur Radio Club, and also damaged the vertical antenna on the Batfish. The club uses the call signs WW2SUB and WW2OK for the Batfish and the Oklahoma, respectively, and is looking to get repairs done before December 7th and the 75th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. The club's president, Mitch Hull KE5H asks that hams respond to the club's "Go Fund Me" page or contribute via PayPal to treasurer Gary Burch W5ODS. You'll find both links in this week's newscast script on the Amateur Radio Newsline website, Mitch says that donations are NOT tax deductible but they would most certainly be appreciated. Links are: PayPal.Me/BatfishTowerProject and For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Mike Askins KE5CXP in Shawnee, Oklahoma. ** NEWSCAST CLOSE: With thanks to Alan Labs; ARDF World Championships; the ARRL; CQ Magazine; Hap Holly and the Rain Report; the IARU; Irish Radio Transmitter Society; John Amodeo NN6JA; K2BSA; UK National Hamfest; Ohio-Penn DX Bulletin; QRZ; Ohio State Parks on the Air; Parker Pioneer Newspaper; Peter Cossins VK3BFG; Radio Amateurs of Canada; Southgate Amateur Radio News; Ted Randall's QSO Radio Show; USS Oklahoma & USS Batfish Amateur Radio Club; Wireless Institute of Australia; Worcester Emergency Communications Team; WTWW Shortwave; and you our listeners, that's all from the Amateur Radio Newsline. Please send emails to our address at More information is available at Amateur Radio Newsline's only official website located at For now, with Caryn Eve Murray, KD2GUT, at the news desk in New York, and our news team worldwide, I'm Stephen Kinford, N8WB, in Wadsworth, Ohio saying 73 and as always we thank you for listening. Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) is Copyright 2016. All rights reserved.